Many people talk about the need for a drink. But for alcoholics, even one is too much. The misconceptions surrounding the use and abuse of alcohol can be confusing.
"I would definitely have a drink." It is what is often said after a hard day of work, after a good workout or emotional stress. An individual may say that he needs a drink because he knows that alcohol changes mood. And he knows that the change is felt immediately.

If the reaction to alcohol took several hours it would not be so attractive. In fact, it is because of the rapid effect it causes on the mood that it increases the risk of abusing alcohol.
Being well informed about the facts of alcohol use and abuse can be very helpful in using it appropriately.
Misconceptions of the use and abuse of alcohol
Misconception: A couple of drinks will not hurt me anymore.
Maybe not. But then, how much is too much?
Without delving into the scientific complexities of inheritance, body weight, genetic background and tolerances, there are other signs that you should consider:
Is alcohol consumption interfering with your marriage? (Ask your wife or husband - do not assume everything is fine.)
Is alcohol consumption interfering with your family life? (Ask your children or relatives).
Is alcohol consumption interfering with your work?
Has alcohol been the cause of traffic fines or is it seriously affecting the family budget?
If any (or all) of the above are true, then you are consuming too much alcohol! It is controlling you, you do not control it!
Can you spend a day, a week or a month without a drink? Can you really achieve it or leave it? If the impulse is too strong and prevents you from controlling yourself and making a decision about whether or not to drink, then alcohol has become your master and you have become its slave.
Alcohol abuse is destructive on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. The sad experience of more than 17.6 million alcoholic Americans shows it again and again. While the Bible does not condemn the use of alcohol in a moderate way (see our article "Is it a sin to drink alcohol?"), Millions of people make excuses and try to justify alcohol abuse.
Misconception: Larger people can take more, right?
Not quite. Body weight is a factor, since the same amount of alcohol in the bloodstream of a heavier person would be more diluted than in a smaller person. But it is the level of CAS (blood alcohol concentration) that really matters, not your body weight. The liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol and oxidizes an ounce approximately every hour. This approximates what is a standard glass of beer, wine or hard liquor. You can not control how fast you want your liver to work, you can only control the amount of alcohol you drink.
Fear, stress, anger, tiredness or social gatherings with friends who are drinking too much can make you more susceptible to getting drunk. Taking too much floods the whole body with alcohol, while the liver can only work at its own pace. The faster I take the greater the problem.
Misconception: Let's drink. Cheers!
Providing for your health can be popular and well-intentioned. But is it healthy to drink? Suddenly not. While it is true that studies show that the moderate use of alcohol will not harm your health and may even have certain benefits, constant abuse and continuously reach the limit of what is healthy in terms of drinking, will cause damage considerable physicists.
According to the authorities, these are some of the health risks due to excessive alcohol consumption:
Ulcers. Alcohol irritates the stomach, even more if taken with medication or other drugs.
Irreversible damage to the liver and diseases such as hepatitis.
Cancer. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of several types of cancer.
Malnutrition. Alcohol contains calories, therefore it generates a little energy, but nutritionally it is very poor.
Drinking to the point of getting drunk and habitual alcohol abuse can result in these and other physical problems, which are further complicated by the social, work and family problems mentioned above.
Misconception: I always know when to stop taking
Do you realize how advanced you are on the path of intoxication? Think about the following effects according to the level of alcohol concentration in the blood:
Up to 0.05 percent (one or two glasses), feelings may vary from feeling no effect to mild mood changes.
From 0.05 percent to 0.10 percent, feelings of relaxation, soothing and euphoria are increased. These feelings are "illusions", since the area responsible for the attitude in the brain has been put to sleep. Physical coordination deteriorates and the ability to react is slower.
From 0.10 percent to 0.20 percent, increases the deterioration of motor skills, judgment and reaction capacity. Speech may start to get tangled up, the individual is already quite compromised by alcohol.
Above 0.20 percent, the brain is well sedated. He is anesthetized, and the person who abused the drink has difficulty understanding what is happening around him or even standing or awake.
Between 0.40 percent and 0.60 percent, this amount of alcohol is usually fatal.
