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My dear sister! I am in the field on the front lines and have left everything to follow God’s lead. I am in a place where I don’t even know the language. Far from my 87 year old mother that I may never see again. Every word that you say here, I know from experience.
This is why from early on I call you my sister! Family! I don’t have much to offer, but I am a man of prayer and pray for you every morning like I was praying for my own family!
I know that beyond what you said here.

God always processes us in the areas that he wants to use us, be it financial, health, marriage, among others.
Much of what we go through is not even for ourselves, but for the people we are called to serve. The Apostle Paul said he came in weakness!
God shows His power in our weakness!
There are people we are called to help and there are people called by God, like Aaron and Hurr to hold up our arms while we fight battles. My prayer for you is that these people will come to the foreground and that you would recognize them.
Much of what we go through is the fellowship of His sufferings, that we also may know Him in the power of His resurrection. People let us down, abandon us, even friends or family turn on us! David said the one he went to the house of the Lord has kicked up his heals against me.
I could sit here and write about every battle wound, every person that has turned on us and even caused us huge financial loss. People we called friends. People we still love in spite of these things!
But what I noticed is that God is continually bringing a better, upgrade in people with more depth and character. Some people are only capable of going so far with us.
Every good thing that we obtain in the kingdom, hell won’t give up without a fight.
Te mando abrazos de su hermano!
I am here with you as a friend, brother and fellow soldier in the fight.
Daddy William


thank you, Daddy william, therefore, I know who you are in Christ from the beginning, I know, the father, you and I, only one heart.

So genuine , yet we should assume that God will help us to recognize in what we should trust who the steadfast will help and the individuals who approach look for just their great.

My dear sister! I am in the field on the forefronts and have left everything to take after God's lead. I am in a place where I don't know the dialect. A long way from my 87 year old mother that I may never observe again. Each word that you say here, I know for a fact.

This is the reason from at an early stage I call you my sister! Family! I don't have much to offer, yet I am a man of petition and appeal to God for you each morning like I was petitioning God for my own family!

I realize that past what you said here.

We are God's workmanship, made in Christ Jesus to do acts of kindness, which God arranged ahead of time for us to do.' (Ephesians 2: 10)

God can utilize individuals with or without the characteristic capacity and appropriate foundation. God can, and frequently works, with crude material. God gets ready and engages those He does His work so He doesn't have to call individuals into initiative who have the common drive, preparing, or great models of authority in their experience. He doesn't have to utilize individuals who took the part or who are as of now well known. "Siblings, consider what you were the point at which you were called. Very you few were astute by human norms; relatively few were powerful; relatively few were of respectable birth. In any case, God picked the absurd things of the world to disgrace the savvy; God picked the powerless things of the world to disgrace the solid." (1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 27) The followers, who went ahead to establish pioneers of the congregation, were anglers and assessment authorities in terms of professional career. They were not very instructed or from persuasive families. Some had solid, driven identities yet others didn't.

Be mindful so as not to restrict God. Trust Him when He says, "My elegance is adequate for you, for my energy is made flawless in shortcoming" (2 Corinthians 12: 9).

God readies those He calls. The followers put in three years with Jesus to set them up to be the early pioneers of the congregation however even still, before they were to go out without anyone else, they needed to sit tight for the Holy Spirit to happen upon them in control. God utilizes beneficial encounters to form and shape pioneers. God utilizes beneficial encounters to create points of view and interests basic to the limit of administration to which He calls.

A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing