Greetings and blessings brothers.
Strong title, right?
Rick Warren, a long time ago, said:
"We have amputated the Body of the hands and feet of Christ and left alone the great mouth.
It was there that a light began to blink inside my head.
The Church is the Body of Christ. And many times, the Church in a general way, the domination, the plaque, the color of the wall, the Church of Christ, the Bible, the body of Christ. It has impeded the work. He has stopped doing the work.
But if we are the body
Why are your arms not coming?
Why are your hands not healing?
Why are your words not teaching?
Because we have not done what we really have to do, but we talk a lot. And how we talk!
And so, like a doctor, we find ourselves in the right and the amputations, we cut off the work, the work. We cut our hands and feet and leave a big mouth, which grows every day more.
A mouth that speaks, but recently.
A judging mouth.
A mouth that sings praises to God, but which are words as empty as his actions.
Do not lose your life.
"The churches need to speak less and serve more, in His name."
"So also faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself." Santiago 2:17
Thus, we are many, we are one body in Christ, but individually we are members of others. So, having different facts, according to the grace that is given, if it is prophecy, faith; if it is a ministry, be in ministry; if it is teaching, there is dedication to teaching; or what he exhorts, use that gift in exhorting; what you repair, do it liberally; what presides, with care; what exercises mercy "With love, love is not feigned, it abhors evil and adheres to goodness, cordially love one another with fraternal love, preferring one another in honor". Romans 12: 5-10
Some local churches were having serious problems in Venezuela and the world, unfortunately they have detracted from the values of Christians. When a church or a member of it loses the heavenly vision of Jesus Christ, it automatically becomes prodigal. Do not stain your clothes and keep faith, hope and love.
In addition, the body is not a single member, but many. If the foot says: Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body, that is why it will not be of the body? And if I say the ear: Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body, is that why it will not be of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where would the ear be? If everything was heard, where would the smell be? But now God has placed the members each one of them in the body, as he wanted. Because if everyone were a single member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but the body is one. Neither the eye can say to the hand: I do not need you, nor the head to the feet: I do not need you. Rather the limbs of the body that seem weaker are the most necessary; and to those of the body that seem less worthy to us, we clothe them more with dignity; and those who are less decorous in us are treated with more decorum. Because those who are more decorous in us have no need; but God ordained the body, giving more abundant honor to the one that lacked, so that there is no disagreement in the body, but that the members all care for one another. So if a member suffers, all the members grieve with him, and if a member receives honor, all members with him rejoice. You, then, are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
1 Corinthians 12: 14-27
Great reflection sister Lorennys, our Lord Jesus Christ had a dream with the Church, He wished that we were his feet, his hands, his heart, etc. He predicted that the world was going to get sick and he would need someone to take care of it with love. It is a time to talk less and work more. thanks for sharing.
What highlighted the greatness of Jesus was his determination to defend the truth.
Excellent friend Lorennys
Great reflection.