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RE: What reason would somebody need to purchase genuine gold or silver?

What a mind opening,heart vibrating post, i think we all should try to keep an open mind,this means a lot and it all started from the Bretton Wood System when and where nations of the world kept their wealth,riches in gold and silver,but the collapse of the system came as a result of the fact that it created a loop holes where it favours only the power nations, European world at the expense of other member nations like Africa continent, the
Powerful nations protected themselves, while the less strong member nations where exposed to National Treasury crisis, which came about due to other undertone disadvantages,unfavourable policies etc.
But the world is changing, all we need to do is get adequate financial intelligence, get educated on how this things work,don't be afraid to lose,because if you are,you may never win. Take risk, and consistently contend to get better. Gold and silver can generate for you portfolio income and passive income as well.

Thanks for the heads up once again mate @tikhub. You are such a blessing to this generation.