The Meek Will Inherit the Earth:
This donkey symbolizes meekness. It was a meager donkey, that carried Jesus into Jerusalem, that carried Him in Mary's womb to the place of His birth.
The meek are the gentle people who excel in patience, forbearance, and quietness. They are strong, but their very strengths are often mistaken for weakness. In a world where, too often, "might makes right," they are in the minority, and must guard their souls carefully lest they fall prey to the dark predators of cynicism and gloom…
A man spoke to his pastor recently. He was recovering from open-heart surgery. His pastor had stood at his bedside in the recovery room right after the operation to breathe a silent prayer for healing. "I had a wonderful experience," the patient said, "one I'll never forget. Sometime during the operation, or perhaps in the recovery room before the anesthesia wore off, I saw a hand reach down to me from clouds of the loveliest hues, and I felt that hand take my hand. Whenever I withdrew my hand, the other would reach down and clasp mine again. I have never felt so warm, so wonderful, in all my life." He believed that he had been gripped, and delivered, by the hand of God.
Even when we don't have the sense or the feeling of that warm hand, God is reaching toward us. He "stands at the door and knocks". Meek doesn't mean wimpy. It means we are living with a sense of security, that God has our back. We are not all puffed up with our sense of self importance, rather that we are firmly held by our maker. It is not that we can't do anything, it is just that we have an all powerful companion who cares about and walks with us.
Trust and have peace when you are person of faith because your inheritance is great!
So wonderfully presented concerning the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ! 😍
You are right when you speak in this beautiful way of the meek or donkeys are generous animals and I think they are humble
It is so friend @revdocwelch was a donkey who took Jesus, I like donkeys although there are very few where I live
Those who are bold before men but meek before God will inherit the earth. The Bible says that Moses was the humblest man on the face of the earth but he was bold before Pharaoh.