2 Corinthians 9: 7-9
The scriptures teach us that this principle is also fundamental in our lives as followers of Christ. The promise is clear, great will be the rewards of those who unceremoniously learn to give. They will receive: "All grace", "all enough", "all good works".
When we humbly and heartfully give what we have, our money, our skills, our time, the learning we have in some area of our lives to the people around us, we glorify God and in turn we can witness his In the book of Proverbs 19:17 it teaches us "to the LORD he who lends to the poor, and the good he has done, will repay him again."
What we consider as irreplaceable treasures of our lives, today could be of great help to someone we know: an ear that knows how to listen, a helping hand, a true friendship. When we give back to others what God has given us without conditions, we honor Him, in this way we help a family member, friend or brother in the Faith and our life will be greatly blessed.
Proverbs 11:25