You captured the present situation very succinctly here. I never knew it could be so somewhere else. Just last night I had a chat with an old Christian friend, and he said, "some young Christians and preachers are destroying the sound and bible based platforms put in place by their fathers". Seek YE first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and All others shall be added unto you is now read down up. Get All other things, fame, position, wealth, before you consider RIGHTEOUSNESS. Many Church rulers and few Christ followers.
My brother we have great work to do.
May the Lord of harvest send us revival.
An unquenchable hunger and taste after righteousness. When Christ increases and self decreases. Keeping steps with Jesus Christ. Oh LORD send us your REVIVAL.
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Well Victor, with the new structure of our community, we will always promote unity, SteemChurch must be that example for so many Churches in the world that are being closed because of lack of workers, our Lord Jesus Christ said: The harvest is great, the workers are few '... We ask God a multitude of disciples to expand His Kingdom on earth. Only a great revival can stop the wave of crimes that are happening in society, the City of Wales-England, changed when a young miner with a few children, prayed and decided to change their Nation. 😊