And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to deliver him. Mark 14:10.
Bitter pain is; the pain of betrayal, so much it is a petty and selfish feeling, how much it is; a disappointing and shameful feeling, the first part is certainly for those who let themselves be dominated by this spirit that came from satan himself.
Sometimes people say: it took heavy to talk like that; however, the Bible is not a balance of comedian, the Bible is the word of God, in it, it does not contain half terms, or we are of God or we are of the devil; either we are children of darkness or we are children of light; either we belong to the kingdom of heaven or we belong to the kingdom of hell. Everything in the Bible is Yes, yes, No, no; what happens from this is the origin of the evil one.
If we already know the word of God, we know that the betrayal originated there in the heavens, when, Lucifer, felt envy of God, wanted to have what was of God, wishes to be a god, then he betrayed God's trust, as the way to usurp what was not his, then the betrayal always happens because someone took over something wrong. Something or something that belongs to the other person.
From the moment that Lucifer, lost the celestial citizenship, automatically, he was named prince of the darkness, he went to wander in dark regions. As much as he did, all the spirits that came out of his bowels, became powers, they started to live, too, in the air; or better, in the celestial regions, that is; in the places near the heavens, so they became invisible strangers, here on earth.
We must never forget one thing; everything that is good, has its origin in God, everything that is evil has its origin in satan. Obviously, all people who have attitudes towards good, the love of God is in it; I am not talking about giving alms, or giving something that is no longer good for you; I am talking is; have a heart oriented towards everything that refers to God, anything or situation, any act or words.
Because it does not help, to help someone with material goods, but when we arrive at our house, we are cursed, making prayers or destructive prayers, tying in the force of words, people's lives, it does not help a thousand, and destroy One, error is error, in any circumstance. Acting like this, we are being fools, deceiving ourselves, because this does not please God.
Likewise, all the people who do evil, is the evil force that is within it, can not from a source throw sweet waters and bitter waters. Although we profess our faith in God, but if within us there are signs of destruction, there is something wrong in our life, if we feed envy, if we speak ill of a brother, if we try to enjoy what is not ours in a light way, if we manipulate, to obtain power, we are contaminated by satan. This is done, like it or not!

How then would the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it is fitting that it be Matthew 26:54?
When a glass is filled with oil there is no room to spill any other liquid, unless, first spill the oil. If the spirit of God is in me, I can not let the spirit of darkness dominate me, when this happens, space, vague, had.
It is true; all the betrayal only happens with people directly linked to us, people who are on our side, who walk with us, who eat on our plate, people we call friends, loved ones, or until they sleep on our side. Jesus said to him: Friend, what are you coming to? Matthew 26:50.
Let's see the case of Judas, he ate in the same dish with Jesus, that is, he had an intimacy more than the others, Jesus had freed him a trust much greater than the others, he had access in the life of Jesus the restricted area for others. But he, answering, said to them: He is one of the twelve, who puts his hand on my plate with me. Mark 14:20
Bad things in the lives of the servants of the Lord have to happen; the betrayals, the envies, the strife, among others, need to be seen and felt in the midst of those who have to inherit salvation, however, from those who allow themselves to be used by satan. Actually the Son of Man goes, as it is written, but woe to those men for whom the son of man is betrayed! Well it would be so that the man was not born. Mark 14:21.
In all the betrayal something or somebody tends to die, for, but take that betrayal something is damaged, it is destroyed, it is undone, it can be a bond of friendship, a bond of trust, a bond of love, a treaty, a a committed word, or a bond of eternal commitment, the person who betrays, publicly declares that he is distanced from the presence of God.
No one betrays from one hour to another, impossible, the betrayal only arises because it was already planted in the heart of the person, had already arisen some situation that fueled this feeling so ordinary that is capable of destroying strength.
One thing is certain, every traitor is destined to pay with the price greater than the pain of the betrayed, do you know why? The day will come when remorse will strike in your heart and the shame of having been what you left, become such a terrible bond for this person.
That all be attentive; every traitor, one day will be betrayed, and so severely capable of tearing his own soul; that is, the law of sowing. Saying: I have sinned, betraying innocent blood. They, however, said: What do we care? That is with you. Matthew 27:04
Do not be fooled, doing the wrong things and thinking that later, you will apologize to God, and stay for this very thing, if you already know God, it would be better if you had not been born, look what happened to Judas, when he realized that the devil had entered him, he could not stand, his mind did not compact the infidelity of his bad heart, he killed himself.
Certainly, many people will not physically kill themselves, but spiritually they will be dead, because they have given rise to the forces of darkness to dominate their lives. Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he had been condemned, brought, repented, the silver coins to the princes of the priests and elders. Saying: I have sinned by giving innocent blood [...] Matthew 27: 3-4.
Obviously, there are situations where the mercies of God prevail; God is going to judge the intention of each heart, but if you know that you are wrong and you are immersing yourself in this mud, prepare yourself because you are going to get stuck, if you know that your attitude or act is destroying a family, a ministry, or another life, think straight, get out of it while you can, do not give place to the devil, the heart of man and false and deceitful; resist the devil who fled from your life.
God is talking to you! Remember while it is time, get out of this loop, so that this rope does not hold your neck and you die hanged, or come to be prey in the hands of satan and cause destruction in the kingdom of God.
Think well: It is not only worth risking salvation by a fatal attraction, by an infidelity, by a leviano act, by a selfish and petty feeling that came over you like a fire to destroy your life and that of many, it runs quickly towards the feet of Christ, hide there, do not do what your heart commands, do what the written Bible is.
Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, for a money he did not even enjoy. What can take you to be a Judas; money, fame, power, fifteen seconds of pleasure? Now, what brought him, he had given them a sign, saying: The one I kiss, that is: take it, and take it away, for sure. Mark 14:44
Beware, the price of betrayal is death! And he, throwing the silver coins into the temple, withdrew and went to hang. Matthew 27:05