After preparing his disciples, Jesus sent them to preach. While traveling through Galilee, many others also became disciples of Jesus and were baptized. There were many people who wanted to follow Jesus, so he compared them to a field ready for the harvest. He said: "Pray to Jehovah to send more workers to harvest." Matthew 9.38. Later, he chose 70 of his disciples and sent them in pairs to preach throughout Judea. They talked to everyone about the Kingdom. When they returned, they really wanted to tell Jesus how they had gone. The Devil could not do anything to stop the preaching
Jesus left everything ready for his disciples to continue doing that important work after he returned to heaven. He told them: "Preach the good news of the Kingdom throughout the earth. Teach the Word of God to people and baptize them. " Matthew 28.19 and 20.
"I also have to announce the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent" (Luke 4:43).
Our call is to bring the good News of Salvation to every creature. Male