The Announcement Of Christ's Return!

in #steemchurch6 years ago


This is what the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, who is the Almighty יהוה, says,

You have failed to listen to the truth, to reason, to logic, and to the evidence laid down at your feet. For this, I יהוה have decreed that Israel and Jerusalem shall see no rest but shall instead see mourning and destruction. Your elders and young men will be slaughtered in the streets, your women shall be raped, your villages pillaged. You will know the great sadness the Egyptians felt at the first Passover. The decimation of your nation comes swiftly upon the backs of those who seek to destroy you, for I The Lord Almighty יהוה have gathered them against you for this reason. You shall know My anger for rejecting My Son says the Lord God Almighty יהוה.

Zechariah 14 shall be realized and come to full fruition with or without your assistance Israel. Woe to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to the daughters of Zion, for the day of your destruction draws near. Long have I suffered your ignorance of My Son, says the Lord God Almighty יהוה. Long have I stretched forth the Olive branch of peace only to have you reject it due to your pride and arrogance, says the Lord Almighty יהוה.

Your Moshiach is Ra-El and there is none under Heaven whom I have bestowed the same authority as I have to Him. I proclaimed that your anointed one would be anointed with oil on the day of Purim and My messengers carried it out. He is the only one to fulfill My words for My glory, says The Almighty יהוה.

Ra-El HaMoshiach.jpg

Jeremiah 6:1-2 Run for cover, O sons of Benjamin, flee from Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in Tekoa; send up a signal over Beth-haccherem, for disaster looms from the north, even great destruction. Though she is beautiful and delicate, I will destroy the Daughter of Zion.

The fullness of Jeremiah 6 will be realized and the world will bear witness against your sins for My Son’s sake, says יהוה.

America will not come to your rescue, for out of the north will I send a great fire to utterly consume her and after the fire will I send an army to utterly pluck out her remnant. She is Babylon, the great whore who has perverted my teachings and the message of My Son to the world. She has heaped up her sins to heaven and I will utterly destroy her so that Babylon will never again rise from the ashes. This is what the Sovereign יהוה of Israel says, repent you sons of Israel, heed to the warnings of My messengers and turn away from your course of destruction. Quickly, move swiftly to repair the damage you have done to My Son’s name!

All of the words that I have given to My prophets will come to pass, says יהוה. The deadline I have set fast approaches and I am a Jealous God, I will not suffer to let My words fall by the wayside. I will fulfill everything I have proclaimed to the prophets of old and of today, all of My words will be fulfilled. You, sons and daughters of Israel have only yourselves to blame for what is to come, for rejecting My messengers, says יהוה.

The battle of Har-Megiddo will commence, the war of Gog of Magog will reach its climax, and destruction will fall upon the whole earth. You have only yourselves to blame for what is to come, for you could have avoided it all had you not been so stiff-necked. My Son Ra-El will step foot upon the Mount of Olives and He will enter through the East gate, and I will have My messengers lay the Crown upon His head. His reign will be Eternal and never uprooted, for He will rule with a rod of iron. From His mouth, He will proclaim the destinies of all who live upon the Earth for I have given all judgment to Him. He will decide who shall live in paradise forever, and who shall be cast into the outer darkness, nay, even to the pits of hell for their transgressions. These are the words of the Sovereign Almighty יהוה.

You are either with My Son Ra-El or you are against Him. There is no middle ground, there is no mediation or compromise. Obey Him, or perish. However, I will not suffer to have My promise be left unfulfilled. For out of you shall I save a remnant, the children who have not been corrupted shall I save from out of your midst. I will gather them to Me shortly, and they will be saved whilst you shall suffer for your transgressions.

Take heed, for the final redemption draws close, heed the words of those whom I have given to My Son Ra-El or suffer the fate of this prophecy. These are the words of the Almighty יהוה.


Amen, it is written and he has spoken

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Amen and may it be

Excellent job, brother! Let us hope they take heed!

It's time to repent.

Amen! The time has the truth because it will set you free!

So it is written... so it is done!