Tithes and Offerings

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Malachi 3:10

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Tithe, I would say this is a good means for us to put God first in whatever thing we do.

Tithing and Other Offerings

As a member of any church or denominations, out tithe and offering is giving to the lord.

Functions of Tithing

Tithing is used for several purposes which are

  • Building
  • maintenance
  • Assisting the missionary program.
  • Printing and distributing lesson materials.
  • Helping the needy ones.

We Are Blessed When We Give Tithes and Offerings

According to Malachi 3:10 we are urged to pay our tithes and offering and see if the windows of heaven will not open and.....
So now we could see how important paying of tithe and offering are important. There’s a huge blessing that goes with this majorly. We were given a promise that include the physical and spiritual.

honest tithe

Paying of tithe isn’t just a matter of paying because it’s compulsory to do so, but it requires honesty and sincere heart.
Abraham and others actually obeyed the commandment of God to pay a tithe of one-tenth of their increase throughout their life time.
These scriptures told us that Hebrew 7:1-10 Genesis 14:19–20; 28:20–22.
Our faithfulness to the payment of tithe shows our faithfulness to the Lord. And also we teach our children the value of this law. They always want to follow our footsteps and example and pay tithing on any money they receive too.

  • What can we do to teach our children to pay tithing and understand its importance also?

  • Give willingly
    Giving from your heart is another key to the blessing we are talking about. The tithe should be the first thing you get out of your money as soon as it gets to you.

“When one pays his tithing without enjoyment he is robbed of a part of the blessing. He must learn to give cheerfully, willingly and joyfully, and his gift will be blessed”

In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Apostle Paul taught us how to give willingly, for God love a cheerful giver.

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

I believe how blessings are cut short because of our habit toward giving or donating in the things of God. Let’s leean to give willingly in anything thing that involves giving, Be It tithe or not.


Are we to pay tithes and offering in the steemchurch?

Some new members ask me this question always. Because hearing about the steemchurch, makes them feel it’s a church that requires all activities that’s actually going on in our churches that we attend.
This is actually not a suggestion but just being inquisitive here. Maybe some of you might have had such idea but don’t know how to express it, but I believe the apostles of the steemchurch can throw more light to this. And also #SIRKNIGHT may want to enlighten us on this too. To some new members that ask this questions often.
But with me little knowledge, I believe all members are to contribute to any donations that involves the church (steemchurch).


Wounderful post on tithes and offering, a lot of Christian do not know the importance and blessings that follows a tither..... thanks for educating us about this!

Upvoted and resteem

Tithing and payment of offering is a deliberate voluntary act by members to build and support the growth the church. It should not be viewed as a means of milking the parishioners.

Take for instance, steemchurch accepted offering when it began, in order to grow the steempower of the church. Months later, look where it is and how it affects the community positively with respect to curation.

Payment of tithes has for some time now, been a controversial issue. I believe we should just give if we want to give. Although the bible already told us to give one third of our earnings to God. I think it doesn't matter where or who you pay the tithe to. What matters is that you know you're giving it to God and God sees you.

Tithing has always been looked at from different angles in the bible. The understanding of it which has not really been clear is what has resulted in a lot of controversies.

Yet some understand that we have to tithe but who we give them to becomes another controversy. We should just pay our tithes and forget about where it goes. Trust that it is being utilized well, that should not be your major comcern. God bless you.


In my opinion I believe giving to someone whom you don't know is the best form of giving. Another thing again is not to give out of pity, but according to the spirit.

As believers tithing is very important to us, because it was commanded by God in the Bible.
But paying the tithe in the right is still an issue today because of the greed of men. Meanwhile this shouldn't discourage us to keep obeying God.

Tithe and offerings are very controversial issue in todays church and bettet place to give them has been an issue yet to be rrdolved due to human nature some clrgy men has taken it to be their way of milking the congregarion dry and leading the congrefation astray making them to believe in non feasible things although the bible afmonishes us to pay tithe but whete we make our church will be the determinants,my contribution is that so far we all gain in one way or the other in this community we all should try to extend a giving hand to our immefiate community not necessarly here in steemchurch .

Many Christians don't know the importance of tithes and offerings, it is only time God said try me,i will open the doors and windows of heaven and I will bless you that your room not contain it.....it is important in every Christian life

This has always been a controversial topic. Giving is one thing and giving from the heart is totally different. Jesus made us to understand that it's better you don't give at all than give from an impure heart. Let us tender our offerings and tithes with a pure heart and therefore receive from God.

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

What an awesome post in steemchurch today
Indeed you are a blessing to this community
Many persons need to understand the priciple behind tithe and offering .And that is what you have just explain

Hmmmnn. Nice one sir. I have been struggling to understand this issue of tithe as many doctrines are against it saying "it is an act of the old testament". But thanks for this sir. I will be waiting for an insight from #sirknight as per to how it can be done(thite and offering) here @steemchurch.

Paying of tithes and offerings are very important because there are great reward for giving. Thanks for your post.

It very good to pay your tithes,it causes the favour upon your life and open door of prosperity

What I learnt from this is to give freely and have a willing heart. When we learn to give we will actually be happier. There's that feeling one feels when you help someone that cannot help you back in return, that is the kind of help we should give. We should not expect anything in return. Thanks for sharing.