Depression is one of the the major factor leading to suicide .
Depression can be define as a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.Depression can lead to suicide.
Depression can also lead to having suicidal thoughts or ideations
-this can be define as the state of contemplating actions that may cause self harm or lead to ones death.
##what are the courses of Depression
- Early Childhood Experience — Early childhood trauma, such as loss of a parent before adolescence, child neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, and parental divorce are all linked to increased risk for adult depression.
2.Stress — Negative life events, such as divorce, loss of a loved one or loss of employment are associated with increased depression. Research shows that chronic stresses (such as illness, lack of social support and numerous “daily hassles”) are also linked to depression.
3.Alcohol — Depression and alcoholism is often seen in the same patients at the same time. Alcohol is a depressant drug and its presence in a depressed person has serious implications on treatment outcome.
4.Residence — Depression seems to be higher in urban residents than in rural residents. In fact, one study found that depression was twice as common among city dwellers than among those who lived in rural settings.
5.Marital Status — Depression is highest among divorced, separated, or co-habitating persons. It is lowest among single and married persons. People living alone have higher rates of depression than those living with others do.
6.Work Status — Research shows that people unemployed for six months or more in the last five years had a rate of depression three times that of the general population.
7.Physical Illness — Certain physical illnesses are associated with depression such as thyroid disorder,hormonal imbalances, chronic viral infections, cancer and heart diseases.
8.Medications — Many medications can cause depression-like symptoms, including sedatives such as Valium (diazepam) and pain medications such as Percocet and Demerol (meperidine).
###Signs of depression
Attimes we might be depressed but don't really know therefore,These questions will guide you
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered about these problems?
1.Little interest or pleasure in doing things
2.Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
3.Trouble falling or staying asleep or sleeping too much
4.Feeling tired or having little energy
5.Poor appetite or overeating
6.Feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down
7.Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television
8.Moving or speaking so slowly that others have noticed, or the opposite
9.Thoughts that you would be better off dead or hurting yourself in some way
###What do I do when I am depressed or have suicidal thoughts.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. It is common for people to seek solace in alcohol and drugs. You may feel okay temporarily but you'll need higher doses of these substances to sustain the 'high feeling'. It has been documented that suicidal ideation worsens with intake of alcohol and drugs. So stay away from these substances.
Make your home safe. This is crucial because the closer you are to object that can easily facilitate self harm the higher the chances of suicide. Rid your home of harmful things like fire arm, razors or knives.
Share your worries.
Most people who commit suicide never shared with anyone their inner struggles. Part of the blame for this lies on a judgemental world such as ours. The truth is there as still people who can be trusted within your network, people you can trust. If you lack this privilege, then you can visit a professional; either a psychiatrist or a counsellor who are trained with years of experience and are bound by law to keep your matter confidential.
4.Do nothing.
At the point of feeling suicidal, it is very important not to listen to yourself or take any action at the spur of the moment.
Exercise is known to increase endorphins(the happiness hormones) levels. Hit the gym, take a walk, swim and where possible get a partner along with you. Gist away while you're at this.Find out purpose. A purposeful life will easily make a jump out of depression if it ever occurs.
What does living mean to you. Have you got a vision in your heart that make you look forward to another day? Finding purpose outside the maker is an effort in futility. Just as the the true purpose/use of a product can only be determined by the manufacturer, so also the true purpose can only be found in God.Evaluate your thought patterns.
The human mind has the ability to catastrophize, that is, it is naturally able to blow our inabilities, inadequacies and faults way out of proportion leaving us with no other option that to pass judgement on ourselves. When you begin to feel bad or sober about anything you've got to start evaluating your thoughts carefully and honestly to validate or invalidate the reasons behind it. Find the culprit thought and destroy it ASAP. If it still lingers then you may need to share.
We are aware that toad does not run in day time for nothing so some suicidal thought could be devil activated and so at this point prayer and seeking council from men of GOD as well as reading God's word can change things. Whether one is a Muslim or christian reading God's word at that point can make one discover one important fact that can change ones way of thinking.
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Upvoted & Resteemed
Depression is becoming so rampant in many parts ofthe world these days. It's one of the primary causes of suicide. We need to reach out to friends and family members to check up on them from time to time.
Being depressed often feels like carrying a very heavy burden, but No one is alone in this struggle. exercise is especially helpful for the depressed mind. It enables you to better handle stress, and the endorphins released during exercise give you a mental boost.
Thanks for coming up with this.
When we worry about something, we get depressed which will not add any good to our life and health.
We need to free ourselves from depression through constant study of God's word and be mindful of what will trigger depression in our lives.
The depression itself has several levels that accompany it, but whatever the intensity we must go to God first, He gave us a spirit of self-control and we can overcome everything by exercising our authority and faith. God bless you thank you for sharing
Depression comes once in a while in everyone's life but the way we handle it is very important. The best way is to trust that God will work everything out. When i am depressed the solution for me is reminding myself through songs the amazing promises he has made.
You need to master a way to handle depression, a way to step out of that darkhole and only by looking back to God can his light show you the way.