Election of the apostles is a wonderful story of the Bible. I remember the path where they were given a mandate to preach God's word they were told not to go with some things go with some and also how they were told to dust their feet from the doorstep of those who did not accept the gospel.
It is amazing that the Lord Jesus Christ chose a group of men so common, full of weaknesses and edges, with little education, plagued by jealousy and envy to be their representatives on earth. But certainly, the Lord did not choose them for what they were at the moment of being called, but for what they were going to be after. The life of each one of those men, with the exception of Judas, demonstrates what the grace of God can do with ordinary men.
Revelation of the Lord's will as to what we should be and how we should live is indispensable in equipping us to serve. What would the evangelists preach and what would the pastors teach were it not for the revelation furnished through the apostles and prophets.
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