Because when God comes into our lives he transforms everything we are, we no longer think or walk the same way because we are passionate about that love that attracts us and that we like about God. Not to be those people who simply go to church to pray for them but those people who truly desire an encounter with God and from there humility and love for service is born. The best thing that could have happened to me is not to have the things I have in the material but to have the one who gives things to me. It is to walk anywhere and God sustains everything, and to walk because he desires it. Being humble and serving with a BEAUTIFUL smile a glass of water to those who need it giving a helping hand to those who have fallen and need the love of the father.

When we receive the Lord, the Holy Spirit moves within us and the Holy Spirit begins to reprove them for things that we did before and now we no longer do, for example, before when we were not Christians we spoke pure lies but after we have the Lord we speak to the lie and you feel that the Holy Spirit demands you and tells you (which is what you said) because from the same mouth can not come out lies and blessings. The servant of God is a pure saint, humble in heart, to raise up the fallen no matter what he has to face, because he knows that he who supports him is greater and victory will win him over.