(Nehemiah 1: 3, 2: 8-20, 3: 4, 6:15)
Greetings beloved brothers and friends of stumchurch. Today from my beloved homeland of Venezuela, reflecting on the rainy day that today envelops us, I thought about everything that God is doing in my homeland, and I remembered those words of Nehemiah when he prostrated and wept before God, knowing by The mouth of Hanani and his brothers from Judah that their city was destroyed, and its walls toppled and its gates burned with fire. I went to the word and I was struck by the effect this caused on the soul and spirit of this man when he says: "When I heard these words I sat and cried, and I mourned for a few days, and I prayed and prayed before the God of skies "Wow, Wow ... what passion, burning, pain ... so awesome! This story impacts my life with an even greater commitment to know that, I am obliged with more responsibility to tear my soul and my spirit before God, for the immediate task that he has put in my heart addressed by @Sirknight and the Apostle @ darlenys01 and this glorious church, joined to all those who today make life with their contributions.

That is why today I will focus my thoughts on Nehemiah, who set out to build his nation. A pragmatic leader, organizer, dedicated, willing, in love ... He had an exalted position in the Persian Empire, but his heart is in Jerusalem. Nehemiah was not only a good administrator but he was also a man of God. He did not act without prayer, and he did not pray without acting. Nehemiah is the story of the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is a symbol of the city of God.
Nehemiah means the consoler of Jehovah, and is a figure of the holy spirit, the other comforter that the Lord Jesus left us, who does the work of building us ..
What does a wall symbolize? - One of the most famous places in our world today is the Berlin Wall, but usually a wall symbolizes strength and protection. In ancient cities the only real means of defense was the walls. For this reason Nehemiah knew very well that they were the walls that had to be rebuilt, healed, restored so that they could work with virtue and raise their city. Therefore, when the King asks him what he asked for, the scripture tells us: "... then pray to the God of heaven, and I said to the King: if the King pleases, and your servant has found grace before you, send me to Judah, to the city of the graves of my fathers, and will rebuild it "Note that this man had the habit of praying to God while doing his tasks, and before giving answers to the King, I pray to God.

The walls of Jerusalem were fallen and ruined and a restoration was needed. Who or who are the ones sent to restore? Particularly I believe that the envoys are all those who feel that God has called them with a purpose, those who obey God, those who are willing to care, keep and defend so that the walls do not fall, all those who feel sadness in their Heart for what is torn down in his life, ministry, city, society ... Nehemiah was very sad because the city was desolate and because the walls had fallen. In the same way the people to whom the walls of defense have fallen are desolate and empty and do not know how to get ahead. The word of God teaches us to raise the walls. The truth of God is our wall of defense. Today I invite you to be a participant in this story; not only in Venezuela, but in any part of the world that you find yourself, you are the protagonist of your story. Today, God is entrusting this task to you. Get up and fight for your city!
You will never manage to build the walls of your life, care without first worrying the ruins enormously. Have you ever stopped long enough to meditate on what you could become under the direction of God? Do you know loved ones that continue to impact me in this story? -When I continue reading and I realize that this so disturbed the life of Nehemiah, to the point of completely changing his face, an issue that did not leave him or eat, or drink that even the King could denote his sadness, and all because his beloved Jerusalem was in ruins; that's where we read what the King says- "Why is your face sad? Well, you're not sick. It is not this but broken heart. And I said to the King, "May the King live forever. How can my face not be sad, when the city, the house of my parents' tombs, is deserted, and its gates are consumed by fire?
In Nehemiah the pain burned, the hearing that his city was like this, but for this it was not enough to have heard from his brothers the news. He wanted to see, he wanted to be immersed in the situation, he wanted to feel, touch, feel and visualize personally everything that was being said about that ruin. Do you know what Nehemiah wanted? that the King sent him to Judah to rebuild it and that's how it was. The scriptures say that he stayed three days in Jerusalem and then he got up and turned the people to his brothers and said: "You see the evil in which we are, that Jerusalem is deserted, and its gates are consumed by fire, come, and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, and let us no longer be a reproach "
A wake-up call does Nehemiah, our city is deserted, come and let us build it, but leave the dishonor, the grievance, the offense to Jehovah our God.
In every biblical story, there are good people and there are villains. Sambalat and Tobias are the villains of this story. For the bad people is that Nehemiah acts astutely and does not let his enemies see that he is examining the terrain. After he evaluates the task, he calls them to join the reconstruction, but there we see the enemies protest, but the willing people join him to undertake the task.
