Do Your Actions Glorify What Satan Stands For?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

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Satan is attracted by any atmosphere that has one or more of his own characteristics. People don't realize they can easily create an atmosphere that attracts him by doing things that glorify what he stands for.
We know that we can create an atmosphere that attracts the Holy Spirit or grieves and repulses Him. God's Word tells us to. •Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name- (Ps. When we thank the Lord, praise Ilim. and bless His name. we find ourselves in His presence. It is a question of attitude.
attitudes create a comfortable place for satan? We know the actions and activities of the King of Tyre created such a comfortable atmosphere for satan that he took up residence behind his throne and empowered the king to do his evil bidding.

Many of the evil things happening in our day are not merely the work of flesh and blood. Paul warned us not to fight on the -wrong front." He said, "We do not wrestle against flesh blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). We don't need to "look for a demon under every rock," but much of the evil that appears to be human activity alone is motivated, directed, and even empowered by demonic principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Evil human attitudes and actions create a welcoming "comfort zone" or atmosphere where the enemy can work even greater demonic evil in comfort and concealment. An atmosphere of disuni ty is especially attractive to the enemy because it empowers him When people get in disunity, they commit spiritual treason and their actions weaken God's Kingdom and strengthen satan's position. He constantly works to make us believe our real battle is against other people, but his favorite tactic is to pit brother against brother in the family of God. When it works, he just hides behind our thrones and laughs. His kingdom is secure for the moment because just as unity brings revival, so will disunity dispel it!

The Gospels of Matthew and Mark tell us that one day Simon Peter declared Jesus' true identity as the Son of God by revelation of the Holy Spirit, and received Jesus' praise for his discernment. Then Jesus announced that He would die and rise again, and Peter rebuked Him for saying it! He said, "It will never happen to You, Lord! No, sir, we're going to stand with You...." Peter's religious words sounded good. They had the ring of true devotion and sincerity, but they were diabolically wrong.
Simon Peter's pride and presumption created an atmosphere ripe for a satanic visitation. The enemy joined their dinner party and used unsuspecting Peter to proclaim the hopes of hell. Satan must have snickered when Peter told Jesus the Messiah that He was wrong to say He was going to die on the cross. The words had hardly left Peter's mouth before Jesus confronted him. Looking beyond the familiar face of Simon Peter, the Lord directly addressed the evil archangel hiding "behind the throne": "Get behind Me, satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men" (Mt. 16:23b).
There are times when "doing right" by your definition is actually "doing wrong" by God's. Something is "right" when it is lined up with God's Word and confirmed by His Spirit. Peter experienced that when he accurately declared Jesus' true identity. However, he had to completely dismiss the reality of Jesus' identity that he had just discovered in order to say what he did. If Jesus was the Son of God, why would He lie about His destiny?

When your action seems "right" but the way you go about it is wrong, it is the worst kind of "wrongness" because it can deceive and lead others down the wrong path as well. Peter was saying, "You wont die. We will stand by You," but Jesus knew He could never accomplish His purpose on earth without Calvary. Anything that could or would attempt to block the purposes of God could not be from God. All good ideas are not "God ideas."


Thanks for sharing with Us!




Psalm 96:4-9
For great is the LORD and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before Him, Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. read more.

An atmosphere of disunity is especially attractive to the enemy because it empowers him When people get in disunity, they commit spiritual treason and their actions weaken God's Kingdom and strengthen satan's position.
well written mate.

This is massive!! it is a question we must answer in our heart individually ...who do our actions seeks to glorify devil or God?
Ponder on this

Satan came to destroy and kill, so we have to be attached to Heavenly Father to take care of all danger

The enemy is always alert to see who gets careless, so we have to cover ourselves with the blood of Christ who has power.

Satan is waiting to see who is caught unaware and the weakest, so we have to trust in God at all times and entrust our inputs and outputs to him.

Satan is dressed as an angel of light to deceive people, so let us be very careful and pray to God to protect us from the devil's assassinations.

We have to be very careful with what we do because we can be giving credit and entering satan into our lives.

That's how we have to be vigilant and protect ourselves because satanas is attentive to see who is attacking.

wow great post thanks for sharing with us all

thanks for sharing with us all

in this post good message for the people you do the good job carry on

Great post @mycar. Colossians 3:17 tells us:

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Thus, ad believers we must always learn to weigh every of our actions if they glory God by first screening such action with His word.
Thanks for sharing.
Kind regards.