Day 1 of May commemorated the 'Day of the Work', later added like 'Day of the Worker'.
This day had its origin in 1886, after a paralysis of American workers in favor of better working conditions (among them, working day from 13 to 8 hours). The movement spread throughout the world and, in 1887, several European countries adhered to the protest. The following year, the French decided to consider this date as a tribute to the pioneering workers of that movement.
In Venezuela, May 1 is a non-working holiday, decreed in 1945 by the then President of Venezuela, General Isaías Medina Angarita.
But as we always promote studies in the light of the Word of God, we want to bring a spiritual vision on the topic WORK.
From the beginning, God instituted man responsibilities such as naming beings, cultivating and caring for the garden. After sinning to enter, the work became more difficult and arduous, but before that even it was necessary to exercise the activities of his responsibility.
But we go deeper, now: what are your motivations for work? In the Word, work:
It is God's order:
Because when he is still with you, we send you this, that if anyone does not want to work, do not eat too. For we hear that some among you walk in disorder, not working, before doing vain things. To these, then, we command, and we exhort for our Lord Jesus Christ, that, working with tranquility, they may eat their own bread. 2 Thessalonians 3: 10-12
It serves to sustain itself and its dependents:
We urge you, however, that even in this you increase more and more. And seek to live still, and try your own business, and work with your own hands, as we have already commanded; So that you walk honestly towards those who are outside, and you do not need anything. 1 Thessalonians 4: 10-12
It serves to provide help to other people:
He who stole, do not steal more; Before you work, doing with your hands what is good, so you have what you share with what you need. Ephesians 4:28
And as for your conduct in your business, in your paid work or in the work of God, or in any activity you perform? To begin this reflection, we can quote
Colossians 3:
Ye servants, obey in all things unto your masters according to the flesh, not only serving in appearance, as to please men, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that you will receive from the Lord the reward of inheritance, because you serve Christ, the Lord. But whoever does wrong will receive the wrong that he does; because there is no acceptance of people.
Colossians 3: 22-25
Being responsible, dedicated, excellent and with simplicity of heart is what God expects from us. Because, in everything, we are serving Christ and bearing his name before the witnesses who observe us. Many people are negligent in their workplace, they do not play their role with excellence, versatility and satisfaction. How do you want to harvest something good from a job done relaxed, without quality and fruitless? Just like the last verse above, God will give just harvest to all!
In the book of Proverbs, we see various indications about the lazy. He dishonors God with his attitudes.
The sluggard always seeks rest and rest (Pv.6:10), even to feed is motive (Pv 26: 13-16); everything else, less work (Pv 21:25); He makes excuses to avoid work (Pv. 22:13) and so he goes ... Even the ant has what to teach!
Go to the ant, oh lazy; look to his ways, and be wise. For she, having no chief, nor guard, nor dominator, prepares her bread in the summer; in the harvest he gathers his food. Or lazy, even when you lie down? When will you wake up?
Proverbs 6: 6-9
But the other extreme is also dangerous: overwork and care with their livelihood and comfort can not culminate in greed, vanity or greed, let alone corrupting to use dishonest methods and strategies to feed that "need" money.
In summary, work dignifies man. But its excess and my behavior in this area will be gaps exploited by Satan for his own destruction.
Today was a day of much action at work in telos in the short time when there was electricity try to take advantage of them to the maximum first configure My EOS Wallet with the help of the gentleman @Sirknight. Then I registered some referrals and finally I was in the company of @carolina17 to teach him how to set up his wallet to vote for Steemchurch proposals and register some of his referrals.
Some samples of my day
Today we start a new month celebrating worker's day, so do not forget to continue working for the expansion of Steemchurch Telos.
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Thanks Sk, greetings.
I want to have you soon at home loved @lorennys so you can help me with this work please ... God bless you.
Ha ha sure just remember to have the cup of coffee. I hope you had a happy birthday today.