My individual opinion about steemchurch. I believe I have conviction that this church has been a life lesson for many, we have learned excellent teachings from all of the Feligreans and we have identified with many you will also be surprised if we say that we have also felt sad and have even cried because in the whole flock of the Lord we will find situations that will excite us, we have also laughed and our hearts have been filled with joy.
After two years of steemchurch I want to say that it has been my spiritual home after the local, because I have emptied part of what I carry in my soul in the reflections that I write daily believing that it will be a spiritual contribution to those who read. I think Sirknight's vision of opening this church in this medium has been fabulous to which I wish him long life, health and peace and from Darlenys01 I think he has left everything in this place his dream in God and for steemchurch is immense and little by little It has been materialized believing today that the best we will see in this 20020.
Happy birthday and congratulations STEEMCHURCH !!