The understanding of who you are is the beginning of your triumph in your Christian adventure and making a mark on the earth. Until you know who you are, you cannot excel in the kingdom of God. Some people are only identified by their jobs so strongly that if they lose the job they will lose their identity. When you ask them, who are you? The response could be "I am an engineer", "I am a preacher", "I am a plumber", etc. Others would identify with their race, "I am an African", "I am an American", etc. The truth is that your identity should be greater than what you do or the nation you come from naturally.
Your true identity is who you are in Christ.
It is very important you understand this because an identity like your job, if lost, means your identity is also lost. Again, if you are replaced in that office, it means your identity is also lost. Similarly, if for any reason you change your nationality, it means you lose your identity. Jobs can be lost but your identity cannot be lost. Your identity should be who you are not what you do. The knowledge of who you are will never allow you to be down in life. Know this truth, you cannot rise above the knowledge of who you are. Your true identity is who God created you to be.
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)
The above scripture reveals that through one man's death we reign; and by Him we receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Adam sinned and the whole humanity became sinners but Jesus came as our righteousness that now makes us righteous.
Let me illustrate with a tape duplicating machine. In every duplicating process, there is a master tapes, empty CDs, mini DVD or a duplicating machine and a few other things. This master tape is fixed in a tray or pot, and then other blanks are placed in other trays or pots as the case may be. Now if the master tape has any form of distortion, Crack, skip or the audio eas blank in certain areas of the master tape, this will automatically be transferred to the duplicated copies.
Adam was the first man created but because of sin, he had a problem and lost his placement and nature as it was in the beginning when he was originally created by God; on account of what Adam did, all of us as descendants before we got born again carried the same problem Adam had. Now since the problem was with the master, no matter the different copies will be packaged in different cases, it will still have the same challenge. This is the reason why everyone born of the flesh is carrying the same nature.
This was the situation man was born into and the correction can only be done on the master. What then did God do? God brought in another 'master' called Jesus. In Adam's lineage we had all manner of I'll things: sickness, failure, stagnation, sin, death; but now when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you are en grafted into a new master; in this state whoever Jesus is, that is who you are, because every copy carries the contents of the master.
Jesus came as a perfect man, a man with an identity, the whole world cannot deny. Therefore, now that you are born again, you also bear same image of the master Jesus. Since He was not hidden then you cannot be hidden. I want to challenge you to mirror yourself through Jesus; whatever you see in Him, let it begin to be seen in you. If Jesus never looked down on Himself, then you should not have any reason to look down on yourself. If He was not a failure, then you cannot fail.
Let me paint a picture of how you should perceive yourself in the light of Jesus. Jesus rode on an ass nobody had ever ridden. That is like the Rolls Royce of our days. Jesus was asleep in a boat when a heavy storm swept across the sea yet there was no mishap. In another account, it was said that other boats followed Him; that suggests a sort of convoy. We were also told that soldiers were casting lot for His clothes. For the soldiers to cast lot for His clothes at the place of crucifixion means it was an expensive piece of clothing; it is a designer fabric. All these amplify the glory and honour which Jesus exuded here on earth which every child of His is expected to carry as a mark of identity.
Read the words of Judas: 'Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is He;' This presumes that the other disciples looked like Him. They all wore the same kind of clothes. If John, Peter and the other disciples wore something different, it would have been very easy to distinguish Jesus.
Beloved, see yourself in Christ. If you do not know this, you may easily lose your identity.


Prov 23: 7
Identity: what we think of ourselves at the bottom of our heart, which determines our actions, character, behavior, results, achievements, etc.
It is the foundation of what we are and the foundation of how we are going to live our lives.
It is from where the fruits of our life emanate.
there is power in knowing who we are.