There are many types and varieties of doors, all have bolts with the intention that not anyone can access, the door will only open to the person who has the access key compatible with the bolt. Today I want to talk to you about the keys, and the value we give you at the moment we lose them.
As we know, there are different keys for all types of protection, for example: car keys, houses, keys for different types of doors, virtual keys. In the book of John 10: 9 he tells us:
I am the door; whoever enters by me will be saved; and it will enter, and it will go out, and it will find pastures.
Jesus is the most important door through which it is necessary to learn to have access, and this does not open in any way, there is only one key that can give us access to Him.
Faith is the first key to enter Jesus
Acts 16:31
They said: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your house.
The key that gives us access to heaven is called faith, this is the universal key, if you do not have it you can acquire it in the instruction manual of the bible called bible, faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
The second key is to be grateful to God in everything, instead of complaining we should praise him for the wonders he has done for us, this is a way of being faithful.
Psalm 100: 4
Enter through their gates with thanksgiving, through their courts with praise; praise him, bless his name.
When we are given an opportunity it is normal for adversaries to rise, we have the ability and ability to conquer and win the battle, remember one of my publications where I spoke about anticipating victory. Once you have the key to faith and access to Jesus, always be grateful at all times, being grateful is an action and your concept is to do something that people can see.
The third key is the attitude, thanks to a good attitude we can achieve impressive things, open more doors of blessings to you life and make you think before acting. With this key the less talented of the Bible reached things that others with so many talents and gifts failed to achieve and this is thanks to the attitude.
If you realize that you entered a place where you do not want to be like: poverty, ignorance, gossip, immediately turn around and leave there, close the door to disloyalty and infidelity, we were not created for the sin but to be holy as He is holy.
God wants to give us the best as a good Father, let's grab the keys of faith to access Jesus and enjoy his beautiful presence and company every day.
God bless you

The best place is like that, at the feet of Christ.
Really Jesus is the most important door through which it is necessary to learn to have access.
Lovely post. Truly, we need to have the right "keys" to be able to access and enjoy certain realities. These keys do not necessarily mean physical keys, but Understanding. No wonder, Jesus, at a point while speaking to his disciples, he metaphorically used the word keys to express what one can narrow down to enablement, which is usually Understanding.
Thanks for sharing.
Every word we declare is a door that we open or close, God bless you, thank you very much for commenting
I love that verse you mentioned.
I love that verse you mentioned.
It's a pleasure. We know in part.
yes i absoultly like this posts
wow great notification
It is necessary to read every word of God because they are seeds that are stored in our hearts, in due time they will bear fruit and this will bring blessing to your life that abounds. God bless you
We have different keys that open different doors, but we must never forget to include prayer too, it is important
Faith leads us to pray, for that reason is the only key where we have access to Jesus, if we do not believe how we pray? , but if we believe, we will constantly be in communion with Him. God bless you, thank you for commenting