Pray together as a family

in #steemchurch7 years ago



Perhaps there has never been a time when we needed to pray more and teach our family to do it. Prayer is a defense against temptation. It is through sincere and genuine prayer that we can receive the blessings and support necessary to move forward, sometimes difficult and challenging journey that we call earthly life.
Parents should teach their children to pray. The child learns from his parents, both what they do and what they say.

The son who sees his mother or father go through the trials of life praying to God fervently and then hears his sincere testimony that he answered kindly, will remember what he saw and heard. When the tests come to you, you will be ready. "
In the Scriptures we are told that Satan will tempt us in the last days before the coming of the Savior. For this reason, our young people need to know that God and Jesus will always love and answer their prayers. This knowledge will be your great strength. "With all the adverse influences that surround our children, can we imagine seeing them leave in the morning without kneeling and humbly asking for the protection of the Lord? Or end the day without kneeling together and recognizing our responsibility before Him and our thanksgiving for His blessings? Brothers and sisters, we need to carry out family prayer. "
As a people, are we not grateful that family prayer is a practice that is not antiquated for us? There is nothing more beautiful in this world than seeing a family praying together.


The saying that is often cited that 'The family that prays together stays together' has real meaning. The Lord commanded us to carry out the family prayers when he said: 'Pray to the Father in your families, always in my name, so that your wives and your children may be blessed.
When we communicate with God through prayer, there is a meeting with the sustainer of the universe; For that same reason, that moment, that time is something transcendent and unique. We have a strong desire to enjoy the overwhelming presence of God; We begin by closing the outer doors-the senses that connect us with the outside world-and we open ourselves in our human spirit, allowing the river of the Spirit of God to minister to us in that intimate communion where we feel one with the Lord (2 Corinthians 3 : 17).
As parents with our children, who are the inheritance that God has given us, let us be constant in prayer for our family and for each family of our nation

Thank you in advance for your attention, receive a cordial greeting to this beautiful community called steemit. God bless you


The family that prays united remains united, because there is no way to put the sun on their anger if there is a difference of opinion. hahahaha good post thanks for sharing.

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Record in your heart these words that I am commanding you today. Inculcase them continuously to your children. Tell them about them when you are at home and when you go along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6: 6-7