We must keep in mind that when you are about to undertake a construction task for God, there are always going to be people who oppose it. The important thing is that God helps us to discern what comes from Him and what are the things that you should reject. That is why it is important to be spiritually attuned to God to be sensitive to his direction and will. I say: Lord, help me to always discern the peaceful whistle of your will! Your grace is enough in me.
The other important aspect that I want to highlight here is what to do with the opposition when we understand that God is moving us in one direction. Nehemiah responds to his enemies: "The God of heaven, he will prosper us, and we his servants will rise and build, because we have no part or right or memory in Jerusalem" in this aspect there are two important details that I want to highlight: first, the certainty of Nehemiah that he is at the center of God's will. This certainty comes from the lived miraculous experiences that showed him that he was doing God's will. How good it is to know that what you do is what God wants at that moment to do!
Second . God's enemies can not participate in the tasks that are the people of God. It seems that there are things in the kingdom of God that are the work of the one who believes and the one who does not believe can not be part of it. So, those responsible for building our city, our young people, the state of affliction that exists in the heart of the people of God, and the attack of the enemy against our peoples is through the word of God.
The walls of protection that once surrounded Jerusalem were of stones and cement, but the walls that we have to build, or repair are walls founded on the word of God, built with the bricks of their promises, and cemented with our faith.
Let us not let the enemy take our strongholds, our fortified cities, for He wants to conquer them. We like Jeremiah have to earn that line and get there first and build.
Let's go Venezuelan brothers and friends! Gird up your loins, prepare your swords. Cheer up! The God of heaven, He will prosper us and we his servants will rise and build. In (Isaiah 58:12) God gives us a promise of restoration and blessing for his people who obey him: "And yours will BUILD the ancient ruins; the foundations of generation you will raise, and you will be called PORTILL REPAIRER, restorer of roads to inhabit "God promises that we will be called repairmen of demolished walls. It is our task and our obligation; heal the brokenhearted who have been flooded by the enemy and has affected our entire city.
How do I build in my city?
Taking this history into consideration, the first thing we must do is develop a family planning to restore the temple and the city. This was the first thing that Nehemiah did. After analyzing the situation, it is the call to rebuild, for them we must have committed people and vision in the project of God, to form resistance teams, directed by the Holy Spirit. There is a saying that dictates: a good carpenter, measure twice and cut once, let's be good carpenters in the rebuilding of our nation.
The universities teach to analyze the situations, with all the options and train the students to make the best decisions. One of the analysis tools they use is in the BIBLE and it is the SWOT. These are the acronym for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.
Nehemiah applied this SWOT analysis for the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of Jerusalem, and today I invite you friends and brothers from Venezuela, get up and start planning to transform our nation, transform your life, transform your family, transform your ministry, work , attitudes ... get up and use the sword that is the word of God: powerful weapon within our reach. We must never forget the word of God, because she will be the one who will give us the victory.
Thanks to the Apsotle @darlenys01 for encouraging us to work and rebuild the walls of Venezuela.
Very beautiful @ ricci01 is the perfect way to rebuild the fallen walls, just following the instructions of God. If you are waiting for a response from God the only thing I can tell you is that God's time is perfect. Maybe He will not answer you today, certainly not tomorrow, He will do everything according to his will, if you decide to wait for his time you will reach the blessings he has prepared for you but it is your decision.
When we talk about restoring something, we refer to returning a thing to the state or circumstance in which it was before; likewise, to restore is to repair something that has been damaged. It also has the connotation of restoring something that existed and that has been replaced by another.
Starting from this concept and making a reading of the crisis situation that man and woman experience, we recognize the imperative need to turn to God, to restore communion with God, in order to reestablish the communication that has been deteriorating.
The book of Nehemiah is a clear example of restoration, God used it in a special way to raise the walls of Jerusalem that had been torn down. The walls are a symbol of protection, they were built around the cities to prevent the entry of enemies and to defend it from there in case of a confrontation. The walls that protect and defend the sons and daughters of God are the trust in their promises and the principles that we have learned throughout our Christian life.
Thank you for contributing to the project of SteemChurch Venezuela with that motivating message. Those who love this nation will have their reward from God.
