In my little walk with the lord and in the world i have come to discover that making lasting impact in the life of another is the whole essence of living and this you have shown by your undeniable act of selflessness. The lord Jesus while he walked the earth stated clearly in his own very words"Ye are the light of the world,a city set upon the hill that cannot be hidden"Matthew 5:14 and this you have clearly shown having lifted up Jesus and the gospel of truth as a banner in one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the word. He also stated "Ye are the salt of the earthdo the work of an evangelist". You are not just the true definition of a leader Sir you have and are raising other leaders. As the apostle instructed, you sir have indeed contended for the faith. This sir is worthy of emulation.With all joy and gladness of heart i want to sincerely appreciate the household of knighthood @SirKnight and family." Matthew 5:13a, that is we are meant to give taste and also preserve others in the part in the part of light and freedom. This is the clear definition of the @steemchurch community. This remarkable act of submission to the leadership of the spirit has added value and taste to the life of the growing thousands who are daily motivated and transformed by the life changing messages posted to the @steemchurch and amazingly you have given the flocks of God the platform to share their personal dealings with God and to bless lives, you have raised a mass generation of evangelists propagating the gospel of freedom as Paul instructed timothy "
I will not fail to appreciate the Bone of your bones, the ladyknight who is a true definition of a proverb 31 woman, "For who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life, she girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. Strength and honour are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom: and her tongue is in the law of kindness. Her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praiseth her" proverb 31. I have no doubt that children born in the household of the knight are already blessed. For the children of Isaac and Jacob were blessed because of faithful Abraham. I write this piece of gratitude to you @Sirknight not because i desire an upvote but because your esteemable act of selflessness and love for God have upvoted the lives of thousands who have testified and are still testifying including myself.
You are a leader and a mentor.
SirKnight and LadyKnight - handsome looking couple!
Good post Oko.