That we may learn to know that it is God's will and our responsibility to help others find solution to their personal problems. As humans, we often encounter problems of different nature and magnitude. Some problems are simple and we competently handle them. Others call for help from other people if we must overcome them. We need help because we are weak, incompetent, endangered or just unable to help ourselves! God is the very present help in time oftrouble (Psalm 46:1). Yet He commands that we show love by being ready and willing to help others when it lies within our power to do so. This write up admonishes us to be willing and ready to help those who are in problems.
Helping others is an act of kindness. It is being merciful and benevolent. Like the lawyer in Luke 10:29, we often justify our unwillingness to help others by asking, "Who then is my brother?" As Christians, our brother is:
A fellow child of God (1 Corinthians 12:25-27). We owe it a duty to help members of the Christian community. Helping fellow Christians (irrespective of denominational or doctrinal differences) is part of loving one another as commanded by our Saviour Jesus Christ (John. 13:34, 35). It is the in-reach programme for the edification (building up) ofone another as members ofthe body of Christ. Recipients of such expression of the love of God are often strengthened and encouraged to continue in the faith. Also and by extension, the Christian brotherhood is strengthened, as a caring community celebrating the fatherhood of God.
Note that while your brother is a fellow child of God, that is strictly a Christian, your neighbour is anyone who is in need of your help, irrespective of differences in skin colour, religion, ethnicity, etcetera. Helping this category of persons, though they are unbelievers, can be part of the Christian's outreach programme to the world for evangelization.
There are several ways by which we can help our brother out of problem; but first, we must be willing and ready to help according to who we are (our ability) and what we have (our resources). You render help to someone in problem if you:
Have compassion on yourfellow brother. Be merciful to his plight (Luke 10:33; Genesis 13:8-13; 14:11-16).
Pray for (and where feasible, pray with) your brother that his neede be met, especially the need for spiritual strength and right focus.
Care for your brother 's need, especially the physical and material needs of food, clothing and shelter (Luke 10:34; 1 John 3: 18).
Spend your time for your brother. You can spend good quality time praying, teaching, training, mentoring, counseling and visiting him.
Spend your money for your brother (Luke 10:34). Don't value your money or any other valuable above human life.
Spend your energy (Genesis 14:14-16; Luke 10:34b). Helping out sometimes can be physically exerting and laborious.
Give wise counsel (Proverbs 15:22). A godly counsel can prevent the aggravation of a problem. This step can be the proverbial stitch in time that saves nine.
Those who are reluctant to help others find solution to personal problem(s) may be asking the question: "What do I stand to gain by helping him?" Scriptures reveal that there are several benefits, among which are:
It will glorify God. Helping others find solution to their personal trouble is a good deed that brings glory to our heavenly Father (Matthew 5 : 16).
It gives the brother beneficiary a sense of security and belonging. The realization that someone cares can be soothing, re-assuring and re-invigorating. When one receives a helping hand from a caring heart, his sense ofself-worth is enhanced.
A wound ofthe one who is helped is healed. No one likes to get into trouble, But when trouble comes, it usually inflicts wounds — moral, emotional, physical, psychological e.t.c., which need to be healed.
It promotes healthy interpersonal relationships within the church. Christians providing a helping hand to solve a brother's personal problem is a message to the world.
Caring for others and their interest is like sowing. We will reap what we sow (Ecclesiastes 11 : 1 ; Galatians 6:7). Surely, when your own hour ofneed comes, the Almighty God will raise help for you. "God blesses those who are merciful,for they will be shown mercy " (Matthew 5 :7 NLT).
Helping a person to find solution to a personal problem can be likened to a rescue mission with all its costs, risks and inconveniences. Nevertheless, it is a task that must be done.
A personal problem that is not solved appropriately and timely can linger with damnable consequences. The sufferer may be overwhelmed and injure his soul. Let's count on God's enabling grace to love our fellow brothers by helping them to find solution to their personal problems.
Like my post and i will dinitately do your post
We can start in our own family. If we can help a person in dire need, God will help you in your times of need too.