I read a story in a book about something that happened in Colorado, USA. The story was about how a small farm boy whose father had a farm on a mountain top, climbed to the top of the mountain and found an eagle's nest. He found some eggs in the nest so he took one of them and put it among the eggs that one of their domestic hens was incubating. The hen sat on all the eggs and when time came, all the eggs hatched together. But while all the others were little chicks, one of them was an eaglet.
And so this eaglet began to grow in the midst of chickens. As they grew, because this eaglet was in the midst of chickens, it acted and behaved like a chicken. But it discovered that when they spread their wings, its own claws and feathers were different from the others. Anytime an eagle appeared in the sky, all the chicks would run for cover, including the eaglet. But one day, an eagle appeared in the sky that cast its shadow on the ground. The eaglet found that it looked more like the eagle in the sky than the chicks that were running for cover. So it spread its wings and flapped them in an attempt to fly. And the moment it did, it flew - and you know chickens do not fly.
Many of us, because of the environment where we were born, the environment of ordinary people - when we become born again we erroneously believe that we are still the same people. We do not know that by our new birth, we have entered into the eagle's club.
If you can discover your potential you will be found in the sky!
Do not die with chickens when you were created to be an eagle. To be born again is to be an eagle again. Jesus was an eagle on the cross. The Bible says they saw Him move into the sky. Jesus moved when He ascended; He moved majestically. If you have ever seen an eagle in the sky, you will see its majesty; it does not fly like other birds; it just opens its feather and soars according to the direction of the wind. That is how your Christianity should be; you should not be struggling with unbelievers. You should be going above them, while they remain on the ground watching you soar.
You will soar in the sky! All you need do is to discover who you are by discovering your potential.
- Your Potential Defines Your Ability:
When your potential is in place, it makes you possess an unusual ability to soar, become unique and make an unusual feat in life. However, this can be limited or brought to extinction when you associate with the wrong people. The people you associate with determines what become of you.
Our primary reason for not discovering our potentials is the kind of people we associate and mingle with.
When you associate with small, narrow- minded, negative, defeated and critical people, you will likely end up like them. If you associate with people who believe in failure you will end up like them. It is time for you to break loose. You are not created to suffer again . You are born again to reign again. You are not born again to be defeated again; you are born again to be a Victor. Stop living like a chicken! Start changing your mentality and begin to live like an eagle.
One of the greatest days of your life will come when you discover the purpose why God created you. Discovering your potential is the beginning of your success, because your potential is a pointer to the life of distinction that God has prepared you for.
You are not an ordinary human being; you are a spirit being. God is spirit ; so, He could not have given birth to a human being. You were a human being before you got born again; but when you became born again you stopped being human, because that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that which is born of the flesh is flesh (John 3:6). So if you are born again you are a spirit being, you are not a human being, otherwise you will suffer like human beings.
God is Spirit, and if He is your father then you are a spirit being, cause like begets like!
You have two births: Human parents gave birth to you in the natural, but the day you became born again, God birthed you in the spirit. So you have biological birth and spiritual birth. You have walked in the natural for too long, and that is why you have natural results. If you desire supernatural results, you need to begin to walk in the spirit. Stop thinking like an ordinary man or you will suffer like one. Think like a child of God, because you and your talents are not accidents. You are not a number in a line up. You are a person censored by God to be the pacesetter in your generation.
You are called to be a marvel. You are born again to live a marvellous life. You are not born again to live a life of suffering. You are born again to live a life that should marvel everybody. They should look at you and say, "well we use to know her, but we do not understand what is happening now". That shall be your testimony as you begin to discover your potential.
If you have discovered your potential, then you are not a statistics lost in the shuffle of man's humanity. You do not go with the crowd:you stand out of the crowd. Those who go with the crowd get lost.when you go to a crusade the only person you can recognize is the man who is on the rostrum,every other person is unidentifiable. If you follow the crowd you will be lost;you have to stand above them for people to recognize you.you are a special person in God's eyes.you have distinct gifts and talents;stop looking down on yourself.
