A terrible day shall come suddenly
When the whole earth shall be made desolate
When the pleasures of this world shall be burdensome
But the children of the most High shall be comforted.
Know of a truth
There shall be no excuse
What shall mankind answer the maker
People shall run to the mountains
And to the valleys
Searching for their savior
Who they have rejected.
A terrible day of GOD’s wrath shall come upon the earth
Mankind shall run to and fro looking for shelter
They shall knock at the door in vain
“I know you not” God shall tell them.
A terrible day awaits some people
Who loves sin and disobedience?
More than righteousness
They shall beat on their chest in regret
“I have wasted my life in vanity”, they shall cry.

A day of destruction shall come when you do not expect
From GOD who now loves you much
Please, haste and escape the wrath of GOD
That will be revealed against all forms
Of ungodliness and wickedness
The world of Noah was destroyed by flood
The world of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire
God will be unjust to excuse the present world full of violence and iniquity
This God of yesterday is the same God of today.
Do not take God’s grace for granted
Oh! People of the world
Turn from your wickedness
And you shall live
The time to do this is now.
His grace is still speaking.

you are the best , keep it up we love you
His grace. Thanks for your comment
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I want to see that day
Posted using Partiko Android