Misconception: I can drive without any problem. No problem, I'm not far from home.
Surely you have heard those phrases before. Although the facts are very clear about how alcohol severely impairs the ability to drive a vehicle. Why then does the person who has taken it insist that he can drive competently?
First, the initial sensation of drinking alcohol hinders natural inhibitions and affects judgment. The person may feel relaxed, confident and totally in control. But it's just an illusion, because alcohol has anesthetized the brain functions that control attitude.
With a couple more drinks, the next area of the brain that falls asleep is in charge of voluntary movements. Already at this time, the individual is at or above the legal limits in most countries to drive any motor vehicle -0.05 percent to 0.08 percent. More drinks will impair the ability to react and judgment.
With a diminished ability for functions comes an increase in aggressiveness since natural inhibitions have been suppressed. So even if a person thinks that he can drive "as well as ever", in reality he is completely disqualified from doing so. Getting behind the wheel is dangerous for the person, for the passengers and anyone else on the road. Remember - if someone comments and questions your ability to drive, it is because there must be cause for concern about the state in which you are in order to do well.
Alcohol can also:
Remove inhibitions and provide social functions; although too much alcohol can release aggression and prepare the way for other social indiscretions.
Temporarily remove the pain; although its toxic effects can trigger more serious health problems.
In the short term, alcohol seems to be helpful for a person's stress problems; Although in the long term it can hinder the ability to handle stress and become a source of stress for yourself.
Misconception: I take very little when I'm pregnant, so it's not a problem.
Do you know how much damage a small amount of alcohol can cause to an unborn baby? Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a disorder of permanent birth defects that occur in the children of women who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Studies reveal that even moderate consumption is associated with damage to the fetus.
The alcohol in the mother's blood crosses the placental barrier. Considering that the fetus is only a fraction of the size of its mother, and its organs, such as the liver, have not finished developing
Recognizing the problem of alcoholism
The problem of alcoholism is widespread everywhere and affects people all over the world. Alcoholism is present in all races, socioeconomic strata and religions.
Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) show an average consumption in US adults of 7.3 liters per year. But Europe has the biggest consumers of alcohol. The countries of Central and Eastern Europe consume an average of 14.5 liters per year, with 12.4 liters in Western Europe and 10.4 liters in the Nordic countries. Bearing in mind that many people drink moderately and others do not even drink, the averages are due in large part to those who abuse alcohol.
Millions of people are dominated by alcohol and carry terrible problems for their health, family, friends and respective jobs.
Is there any hope for an alcoholic?
Yes, it does exist, and there are many treatments and recovery programs available to meet the needs of an alcoholic. When combined with genuine repentance and God's help, the alcoholic can overcome his addiction and work to repair the damage in his life.
An alcoholic also needs the loving support of his family and friends. If you have a friend or loved one who is a slave to alcohol, how can you help?
Do not bother, do not complain, do not cry, do not beg, beg or berate the victim. Encourage him to make the necessary changes and promise him that he will be by his side while making those changes.
Do not lend yourself to lie for the person, cover up irresponsibilities or rescue him by paying his fines or bills. By doing this, you are increasing the problem. Many times before an alcoholic admits his problem, he must "hit bottom".
Since almost all members of the family are affected by the alcoholic, the external help should be for everyone. Love towards people with some type of addiction must be a "strong love" to be able to help them correct the course of their lives.
It is vital to understand the facts about the use and abuse of alcohol - not the misconceptions. The moderate use of alcohol can be accepted and enjoyable. But abuse and drunkenness will always end in pain, grief, broken relationships and destroyed lives.
For the sake of your health and the health of your relationships, if you choose to take, be sure to do so in moderation and responsibility.

The abuse of alcohol and drunkenness are condemned by God as sin. Drunkards (those who regularly drink liquor and alcoholics) are described in the Bible as those who will not be chosen to inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6: 9-10). But Paul tells the members of the Church in Corinth: "And this was some of you." People can defeat these sins with the help of God, and God expects them to do so.
