Luke. 23: 26-56.
Today I am inspired to write this preacher through a reflection of a song entitled: "if I had been there" and I asked myself - if I had been there, among the crowd that your death asked, that I crucify you, I would have also asked who will crucify you? And the answer in my soul echoed ... if I have to admit, I would have been there too.
Obviously, this act of love that Jesus made on the cross invites us to constantly reflect on our condition before God. His death on the cross was the price of our redemption.
Luke recorded in his Gospel the first words that came from the lips of the Lord when they crucified him: "Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). Christ had taught his followers to forgive those who wronged him. Now he was corroborating with his personal example what had only been words. The best teacher is the one who teaches with his example.
With the fact of having been crucified between two thieves, Jesus was fulfilling a prophecy of Isaiah: "Therefore, I will give him a part with the great ... because he poured out his life unto death, and was counted with the sinners, having taken the sin of many, and prayed for the transgressors "(Isaiah 53:12).
There we were each one of us. We are all transgressors, because we have rebelled in one way or another against the will of God. Therefore we can count ourselves among those for whom the Lord prayed and for those who gave His life on the cross.
I hope that this message will allow us to better recognize the greatness of the meaning, which is in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf. Jesus paid the price of our redemption with his own life. Jesus submitted to the cruelty of men carrying his cross, which did not belong to him and he did not deserve it either.
The bible tells us that after the executioners crucified Jesus, those who made up the execution squad divided the Lord's garments by casting lots of dice like a game of chance. This had been prophesied in Psalm 22:18.
Jesus' face had been brutally beaten by the temple guards, who slapped him and wounded him after being interrogated in front of Caiaphas. In addition to preparing a crown of thorns and pressed on the forehead of the Lord causing more wounds ... others mocked him by bowing and greeting him with the phrase: "Hail, King of the Jews!" (John 19: 3). The face of Jesus was wounded, bloodied, spit and pale at the time of the crucifixion. Even his beard was battered and parts of it were ripped from his face, according to Isaiah 50: 6. No wonder, the prophet spoke about the suffering Messiah in the following terms. "There is no appearance in him, no beauty; we will see him, but without attractiveness so that we wish him ... as we hid his face from him, he was despised, and we did not esteem him "(Isaiah 53: 2,3).
To all this, I ask: What motivates the cruelty of men against their fellow men? Man is capable of experiencing extreme emotions in his life. He can love deeply and he can hate with all the intensity of his soul. Very often, their negative emotions generate very cruel acts. Our society has had to establish laws to stop the cruelty of man towards animals and also have created systems and penal codes to punish the mistreatment of human beings.
Jesus suffered an inhumane treatment at the hands of Pilate's soldiers. The biblical account implies that everyone rejoiced in making Jesus a toy for his own amusement and entertainment, by applying cruel and shameful punishments before taking him to the cross. These acts of cruelty were beyond any legal permission.
But, what really motivated all the cruelty and inhuman treatment of men towards Jesus? Some commentators are of the opinion that it was all because the lives of the soldiers were very unhappy and bitter. Whenever they could use a prisoner to have fun they did it with great pleasure. In itself, the Romans of that time were very cruel. Seeing others suffer caused pleasure. What is the difference with current men? That's why I started saying that "I would have been there too" and what do you think?
But while the reason for the mistreatment and cruelty is the hatred and bitterness that is in the hearts of men, the root of that hatred and all the misery that a man can experience is sin. Sin not only embitters the heart of man, but also makes him insensitive to the evil he causes others. Jesus died to take away sin, and for the hearts of those who believe in Him to produce love instead of hate, good feelings instead of cruelty.
When you learn that someone has committed a criminal act, what are your feelings towards that person? Do you want the most cruel punishments to be applied to you and to be treated without mercy? Or do you feel that even though that individual has done wrong and deserves to be punished, should he be treated with dignity?
Do you know what Jesus did? I forgive your enemies and you know what was the most incredible? His expression: "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing" what an extreme, awesome, incredible love ...! Why beloved? Because man without God is not capable of understanding the things of God. And our Lord knew it very well.
Beloved ... today Jesus is extending his hands to you and telling you, as he said on the cross, "I forgive you, you do not know what you are doing". Jesus did not come down from the cross for love of you, for that deep love for the sinner, that is why today we believe in Him. Christ paid with his own life the price of our redemption.
"... you were rescued ... with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without contamination." 1 Peter 18:19
Our redemption was not a last minute decision. Even before casting the foundations of the earth, scattering the stars in the firmament and creating the vast universe, God had already placed his heart in you. God's love for you is eternal, immutable and sacrificial. The price for your ransom was the blood of Christ, the Immaculate Lamb of God. The death of Christ on the cross was the greatest rescue mission in the world. That ransom was not paid to the devil, but to God himself.
I did enjoyed how you ended everything "Do you know what Jesus did? I forgive your enemies and you know what was the most incredible? His expression: "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing" what an extreme, awesome, incredible love ...! Why beloved? Because man without God is not capable of understanding the things of God. And our Lord knew it very well.
Beloved ... today Jesus is extending his hands to you and telling you, as he said on the cross, "I forgive you, you do not know what you are doing". Jesus did not come down from the cross for love of you, for that deep love for the sinner, that is why today we believe in Him. Christ paid with his own life the price of our redemption"
Jesus laid his life to take away our sins, its the greatest sacrifice ever and we could neve repaid him back.
Christ paid it all by sacrificing His own life for us all and He never counts it upon us as our own sin. But we still found out in the world today that man that suppose to shocase the love to others still went ahead and want to destroy their fellow himan being. We are not ready to sacrifice to our fellow being even in love and deeds
"But while the reason for the mistreatment and cruelty is the hatred and bitterness that is in the hearts of men, the root of that hatred and all the misery that a man can experience is sin. Sin not only embitters the heart of man, but also makes him insensitive to the evil he causes others. Jesus died to take away sin, and for the hearts of those who believe in Him to produce love instead of hate, good feelings instead of cruelty"
Let us abstain from sin because that is the only way we can show appreciation for what he's done to redeem us.
The ultimate sacrifice he paid for us is something we have to reminisce all the time, the biblical account made us know that the same people he came to save killed him, the reason behind that were none, i don't know if it was to fulfill the prophecy or just the wickedness of man
Christ paid with his own life the price of our redemption, he paid the ransom, he loves us unconditionally, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
On that fateful day on the cross, our sins were paid for us, he sacrificed his life for us, even when he knew the world wouldn't appreciate him. Christ still reigns
Thank you for this post. This is a great post. I liked this post. You can post regular. I think you are a great person. So from now on you will follow.
his death has bring us hope and grace in him.
The greatest a man can do is to sacrifice his life for another and christ paid this ultimate price for all of us for free of charge.
What have you really achieved from his death , have he really changed your thought about him.
He did this because of the live he has for us and because of the mercy he is showing us.
Why not change from your evil way and make your way bright for he has come to redeem you from your iniquities.
JESUS was an examplelary leader, here is the prove:
He practiced what he preached.
Thanks for sharing
💕 Sir, your 📮post is 👍good
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Thank you for sharing, Ricci, I love this song, we will never know the price that was paid for us, before God we were of great esteem to give the life of his son in sacrifice on that cross.
And by the way, I really like this post. Keep steeming good stuffs.....
His death has bring us life, brought us back to God, and also salvation.