God Brings Justice To All

And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?...
Luke 18:7

Fellow Steemeans, have you been crying out to the Lord God for something?. Maybe there is a situation in your life that has been overwhelming you and you feel like you have done everything you know how to do but, can not see a way through.

I want to encourage you today and remind you that we serve a God of justice. For, He is ever faithful to His Word and He will always be faithful to us no matter what we do or do not do.


Not only is He a God of justice, He is our vindicator. He is our defender. Remember that your battle is not with the fellow who may have wronged you, but with Satan.
The Bible says that the enemy of our souls, the accuser of the brethren, the devil, is our ultimate enemy and not man.

Never forget that God already has a plan for you; He already holds and knows the future, and He will bring about justice for you. Know that before eternity is through, God will right all the wrongs that have been done to you.

Do your part to release the situation into His capable hands and not take justice into your own hands. You do not have to and cannot straighten everybody out or right the wrongs in your life; that’s God’s job. So let God be God in your life.

Trust Him with your life and future because the God of justice is working things out behind the scenes on your behalf.
Let God be God in your life and play your own part.
Justice is the Lord's.

Never think or attempt to avenge yourself, hand over everything to God in prayer and let Him fight on your behalf.

Release every of your cares, every concerns and every situation that is beyond your control to God. Trust that He is working things out for your good, and He is bringing justice to you.
God is faithful.


Hi @phillipowolabi I find your post valuable for the Steemchurch community.
Thank you for your contribution
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