Dear Brethren of @steemchurch, blessings to Pastor @sirknight and all the parishioners of blockchain. Its been quite a while, I have actually been busy with lots of projects at hand but I never forgot you guys and am glad to be back today to share with you all a very interesting topic titled "The Power of Speaking in Tongues" I want you to sit back read through and enjoy.
Praying in Tongues
Then he told them: Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world. Anyone who believes me and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe me will be condemned. Everyone who believes me will be able to do wonderful things. By using my name they will force out demons, and they will speak new languages(Mark 16:15-17)
Speaking with tongues has nothing to with the New Birth, being a good person, or going to heaven. It is God’swill for every Christian to speak with other tongues (Mark 16:17)
God's Will and Promises are Not Automatic
The bible teaches that it is not God’s will that any should perish
The Lord isn't slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. Infact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost (2 Peter 3:9);
yet many die and are eternally lost. Unbelief, whether caused by ignorance, or unbelief caused by the inability to be persuaded, will hinder a Christian from receiving what God wills that he or she receives.
The promises of God are received by faith. Faith comes by the hearing of God’s Word. Faith involves action. If a person does not hear the Word of God concerning being filled with the Spirit or speaking with other tongues, then that person will not have the faith to be filled or to speak with other tongues. This is the reason most Christians in the body of Christ are not filled with the Spirit or do not speak with other tongues. Speaking with other tongues is a Bible truth, biblical doctrine and the will of God for every believer.
Note: Jesus appeared to over 500 believers and commanded them to wait in Jerusalem until they were endowed with power from on high; however, only 120 believers showed up on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 5:29-32, the scriptures states that those who obey God receive the Spirit. The promises of God are received by faith.
The ability to speak and pray with tongues is given when a Christian is baptized with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit took control of everyone, and they began speaking whatever languages the Spirit let them speak. Acts 2:4
Scriptural references for the biblical pattern of being baptized with the Spirit and speaking with tongues:
a. Acts 8:14-18- Jews
b. Acts 9:17-18- Samaritans
c. Acts 10:44-47- Gentiles
d. Acts 19:1-7- Disciples at Ephesus
Questions Concerning Speaking With Other Tongues
1. Doesn’t the bible say that tongues and miracles passed away with the early church?
Love never fails! Everyone who prophesies will stop, and unknown languages will no longer be spoken. All that we know will be forgotten. We don't know everything and our prophecies are not complete, But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn't perfect will then disappear. When we were children, we thought and reasons as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways. Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don't know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us. 1 Corinthians 13:8-12
Answer: No. There is no scriptural reference in the bible that states that tongues passed away with the early church. The scripture does say that tongues will cease. The scriptures states that there will come a time when tongues and prophecy shall cease. That time is when “that which is perfect is come” (see verse 10). That which is perfect is Jesus. When Jesus returns for the Church, tongues will cease. When Jesus returns for the Church, we will no longer need fragments of knowledge, wisdom and insight. All wisdom will be standing right in front of us! We will no longer need tongues, it will cease at that time; but until Jesus returns we should pray and speak with other tongues.
2. Why tongues? What is God’s purpose for tongues? Why should I pray in tongues?
I thank God that I speak unknown languages more than any of you. 1 Corinthians 14:18
Answer: Every Christian church or denomination esteems the Apostle Paul and recognizes him as a great apostle and teacher; and gives him credit for authoring nearly two thirds of the New Testament. This great apostle acknowledges that he spoke in tongues more than the whole church put together!
There are three (3) primary reasons Christians should pray in tongues:
a. Intercessions– The ability to pray for others as well as oneself, about things in which we do not have adequate information.
b. Self-edification– When we pray in the Spirit we are building up our spirits. As it relates to self-edification, those who do pray in tongues seem to be more open to the whole counsel of God. As it relates to the gifts of the Spirit, deliverance, casting out demons, divine healings; those who have been filled with the Spirit and speak with tongues seem to be more open. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the doorway into the supernatural (Acts 19:6). Those who do not speak with tongues do not prophesy or operate in the gifts of the Spirit.
c. To Worship God– It is impossible to worship God in Spirit without singing in tongues.
Note: Remember that the New Testament was written by men who spoke in tongues!
This is where I draw the curtain close for today's lesson, I hope you have been blessed by this wonderful piece till we meet again. Remain Blessed!!!