The sad experience of many people, in addition to years of exhaustive research, shows the incredible damage caused by alcohol abuse - often the habitual abuse of alcohol in the long term. The costs are almost incalculable considering the mental and emotional damage suffered by children and couples. Add to this many additional costs:
Marriage failures
Low performance at work or loss of work.
Abandonment by friends and family
Injuries due to accidents or death of other people caused by drunk driving.
The destruction of the health of the drinker apart from accidents.
To take in excess is indisputably harmful and even addictive.
Proverbs 20: 1 says: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whoever is deceived by them is not wise."
1 Timothy 3: 8 says: "Deacons must also be honest, without duplicity, not given to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain."
Isaiah 5:11 says: "Woe to those who get up in the morning to continue drunkenness; that are until the night, until the wine turns them on! ".
A thorough analysis of these and other verses reveals a common theme: clearly God condemns the abuse of alcohol. Abuse-long-term or occasional-is forbidden by the Creator.
This is so informative. Now am well informed about the facts of alcohol use and abuse can be very helpful in using it appropriately. Alcohol abuse is destructive on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. The sad experience of more than 17.6 million alcoholic Americans shows it again and again. While the Bible does not condemn the use of alcohol in a moderate way. Body weight is a factor, since the same amount of alcohol in the bloodstream of a heavier person would be more diluted than in a smaller person. But it is the level of CAS (blood alcohol concentration) that really matters, not your body weight. The liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol and oxidizes an ounce approximately every hour. This approximates what is a standard glass of beer, wine or hard liquor. You can not control how fast you want your liver to work, you can only control the amount of alcohol you drink. Fear, stress, anger, tiredness or social gatherings with friends who are drinking too much can make you more susceptible to getting drunk. Taking too much floods the whole body with alcohol, while the liver can only work at its own pace. The faster I take the greater the problem. So let's learn to limit our alcohol intake and have selected control. Thanks for sharing
Muchas personas no se da cuenta que son alcohólicos, creen que es normal tomar todos los fines de semana por ejemplo, pero la verdad es que hay tanta variedad de alcoholismo, uno que es muy conocido es cuando no tomen muy seguido pero cuando lo hacen no pueden parar. Saludos luz fermin.
yeahh...thats why i dont drink
Sayings 20: 1 says: "Wine is an impostor, solid drink is seething, and whoever is betrayed by them isn't insightful."
1 Timothy 3: 8 says: "Elders should likewise be straightforward, without deception, not given to much wine, not ravenous for exploitative pick up."
Isaiah 5:11 says: "Burden to the individuals who get up toward the beginning of the day to proceed with intoxication; that are until the point that the night, until the point that the wine turns them on! ".
A careful investigation of these and different verses uncovers a typical subject: obviously God censures the manhandle of liquor. Manhandle long haul or intermittent is prohibited by the Creator.The mishandle of liquor and inebriation are censured by God as transgression. Lushes (the individuals who frequently drink alcohol and heavy drinkers) are portrayed in the Bible as the individuals who won't be acquired the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6: 9-10). However, Paul tells the individuals from the Church in Corinth: "And this was some of you." People can overcome these wrongdoings with the assistance of God, and God anticipates that them will do as such.
The pitiful experience of numerous individuals, notwithstanding years of thorough research, demonstrates the extraordinary harm caused by liquor manhandle - frequently the constant mishandle of liquor in the long haul. The expenses are relatively limitless considering the psychological and enthusiastic harm endured by kids and couples. Add to this nume rous extra expenses:
Marriage disappointments
Low execution at work or loss of work.
Relinquishment by loved ones
Wounds because of mishaps or demise of other individuals caused by alcoholic driving.
The annihilation of the soundness of the consumer separated from mischances.
To take in overabundance is undeniably unsafe and even addictive.
Much obliged for sharing
Moderation in drinking and eating is essential to have God's approval (Proverbs 23:20, 1 Timothy 3: 2, 3, 8). He dislikes the lack of self-control. The Bible states: "Wine is a mocker, intoxicating liquor is a troublemaker, and everyone who goes astray through it is not wise" (Proverbs 20: 1).