in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Pls, take your time to read this.

Ask him... THE OONI OF IFE, the traditional head of the Yorubas

Before he took over that office, something else took over him ...

Before he sat on that throne publicly, there were prices he paid secretly...

Why everybody in Yoruba land now bows to him is because they know that he has bowed to something...

Before you see a young man elders are bowing to, check that young man, he is bowing to something greater than they have seen ...

Age does not stop the 'honour' sacrifice brings ...

If you get too familiar with him, the altar he bows to will give you wound...

Men don't bow to men who bows to nothing ...
Honour has a cost ...

And money cannot buy it ...

It is paid for by sacrifices...

Ask for the price of the OIL you want to carry in our time, sir , and pay for it ...

When you see some young men older men are respecting in ministry, don't feel bad, there is something they have paid for...

You were on Facebook doing argument, while they were in the secret crying to God for OIL...

And when He that sees in secret began to honour them openly, you thought they are the ones looking for men to honour them ...

Any Christian that feels bad when he sees men honouring the men God Himself has honoured, that believer is a witch ...

It is eternally dangerous to talk against a man you don't know what price he is paying ...

Ooni of Ife don't beg people to respect him ...
And that you are angry with him cannot stop him from what he represents in the 'realm of the spirits'...

Because He has paid his 'price' ...

Man of God, stop fighting people to respect you...

If they have seen the OIL, you will not be the one forcing them to honour you...

I pity a man who thinks that honour comes by how many comments and likes anyone gets on Facebook...

I cry for people who think its by your degree and connections and grammer and erudition...

Sir, ask questions ...

Something happens after you see him jumping on pulpit that you don't know about...

When he goes offline, you don't have idea what he is doing...

You cannot be eating the way you do and expect to carry a phenomenal Oil in our generation ...

The man you are chatting with online, you don't know the last time he ate food cooked with fire...

You don't know the last time he slept with his wife ...
Sir, ask for the cost of the anointing you want to carry and cry to God to help you to pay for it ...

Any glory not gotten in the place of prayer will evaporate..

If that vision has not made you to lose appetite for food, it might not take you anywhere...

If you cannot give out your food because of what God showed you, sir, your vision must really be very small ...

Altars controls thrones ...
And what sustains altars are sacrifices...
And sacrifices are made with pains ...

Man lost his dominion in the garden through food ...

That was why Jesus came and started with fasting ...

Satan understood that Jesus has understood the code, that was why he rushed to tempt Him with the same food...

But Jesus disappointed him...
Ah! If Jesus had turned that stone to bread, the Maker would have ended up as Baker...

And what an eternal disaster it would have been for humanity ...

Some people have eaten their family liberation in canteens and restaurants...

Many people who are supposed to be handling great power and anointing are still on the dinning table morning, afternoon and night dragging food ...

If you are afraid to have stomach ulcer out of fasting, there are level of demons that will never be afraid of you ....

By the grace of God, I am a price preacher, because I grew up seeing over 1000 young men of God everyday of my life, for 2 decades...

I saw those that depended on 'grace' and never missed any meal...

Because to them Christ has paid it all...
I also saw the limitation they had in the spirits...

I saw those that depended on degrees and certificates, because to them, Paul was used more by God because he was more educated...

But they didn't know that there were many people more educated than Paul in his days that also preached the gospel but were never heard of...

Ask questions Sir...

It was not Paul's education that made him the greatest...
It was the price he paid in the place of prayer and fasting and studying ...

What ever he went to do in the mount of Arabia for those years ...

However he fought with the beasts of Ephesus...

Those were the edge he had above others...

Not the degrees he called dungs...

Don't let men who are tired in the place of prayer talk you out of your prayer room...

Certificate would not have helped Paul when the demons in Malta sent vipers to end his ministry...

Cobras and vipers don't hear grammar...
They obey the voice of Fire ...

Who knows how successful the vipers sent to our ministries and families has been while we are busy bragging with titles that has no eternal value...

Increase your level of knowledge, sir ...
Enroll in school, if you can...
But don't abandon your prayer altar...

Don't let anyone talk down the place of sacrifice of praying and fasting to you ...

If not, soon, when you speak, newly recruited demons will come and slap you IN FRONT of your members...

Honour in the Kingdom starts from the knees ...

If you have to start begging people to be talking good about you, then, it is not honour ...

If you have to talk others down inbox, so that people will respect you, its not honour...

Honour doesn't shout...

It doesn't brag ...

It doesn't advertise...

No matter how much a man God has honoured hides, his generation will look for him ...

You may not understand what he is preaching that is making people to rush to his church ...

But check that guy, there is a price he is paying in the place of prayer...

Stop wishing for him to see shame...
Because he has not even started yet ...

Because when a man is addicted to the secret place of the most high, He must abide under the shadows of the Almighty ...

Go and revive your prayer altar, Sir ...
If not, you will soon lose alignment ...

There is a demonic revival going on now..
All those who are serving Satan are paying some high level of demonic prices...

They are growing in their demonic powers, to frustrate the man that God made...

Politically and economically etc...

What we need to combat this demonic program against the end time church are men that are ready to pay the price....

If not, in the next few years, many genuine churches will fold ...

Many genuine men of God will run out of stock and the enemy will drink tea with their souls...

If you love me, take me back to my knees...
If I can succeed there, I can conquer anywhere else ...

If an idol worshipper can wield so much power after hiding himself before dead gods, imagine what will happen when we hide ourselves before the God that made heavens and the earth?...

Have you seen why Peter's shadow healed the sick?...

Have you seen why Paul raised the dead? ...

Have you seen why we should be ashamed of this too much noise we are making and yet no power?..

Too much packaging, yet, nothing is changing...

Have you seen why there are many Christian festivals here and there, yet, no trace of revival...

Is it not better we didn't come into the kingdom at all, than being known in history as the generation that spoke only Queen's English to the demons we were suppose to chase away?...

Friends, some of us are ashamed of this shamelessness...

For once, we accept that we have have been carried away ...

Please, join us in the place of prayer ...

Because, if we fail there, we have failed everywhere else...

These great men knew what prayer and fasting means to every aspect of life, before they made these statements;

● "I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach."

  • Charles Spurgeon

● "The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history."

  • Andrew Murray

● "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."

  • Oswald Chambers

● "There is no other activity in life so important as that of prayer. Every other activity depends upon prayer for its best efficiency."

  • M.E. Andross

● "He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day." - John Bunyan

● "Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet." - E. M. Bounds

● "We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring it's power down to earth."

  • Andrew Murray

● "Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His' voice in the depth of our hearts."

  • Mother Teresa

● "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done."

  • C.S. Lewis

● "The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You'll feel more patient and less pressured."

  • Rick Warren

● "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer."

  • Martin Luther

● "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."

  • Oswald Chambers

● "He who kneels the most, stands the best."

  • D.L. Moody
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