II Timothy 3:1-5 "Yet know this, that in the most recent days unsafe circumstances will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of cash, egotists, glad, blasphemers, defiant to guardians, unthankful, unholy, heartless, unforgiving, slanderers, without restraint, ruthless, despisers of good, deceivers, determined, haughty, lovers of joy instead of lovers of God, having a type of godliness however denying its energy.
What's more, from such individuals dismiss!" What is a "mess" as in I have utilized it? To ensure that I comprehended what a "mess" is, I counseled Webster's New World Dictionary. This is lexicon's meaning of "mess": "A scatter, mess, a condition of humiliation, inconvenience, trouble, disarray, tangle; a condition of being confused, messy, or filthy." "mess" unquestionably catches the general portrayal of conditions "in the most recent days" as sketched out in II Timothy 3.
Our present age has been alluded to as the Atomic Age, the Space Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Information Age, likewise normally known as the Computer Age, and so on. However, I submit to you that the most distinct expression is the Mess Age! We are in: A social mess - one of extravagance, and disorder; A political mess - one of unite and eagerness; A religious mess - one of lack of care, abandonment; A worldwide mess – one of pressure, disturbance and fear based oppression. By any legit assessment of the world of humankind when all is said in done, one would need to state that it is all the more precisely as the messenger Paul portrayed it in his second letter to Timothy.
However, don't lose hope! There is help and expectation! God has a message for this message! The solution for a world turned out badly isn't to be found in socialization, association, renewal or training however in the worldwide decree of the Gospel of the Grace of God! God's message is the Good News message which is: A MESSAGE OF HOPE FOR AN AGE OF DESPAIR.
The world is befuddled and in give up however the Christian ought not be. The Apostle Paul stated: "We are beset on each side, yet not upset; we are baffled, but rather not in lose hope. Mistreated, however not spurned; cast down, but rather not demolished." (II Corinthians 4:8,9) The meaning of hopelessness is, "to lose all expectation or certainty." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Life without Christ is a sad end; existence with Christ is an interminable expectation! John Donne stated, "Misery is the soggy of heck, as satisfaction is the tranquility of paradise."
God does not guarantee skies constantly blue, however, as Paul expressed, the trusting offspring of God is "not in lose hope." Outwardly there might be cataclysm but rather internally we can have quiet
The remedy for a world gone wrong is not to be found in socialization, organization,
reformation or education but in the worldwide proclamation of the Gospel of the Grace of
God! God's message is the Good News message
Good to hear from you mycar, Thanks for sharing with Us!
What an ambiguous and interesting title, the world is characterized by so many deformities, in other word one can say the world is lost really and only the grace of God and God's total redemption can save mankind, what an amazing write my friend
God's message for his children cannot be overemphasized and also entails with the wittiness and readiness to hear and obey his word.
This part of the author's write up melted out something magnanimous
'The world is befuddled and in give up however the Christian ought not be. The Apostle Paul stated: "We are beset on each side, yet not upset; we are baffled, but rather not in lose hope. Mistreated, however not spurned; cast down, but rather not demolished." (II Corinthians 4:8,9) The meaning of hopelessness is, "to lose all expectation or certainty." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Life without Christ is a sad end; existence with Christ is an interminable expectation! John Donne stated, "Misery is the soggy of heck, as satisfaction is the tranquility of paradise."
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