Jesus Christ: Savior and Mediator of salvation
Galatians 4: 4-5 shows that in the old covenant the whole history of salvation is oriented to the birth of the Son of God, to Jesus Christ: "But when the fulfillment of time came, God sent his Son, born of woman and born under the law, so that he would redeem those who were under the law, so that we would receive the adoption of children. "
Jesus Christ is the Redeemer sent by God. He manifests in his words and his works as the Savior. Whoever believes in Him recognizes that: "Verily this is the Savior of the world" (John 4:42), only in Him is there salvation (Acts 4:12).
During the time he was on earth, the Son of God performed many miraculous healings. In healing a paralytic, as mentioned in Matthew 9: 2-6, Jesus referred to a salvation that is much more significant: to the redemption of man from sin.
Salvation came to the world through Jesus Christ. He is the Author of eternal salvation (Hebrews 5: 9). He brought redemption and is the only Mediator between God and men (1 Tim 2: 5-6). Through the sacrifice of Christ, man's relationship with God has acquired a new foundation. The merit achieved by Christ enables the liberation of sin and the annulment of God's permanent separation: "... old things have passed away; behold, all are made new. And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not taking men into account of their sins, and entrusting to us the word of reconciliation "(2 Cor. 5: 17-19).
No one can achieve salvation by himself; all men are sinners and can not do without the salvific work of God. Through Jesus Christ, salvation was made accessible to all men, both those who live and the dead (Acts 13:47, Rom 14: 9).
The divine plan of salvation foresees that in the course of time salvation will be offered to all men. Thus, for example, the spread of the Gospel by the first Apostles, the worldwide expansion of Christianity and the preparation of the nuptial community for the return of Christ, are stages in this plan of salvation.

The purpose of God's work is to achieve salvation, in the sense of "relief", "protection" and "redemption." This action develops as a history of salvation, in which we recognize a succession of divine acts according to an established plan. by God, which is called "the divine plan of salvation"
God configures differently what kind of salvation will be and to what extent it will be transmitted in the different periods of the history of salvation. But above all there is the will of God to free all men at all times.
In the time of the Old Testament, the hope of salvation was oriented in the first place to be freed from earthly needs and from captivity. In the course of time, Israel's hope for salvation was increasingly oriented toward the expected Messiah.
In the old covenant, the whole history of salvation is oriented to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer sent by God. He is the Author of eternal salvation and the only Mediator between God and men. The merit achieved by Christ on the cross enables the liberation of sin and the annulment of separation from God.
Through Jesus Christ, salvation was made accessible to all men, both those who live and the dead. No one can achieve salvation by himself.