A characteristic feature of nightmares is the one who dreams that he is in danger.

Parents are the exception when they dream that their children are in danger. Sometimes the Lord will use these frightening dreams to get our attention. A person by the hardness of his heart to hear the voice of God and not pay attention, has the unpleasant experience of a nightmare because God is dealing with them on an issue. We have such an example with King Abimelech, who had a nightmare in which God told him that he was a dead man for having taken the wife of another man. The dream scared him about to return Sara to Abraham and fill him with riches as an apology.
Genesis 20: 3-7
3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, you are dead, because of the woman you have taken, who is married to her husband.
4 But Abimelech had not come to her, and said, Lord, will you also kill the innocent?
5 He did not say to me: My sister is; and she also said: Is it my brother? With simplicity of my heart and with cleanliness of my hands I have done this.
6 And God said to him in a dream: I also know that you have done this with the integrity of your heart; and I also stopped you from sinning against me, and so I did not allow you to touch her.
7 Now, then, the woman returns to her husband; because he is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and you will live. And if you do not return it, you know that you will surely die, and all yours.
Not all nightmares come from God. Aspects hidden from our subconscious, things we read, see or hear, aspects of anxiety or fear can produce frightening dreams. Many nightmares can have a key that will open aspects that need emotional release or inner healing, so you have to examine them too. Other nightmares are produced by attacks of evil spirits that harass, torment and snatch people their peace and inner joy, these types of nightmares can cause emotional confusion where people can become afraid of falling asleep at night.
Regularly, during the night, we enter two different states of sleep. The first state is known as "SWS" (sleep with slow waves) and, after about 90 minutes, we usually enter the second phase called REM (sleep with rapid eye movements). During the rest of the night, we alternate between these two states. Most nightmares occur during the REM phase. Only 4% of nightmares occur during the SWS phase and are known as "night terrors". People do not usually remember the content of these nightmares. Maybe they wake up sweating or screaming, and yet they are unable to know what they have dreamed of
In the book of Job 7: 13-14 "when I say: my bed will comfort me, then you frighten me with dreams, and terrify me with visions." Nightmares are dreams with terrifying images, but there are those dreams that nobody wants to talk about of which we need instruction and are called dirty dreams, since they contain lascivious, seductive and sexual scenes, the dream may have to do with the dreamer participating in an act of adultery, fornication, masturbation, pornography. that puts you in a compromising position or that you act in a way that you never would. According to rabbinic tradition, nightmares and dirty dreams are the result of the presence of a demonic spirit or nocturnal spirit in the room of the person who is sleeping.

If an evil spirit in the atmosphere can send fire darts to the mind of a believer while he sleeps at night, then it is not the believer's fault if he has strange dreams
Ephesians 6:16
16 Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the fiery darts of the evil one.
There is usually responsibility if a person watches movies with a high content of sex, violence or terror before going to sleep and has eaten a large dinner that causes your body to have trouble digesting while you sleep, then you will experience these types of dreams and not You can sleep well. What are the sources of nightmares?
There is usually responsibility if a person watches movies with a high content of sex, violence or terror before going to sleep and has eaten a large dinner that causes your body to have trouble digesting while you sleep, then you will experience these types of dreams and not You can sleep well. What are the sources of nightmares?
a) The spiritual atmosphere that surrounds the place, the house or the room. This influences people's minds in a very strong way while they are asleep, causing disturbances, anxiety, headaches, oppression, not being able to sleep or when falling asleep having nightmares or disturbing dreams. Sometimes a disturbing presence is felt in the room. A biblical example was when King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit and David played the harp and this spirit came from Saul.
1 Samuel 16:23
23 And when the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, David took the harp and played with his hand; and Saul was relieved and better, and the evil spirit departed from him.
1 Samuel 18: 10-11
10 And it came to pass the next day, that an evil spirit from God took Saul, and he went wild in the midst of the house. David played with his hand like the other days; and Saul had the spear in his hand.
11 And Saul hurled the spear, saying, I will nail David to the wall. But David evaded it twice.
b) Signs and sounds trapped in the mind.
This third reason has to do with what the person sees and hears before going to sleep. It is good not to allow any visual or verbal activity related to the occult, demonic or sexual, since seeds are planted in the mind, and such seed can open the door to a tormenting or oppressive spirit. Fear of what is seen can make us vulnerable to a physical attack. Many times to see pornography either online or by other means, people go to bed with their minds rooted in an emotional adventure with images of strange women, leading to a dirty dream. We must take care that we let our minds or hearts enter by what our five physical senses capture, that is why the Bible says in Proverbs 4:23: "Over all things kept, guard your heart, for from it flows life."
c) Problems with worries or anxieties.
According to experts have nightmares people with a personality characterized by anxiety, insecurity or nervousness. Research has shown that most people who have regular nightmares have had a family history with psychiatric problems, drug experiences, people who have contemplated suicide, and / or have had stormy relationships. Nightmares are an indication of fears that must be recognized and confronted. It is a way in which our subconscious gives a warning. "Pay attention!"
How can we stop such nightmares or dirty dreams?
a) Establish a positive atmosphere in your room: It is good to pray when waking up and before sleeping, you can play praise music to purge the atmosphere, it is also good to declare the Word of God and anoint the walls of the room with oil, has no Christian praise praise the Lord personally before going to sleep.
b) Cleanse your mind by renewing the spirit:
2 Corinthians 4:16
16 Therefore, we do not lose heart; before, although this our outer man is wearing out, the interior nevertheless is renewed from day to day.
Colossians 3:10
10 and put on the new one, which according to the image of him that created him is renewed unto full knowledge.
The Greek word "renew" used in these passages means to make a difference again. It is a process of continuous renewal and helping to think differently. The renewal of the mind is a daily process, we must cleanse our mind by the "washing of water by the Word"
Ephesians 5:26
26 to sanctify her, having purified her in the washing of water by the word After reading and meditating on the scriptures your mind will be cleansed and your spirit will be inspired.
c) Pray in the promises of God: Before sleeping, declare the word of God out loud ...