"Likewise, you women, be subject to your husbands, so that those who do not believe the word may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives." 1 Peter 3: 1
When I got married, many years ago, I was not a Christian, it was after 5 years of marriage that I met Christ and I recognized him as the king and savior of my life, but my husband did not want to know anything about the Lord, so I spent a lot of time worrying about this, because it took away my peace, but I prayed a lot to God without fainting (although this really discouraged me) but little by little my husband accepted my invitations to the church and more and more I saw that he wanted know more about God ... Until God completely did the work in us and now we are both completely in love with God, we are faithful servants of Christ.
(On the other hand I want to encourage young girls to break with any relationship of courtship that is of dishonor to God according to what is written in his word: "Do not unite yourselves in an unequal yoke with unbelievers, because what fellowship has justice with injustice? And what communion light with darkness? And what concord Christ with Belial? Or what part does the believer share with the unbeliever? "2 Corinthians 6: 14-15
I know that there are also cases where Christian women get tired with unequal yokes out of love, some have fallen into grace and their husbands have yielded to the love of Christ but others have not been so fortunate and have experienced very difficult times because of the attitudes of their husbands, I do not intend to judge anybody because who am I to do it, only that through this message I pretend that they understand that God is great and merciful, the passage of 1 John 1: 9 says that if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness; if it is true that you have failed God in the case that you are married with an unequal yoke, but if you regret with all your heart, then I want you to know and be sure that God made a clean slate.
Sisters if they are already married and that is a fact, a reality, now they are wives of an unequal yoke, but wait, do not take it wrong, if you have settled your accounts with the Lord you do not have to live with feelings of guilt, be responsible of their acts and pay the price in silence and wait for the mercy of God because he is the good one.
You must love your husband, do not stop doing it, living with an unequal yoke is not an easy task, but I hope you can receive this message from a woman who lived by something similar:
- I pray without ceasing.
-Don't judge your husband.
-Do not force him to seek God.
the apostle Paul also spoke about it:
"And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, and he agrees to live with her, do not abandon him." 1 Corinthians 7:13 NLT
Sisters submit to God in prayer, do not judge your husband and understand that if you want to see a change in them you should start with you.
I know that each one must be desperate and she wants her husband to surrender to Christ, but according to what is written in the Bible, I advise you to keep silent, if you try to force things the only thing that will cause your husband to move further away from the Lord, keep an unblemished witness of integrity, even if your husbands are not believers you must be submissive just as the word of God teaches us, be kind, pray at all times, and trust in the Lord.
we must pray to get the right person for marriage
I confess that in order to take the step of marrying the woman who is now my wife I asked my Lord many times to give this important step the consequences, we have been happily married for 12 years with two beautiful daughters.
Thanks for sharing
When you rush into marriage, you will also rush out of it!! Marriage is what you prayerfully go into!! Nice write-up @margarivera