When you chose to carry your own burdens and not cast them on the Lord, then you are like a stubborn child who wants their own way.
Cast all your cares and burdens to God, don't struggle to carry it alone.
You do not have to walk around with heavy burdens.
in your heart. You don’t have to carry those burdens and become bait for Satan.
Humble yourself before the Lord, and cast your cares upon Him, for without Him you are absolutely nothing.
But through Him, He elevates you into His throne room of mercy where you experience unspeakable joy and unknowable peace.
You weren't made to function alone but, to solely rely on God for all your needs.
In this world, Jesus Christ should be everything that matters to you.
Jesus Christ is the Friend who sticketh closer than a brother to us.
Jesus Christ is the Great Physician who can heal every sickened and diseased body, if we have faith in Him.
He is the mighty counselor that can bring you peace to your disturbed and tormented mind. He can break shackles of shame and break bondage of despair and can turn things around for your good.
He is our Protector and our Provider. Do not hope in the promises of men because, men will surely fail you.
But, hope only in the promises of our faithful God!
Know that Man’s opinions do not determine your destiny. No man can take from you what God has given to you.
God has a divine destiny, one not to harm you, but to bring you to a place of complete blessing.
He always thinks good of you and not evil. Because you are his previous and glorified child.
Hand over all your worries to God in faith and praise Him while you wait for your miracles to happen.
God cares about everything that concerns you, so open up to Him.
For He is your loving Father and will never leave you nor forsake you.
Trust God!
God is in control and will meet every of our needs if we take our burdens to Him.
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This is very true, we should cast our burdens to Him and take upon His yoke which is easy. Thanks for the reminder.
You are welcome, fellow believer in Christ