The story impacts my existence with a much more prominent sense of duty regarding realize that, I am obliged with greater obligation to tear my spirit and my soul before God joined to every one of the individuals who today make existence with their commitments. Similarly the general population to whom the dividers of safeguard have fallen are devastate and discharge and don't know how to excel. The expression of God shows us to raise the dividers. Reality of God is our mass of guard. Today I welcome you to be a member in this story; in Venezuela, as well as in any piece of the world that you get yourself, you are the hero of your story. Today, God is entrusting this errand to you. Get up and battle for your city!. In the wake of breaking down the circumstance, it is the call to remake, for them we more likely than not submitted individuals and vision in the undertaking of God, to shape protection groups, coordinated by the Holy Spirit. There is a truism that directs: a great woodworker, measure twice and cut once, how about we be great craftsmen in the reconstructing of our country. It's Good realizing that Venezuela is creating in working for the Lord
This is massive contribution, am thrilled and happy to see this great development and support from all the members of this church, together we can do all things
I will look also up to jesus, that is father of fatherless, its the one who rebuild the falled wall
Good example you show in your contribution to the development of the @steemchurch in Venezuela. With more people like you, am sure the @steemchurch will achieve greater heights even faster.
Good work you people are doing over there good to know and hear about your work.
The righteous shall always live long and do things in the sight of God which will please God.
When you truly believe in God do not try to do things on your own or try to please the lord forbhe is the owner of your life and he doesn't take order from any man.
Do thing s which he have required and which he has given in his holy book.
God gave you his word in the bible , he gave you everything you need as christain to be protected and guilded do not be desieved by anybody.
The church we attend sometimes we always be a part of distruction to all of those who practice the culture of a particular church which is sometimes away from what thebible teaches.
The devil has no power over your life always proclaim the gospel and the devil will always depart from you
Do not take decisions into your hand and do what your mind tells you and not definiatelly what the spirit directs you to do.
hopefully steemchurch will be more successful in VENEZUELA and in any country, that way, so many people will know God, and will be closer to God. If in a country many people are close to god, then God will give his grace to the country, and people there will be happy in the world and in the suffix. Thanks for sharing...
Success in the building ....
The walls of protection that once surrounded Jerusalem were of stones and cement, but the walls that we have to build, or repair are walls founded on the word of God, built with the bricks of their promises, and cemented with our faith.
Let us not let the enemy take our strongholds, our fortified cities, for He wants to conquer them. We like Jeremiah have to earn that line and get there first and build.Greatjob @ricci01
The story impacts my life with an even greater commitment to know that, I am obliged with more responsibility to tear my soul and my spirit before God joined to all those who today make life with their contributions. In the same way the people to whom the walls of defense have fallen are desolate and empty and do not know how to get ahead. The word of God teaches us to raise the walls. The truth of God is our wall of defense. Today I invite you to be a participant in this story; not only in Venezuela, but in any part of the world that you find yourself, you are the protagonist of your story. Today, God is entrusting this task to you. Get up and fight for your city!. After analyzing the situation, it is the call to rebuild, for them we must have committed people and vision in the project of God, to form resistance teams, directed by the Holy Spirit. There is a saying that dictates: a good carpenter, measure twice and cut once, let's be good carpenters in the rebuilding of our nation. It's Good knowing that Venezuela is developing in building for the Lord
ideally steemchurch will be more effective in VENEZUELA and in any nation, that way, such a significant number of individuals will know God, and will be nearer to God. In the event that in a nation numerous individuals are near god, at that point God will give his elegance to the nation, and individuals there will be glad on the planet and in the postfix. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing...
Excellent word blessings @ricci01
This is a very nice building.
God bless you all. Thanks to you all that are building this wonderful place for @steemchurch.
Steemchurch is directly contributing to the construction of venezuela, because not only does it give us economic freedom, but it gives us a saiburia in the sharing of knowledge and everything gives us the option of taking the gospel to everyone who is not he. What we must do is to continue fighting as crusaders in the order of @sirknight, improving, building, educating, serving and giving the best of each one of us and showing that we truly are Christians deserving of salvation and that love that God feels for us
Extremely excellent @ ricci01 is the ideal method to modify the fallen dividers, simply following the directions of God. In the event that you are sitting tight for a reaction from God the main thing I can let you know is that God's opportunity is great. Perhaps He won't answer you today, positively not tomorrow, He will do everything as indicated by his will, on the off chance that you choose to sit tight for his chance you will achieve the endowments he has arranged for you however it is your choice.
Much obliged to you for adding to the task of SteemChurch Venezuela with that spurring message. The individuals who cherish this country will have their reward from God.