Many people have the habit of envying those who rejoices because they are not rejoicing too. Once they see others testifying of good things,they start to be sad and from there,start planning for the person's downfall. God does not want this from such people because the Bible says in Romans 12:15 that, "Rejoice with them that do rejoice,and weep with them that weep"
An adage says "rejoice with those who rejoices so that your can come too" but there are some who finds it easy to mourn those who mourn,either when the person loses someone or the person is affected in some areas, but there are some who find it difficult to rejoice with other people. This is bad!!
You never know what a person has gone through in life and because he/she overcame all and is rejoicing,you become sad about it. You forget that there is time for everything, you start comparing yourself to such person like,"am I not better than this person", "I must by all means get what my mate has". When you start thinking about this,you go out seeking for help from people. Though they may help you but at last,it leads to your destruction. Wait for your time dear. Some are even selfish that they don't want others to have what they have, they are only meant for him/her alone and when they see others breakthrough, they feel sober because they aren't contented.
How can you rejoice with those that rejoices?
I will mention just three of the ways to rejoice with them.
The moment you start comparing yourself with others,you end up in destroying yourself. Be satisfied with the position you are for now, God is still on His throne,He will do it for you
In Matthew 20:1-16,there was a story Jesus told about some people that were hired at different hours of the day. They agreed on the amount they will collect but when the time for payment arrives,they were all given the same penny each. Those that started early were sad and unhappy because those who were hired at the shorter hour were also paid the same as them. The man who hired them told that it was the amount they agreed on from the beginning. Don't compare yourself with others.PRAY FOR THOSE YOU ENVY
When you envy someone,pray for them. When you do this,God will answer your prayers too and this will make it difficult for you to think evil against such personBE THANKFUL
Thank God for what you are,and where you are. There are some who are praying to be where you are
The Bible make us to understand that we should show love to people by sharing with them whatever they are going through
Thanks for this wonderful message
Thanks @sc-n
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what a beautiful words of bible...thanks for sharing...
You welcome. Thanks for stopping by