STEEMCHURCH: How can we have Eternal Life?

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Hello, dear friends and brothers of @steemchurch, today I want to give you a message and I hope that with your help you reach many of our dear readers and can have an effect on their lives.

We all know that the way to ETERNAL LIFE is the knowledge of God: his laws, to live with Him in our hearts, soul and spirit. The Bible says: "He who knows me will have ETERNAL LIFE."

One of the best ways to know and be in contact with God is to read and study the Bible. The Bible teaches us perfectly how to serve Jesus Christ and thus earn ETERNAL LIFE. That is why we should create a habit of study and understanding of the Scriptures.

Juan 17: 2-3

2 As you have given him authority over all flesh, that he may give eternal life to all you gave him.
3 And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.


But dear brothers, it is not enough to study the Bible and know its laws, we can know, know and this is not enough to be worthy of an ETERNAL LIFE that was the promise of our great teacher Jesus Christ.

Each law, each commandment, each story, each parable that we study and learn must be fulfilled in our world, we must live in harmony with the writing and enforce it. For the connoisseur of the laws, the punishment is double.

Do you remember Judas? The one who sold Jesus Christ knew him very well and changed it for the greed of owning some pieces of silver. Do you think he will have ETERNAL LIFE?

Do you remember Gehazi? Who wanted to benefit from Elisha's miracle? who healed the disease that Naaman the head of the Syrian army? When Naaman heals the leprosy out of gratitude, he offers Elisha a good gift, but Elisha does not accept it and this servant takes advantage of it and pursues Naaman and tells him that his master sent him to find the gift and the chief of the armies gives it . Elisha punishes him for lying and using his influence, and receives the leprosy Naaman had. Gehazi will have ETERNAL LIFE?

If we do not obey the laws that God left us, we will be punished.

Santiago 4:17

17 and he who knows how to do good, and does not do it, is sinful to him.


We must always bring all our knowledge about the bible, Jesus Christ, its laws to the struggle we have every day in the underworld. We will always have the support of our Lord Jesus Christ to overcome the obstacles that the enemy will put us to stumble and not comply with these laws that lead us to have the privilege of enjoying the promise of God of an ETERNAL LIFE and in abundance.

This knowledge, experiences of living with Jesus Christ in our lives, we must take to all the people of our environment, let's teach everyone how wonderful it is to have Jesus Christ in our lives. And so make them aware that there is a way to ETERNAL LIFE.

And would you like to have ETERNAL LIFE? I invite you to know the world of Jesus Christ and to fulfill his commandments of soul, heart and spirit. So you deserved it

Until a next written dear readers. Blessings!!

John 3:36

36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who rejects the Son will not know what that life is, but will remain under the punishment of God.


Eternal Life
❤ ❤ ❤

❤ For a world without remedy, ❤
that between evil is governed,
Christ has come to offer us
Salvation and Eternal Life.

❤ Here we are pilgrims ... ❤
Our existence is fleeting.
God offers us a destination
of Eterna Happiness.

❤ Christ wants us to reach ❤
victory over sin,
because you want us to be
eternally by his side.

❤ Life here is temporary ❤
There is nothing good in the world.
The true wealth
It is the Eternity of heaven.
❤ ❤ ❤

-Daniel Nuño -