Upvoted and resteem
Thanks for sharing this interesting post with the @steemchurch, its always nice to see people standing up to the things of God.... @abiye
Speaking in tongues is correlated and embeded in prayers, its indeed important that as christian believers we must cultivate the habit of speaking in tongues
The talking about tongues for enlightenment is most noteworthy to the speaker. This is the fundamental motivation behind why Christians should ache for this blessing inorder to illuminate their own Soul.
Speaking in tongue is clearly biblical, as this was clearly proven during the disciples of Jesus being in the upper room.
they spoke different tongues, and well enveloped by tongues of fire, and they did prophesy.
Speaking in tongues is speaking in the realm of the Spirit that is beyond human understanding but speaking the mind of God.
It is a spark of unction that makes Christians to function in the journey of life and in running heavenly race
There is power in speaking and praying in tongues. Speaking in tongues don't just happened without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is activated and bring forth fruit with constant manifestation.
Speaking in tongues is speaking in the language of the spirit and it only take God to understand.
It brings strength to the weak.
Whenever a Christian that is Baptist in the Holy ghost is weak and couldn't pray, praying in tongues can help to activate the strength needed to carry on.
We are all qualified to speak in tongue as a Christian
Tongues, are used to communicate with GOD, in prayers sometimes when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and want to communicate some important messages with him. Thanks for sharing.
Tongue is a gift of the spirit and we can all benefit from it by asking and working tirelessly for it. Good post
The gift of speaking in tongues is not for everybody .
When you give your life to christ you receive all the blessings of the holly spirit but that doesn't mean that you must be speaking in tongues before you will be known ti have the spirit of God in us.
When God made us he gave us all we need but we disappointed him by doing what he said we should not do by eating the forbidden fruit.
He sent his son to reconsile our deeds with him.
Speaking in tongues is the higher level of communicating with GOD and going into deeper realms of the Spirit.
Speaking in tongues makes power available.
When we pray in the Spirit we are building up our spirits. As it relates to self-edification, those who do pray in tongues seem to be more open to the whole counsel of God. As it relates to the gifts of the Spirit, deliverance, casting out demons, divine healings; those who have been filled with the Spirit and speak with tongues seem to be more open.
Speaking in tongues edifies the spirit, it opens up our hwartgs abd gives us victory over the works of the evil one from keeping us in bondage. It is powerful
speaking in tongues opens our heart to the power of the most high, when the power of the most high God and the spirit of God through the holy spirit comes upon us we speaking in new tongues. the new testaments has records of this wonders and this still occurs even til this very day
(Mark 16:15-18 NIV) He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. {16} Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. {17} And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; {18} they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
No, God's intent isn't that everyone speak in tongues. Otherwise we would also be able to heal people by touching them. It's worth noting that those verses don't occur in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts.
So what are we to make of all this? More particularly, how are we to understand this passage? Several things can be stated. Perhaps most importantly, these verses are not even in the best New Testament manuscripts. We have in fact two questionable endings to Mark. One is a longer one (vv. 9-20) and one is quite short. Neither seems to be part of Mark’s original gospel.
Most good Bible translations will mention this fact, whether or not they actually run with these final dubious verses. The technical details are not something to be fully entered into here, but a few quick thoughts. The content of the longer ending seems to be a collection of bits and pieces from the resurrection narratives of Matthew and Luke.
Given that most scholars believe that Mark was written before these two other Synoptic gospels, then it does seem to be a later addition. And the various extant manuscripts have a number of differing arrangements of these suspect verses. Most good critical commentaries discuss the various bits of textual evidence and concur that the Gospel as we now have it ends at 16:8, and most therefore do not comment on the extra verses.
Thus most of modern textual scholarship is settled on this much: there is almost no scholarly debate about the textual reliability of either the shorter or longer endings. Genuine debate however does still exist over whether or not we should understand v. 8 to have been Mark’s intended final verse.
And what about God’s intent in v.16?
Many have been robbed of the blessings God intended them to have by believing that speaking in tongues isn’t for everyone. But the Word shows us that every believer needs to be filled with the Holy Ghost. And the Word says that when we get filled with the Holy Ghost, we will speak with tongues (Acts 2:4). However, speaking with tongues does not occur as just one initial experience of being filled with the Holy Ghost, and then it ceases. Speaking with tongues is a continual experience for the rest of one’s life.
for an evangelist evangelizer it is very important to master several languages in order to transmit the message of the Gospel to all corners of the world
The speaking of tongues for edification is most significant to the speaker. This is the main reason why Christians should long for this gift inorder to edify their own Spirit.
Speaking in tongue is clearly biblical, as this was clearly proven during the disciples of Jesus being in the upper room.
Excellent teaching here.
He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself. Surely it is a good thing to practice