Sometimes it baffles me when you see Christians in the Church being reluctant to praise God during praise and worship. They become spectators, looking at the lead singer and instrumentalists, looking at other Church members dancing and praising God, etc. Hence, criticism comes into place, probably, the singer didn't perform well or someone didn't dance well. Let get to know what worship actually is.
What is Worship?
Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. An act of worship may be performed individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated leader.
In the above definition, deity is referred to our God. We were created to worship, give reference to Him and acknowledge Him.
Reasons to Worship God
- We were created to worship
- He gives us life
- He provides for us
- He cares for us
- He watches over us
- Think of whatever God has done for you...
Power of Worship
I think many of us don't recognize how powerful singing to God or worshiping God could be. Let us consider some scenario where the impact of worshiping God is made known.
Judah won battle over 3 nations (Ammonites, Moabites and Meunites) - 2 Chronicles 20
Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were very terrified because of the vast army coming to fight against them. You know what! They won the battle without fighting against any of the nations. Why? Because God commanded them to worship and sing praises to Him and they obeyed.
The wall of Jericho fell down flat - Joshua 6
It is another miracle God did for the Israelites to deliver them from the hands of their enemies. They were afraid but God told Joshua to march around the city of Jericho with his people for 7 days with sounds of praises and instruments. On the seventh day, the wall of Jericho fell down.
How to Worship God
We have different ways of worshiping God. Some could be personal or group.
Like King David in the Bible, he worshiped God nakedly when the Ark of God was brought back into Jerusalem [2 Samuel 6].

I'm not saying we should be naked before we worship God, but this is to illustrate his reverence to God Almighty. He never minded who was looking at him because he knew who he was dancing to.
We should worship God in spirit and in truth, that alone would win our life battle for us.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes, when we face difficulties in life, when we sing to and worship God, our cares and worries tend to disappear. Worship to God alone is a weapon to fight our battle. Sometimes, we do not need to pray but to worship Him.
God is always happy on His throne seeing us worship Him. In fact, our worship moves the angels in heaven. When we sing wholeheartedly, it gives the devil the reason to get behind us.
Let's learn to worship God, not because we are commanded but the power is unimaginable. As you do so God is ever ready to fight for us.
Thank you and God bless you all.
Absolutely true. We all could learn to worship God more. Well said, my friend.
Thank you
No, thank you for posting this