More than once we have felt discouragement in our lives, for different reasons that have arisen, and it is normal for that to happen, because as human beings we tend to have moments like these in some way.


Why does discouragement come?

Many times the discouragement comes through work, (lack of interest), family problems, financial problems, we lose the desire to go to church, among others. Maybe! In some of those we have been at some point, but we have already overcome that stage. When you find yourself in that state: "discouraged" you lose the desire to move on, you feel unable to spend that inactive moment of your life.

It is normal that you spend those moments, moreover, in the bible we find great characters who became discouraged and even our Lord Jesus Christ, but the most interesting of all, is that God raised them.

For example; Job, who initially had a normal life, then began to lose everything, and was left with nothing, even his own friends questioned him, despite those difficult times that happened, in the end God raised him and blessed him greatly.


Elijah, a great prophet who sent fire down from heaven, but then fled because a woman named Jezebel wanted to kill him, when he was in the desert an angel said to him: "Get up and eat because you have a long way to go" God, gave him encouragement go ahead.


Jesus, before he was delivered, went to pray in a place called Gethsemane, where he said to his Father: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, but it is not as I want, but as you". God gave him the strength to continue!


Joshua and the people, after the death of their great leader, Moses, thought that they would no longer reach the promised land, but God in chapter 1 of the book of Joshua, we see the promises that he gives, so that he will take strength to achieve the objective.


And so many characters spent such moments, but the common denominator is that God gave them words to continue, when you find yourself in those moments like that, God will give you the necessary strength to get ahead, do not let discouragement control your thoughts, that is a weapon that the enemy occupies to get away from God, when you find yourself in those moments do not go to seek help where your friends, since they will help you sink more, but go to our Father, that He will help you find the exit.

"See that I command you to make an effort and be brave; Do not fear or be dismayed, for Jehovah your God will be with you wherever you go "Joshua 1: 9.

God bless your life.


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