You have shoes that no other person can wear. God has prepared you so that nobody can fill your space. There are over six billion people in the entire world and there is nobody like you. Even if you are twin and both of you are identical,you still have different chromosomes. Your fingerprint are different. There is nobody like you in the whole world.
Do not give people the permission to turn you into somebody else's clone! If they say you are so short that you could have the lowest reach in a line of short people, God already made plans for you.He says, 'Lo, I am with you always '.
If they say you are too tall that you could pass for a mountain or hill; God says,'Lift up your eyes unto the hills...'
So whichever way,you are God's best.
Somebody said, she is too dark in complexion. Well,she is too dark so that she can 'show forth the glory of God'.
Do not ever believe that some other lady is finer or more beautiful than you. Nobody is as fine or beautiful than you. You are the most beautiful woman on earth if you are a woman; and the most handsome man on earth if you are a man. If you have a long pointed nose or a big flat one they are both for breathing, and yours is the best. Do not ever stand before the mirror and say you are ugly, because you are not.
If they say you have a big head, well it is so you can wear a big hat. And if it is a small one, well it is so you can have a small beret!
You are too much, stop looking down on yourself. Inside of you is enormous potential waiting to be developed and put to use. God has put so much inside of you, and if you can see what He has put inside you, you will not use your mouth to make negative confessions about your situation.
If you have discovered your potential, you will laugh when others are complaining about economic crunch, because you have realized that your God-given potential is your seed to break every siege! God entered inside you when you became born again; and if He is inside you, then you cannot remain the same. Understand that, all that made Adam excel in wisdom before the fall was the God inside of him. (Genesis 2:19
How can God be in you and the world not mind you? How can God be in you and you are looking down on yourself? Begin to walk like someone who is conscious that God is inside him/her and that you cannot fail. Walk tall. Do not walk as if you are suffering, but walk like all things are okay with you. Even if your present diet is worse than the cheapest staple food, walk tall, because that diet is a temporal phase; you are on your way to the most expensive dish on the menu!
When you look at yourself in the mirror, just see God and tell yourself, "I'm the most beautiful woman in town, and I am the next in line for a great marriage". Stop saying, "My face is getting wrinkled". That is the language of those who do not know their potential.
- Your Potential Is Your Ticket To Distinction:
There is a story of a man who saved money for a long time to be able to buy his ticket for a ship to America. As the journey progressed, the man would pass by the lavish restaurants of the ship and admire the people who ate tasty dishes that the ship's chef and his kitchen staff laboured to prepare; then return to his cabin to snack off biscuits and water. At the end of the trip when the passengers were disembarking from the ship, the man had the opportunity to meet with the Captain of the ship to thank him for his skillful navigation of the great vessel through the sea. The man admitted to having enjoyed the journey. Then the captain asked him why he never joined the other diners in the restaurant? The man replied that after paying for the ticket, he had little money to pay for food; so he made do with the biscuits he bought just before they set sail. To which the captain replied that, the ticket was an all inclusive one. As long as the man had the ticket, it was his access to enjoy everything the ship had to offer without paying anything extra!
The man ate dry biscuits and water while others feasted on rich food, because he did not realize the potentials of his ticket!
Now that you have discovered your potential, the next thing you need to do to make a mark of distinction is to give to God all you are and all you have. Dedicate your potential to God.
Hannah was mocked as a barren woman by her until she took her to God. And she made a covenant to dedicate the child to God. When the child came, she did not hesitate to give him to God, because she understood that a dedicated potential is a multiplied potential.
*If you want your potential to bear much fruit, dedicate it to God. Since God created you for purpose, it is only with God that you can fulfill that purpose. You can only be what God wants you to be when you surrender your purpose and your potential to Him; you cannot make it on your own. Consciously hand your potential over to God, and you will succeed beyond imagination.
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AWThank you for this rich and encouraging write-up @liltom.
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