Let's pray together.Our Father, in Your infinite wisdom You caused this Psalm to be written, inspired by the Holy Spirit and given for our instruction and our learning. Teach us, give us teachable minds; give us hearts, O Lord, that would respond to everything that You would have us know. Hear us, Lord, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
The word worship is often used interchangeably with several elements that are tied to a church. But what is worship? How do we know that what we are doing is actually worship? To answer these questions, we must seek advice from the Word of God.
Worship is how we express God's worth to us in our lives. Worship is essential to really create an atmosphere for the word of God to flow and for God to move in our lives corporately and individually.
How important is worship and what role should it play in the Christian life?
Throughout Scripture we see worship mentioned in both the Old and New Testament in various ways. David dancing before the Lord, Jesus rejoicing in the Spirit and the outporuing of worship in the early church.
John 4:21-24 21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
Worship is being occupied with God. It is also the movement of a soul toward God that has been moved upon by God. Worship is drawing close to a God who has given us everything.
The Bible talks about several "kinds" of worship.
1. Ignorant Worship.
Acts 17:23 - "for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you:
Paul perceived that they were very religious but he warned them that their religious service was not pleasing to God for it was done without knowledge of what God wanted or even who God was.
2.Vain Worship
3.Will Worship
Colossians 2:23 - Which things have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. (KJV)
This is worship that centers in satisfying self. This is the same type of worship that we often have today, that which calls for "audience centered" worship.
4. True Worship.
John 4:23-24 "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 - "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
1.It plays an indispensable role in rekindling our spiritual fire , and keeping it burning.
2.Corporate worship brings together God’s word, prayer, and fellowship, and so makes for the greatest means of God’s ongoing grace in the Christian life.
In conclusion, True worship is fundamentally an experience of the heart, and not a means to anything else. So, it’s important to distinguish between what benefits might motivate us to be regular in worship, and what focus our minds and hearts should pursue in the moment .
If we truly want the power of God's presence in our worship, we must break out of all religious ruts and be willing to sing a new song.
This is the only kind of worship which qualifies as acceptable worship of the true God.
Thanks for your time.
If we truly want the power of God's presence in our worship, we must break out of all religious ruts and be willing to sing a new song.
God doesn't required anything from us than to venerate him, even we people if our childrens moved toward us in an unforgiving way take a gander at how we winds up irate so does the Lord. We should figure out how to be unassuming before the Lord In love.
Nice writeup. If there's something false, there's always something true. We want to worship God in ways that he approves, and avoid methods that may be popular but not approved. Our worship is truly important and our relationship with God depends on that.
Upvoted & Resteemed
Today high service have taken over the church, most people worship God so that others will say they are perfect. Worship God wholeheartedly and forget about anyone looking. It pays to serve the lord.
Worship is very important because its between you and God, its a way of giving back to him, in praises and adoration!
Every parent would want children to approach them in a respectful way, so also God would appreciate it we show respect in our worship to him. God's love can be clearly seen in the way he takes care of his servants. We want to explore various forms of worship.
Wow I never knew there are types of worship, nevertheless I learnt a whole lot here and that a person may be worshipping God, yet they are not really worshipping God.
We need to worship God in truth and honesty, giving total glory to him with our voices
Christians have to worship God in truth and in spirit.
We have to grow in worshipping him, for he deserves more than even our worships.
He is a powerful and mighty God, he deserves our worship.
Our worship brings us closer to God.
When we worship our Heavenly Father, it's sure for us to be bless by him, that bible made us to understand that God is always jealous when he sees us worshipping other God, he gets sad because we are going through the wrong part, that's why we have to worship him very well.
Love how you have enlighting us with the importance of worship "1.It plays an indispensable role in rekindling our spiritual fire , and keeping it burning.
2.Corporate worship brings together God’s word, prayer, and fellowship, and so makes for the greatest means of God’s ongoing grace in the Christian life."Very educative stay bliss
Genuine love is the thing that associates us with the soul of the Father, in the worship of the heart we can encounter the nearness of God covering our being, body and soul, where God addresses us and enjoyments us in our affection, God searches for the admirers in soul and in truth, if the present music, hearts envision what love can do, it breaks the chains and liberates the hostages.
God doesn't required anything from us than to love him, even we people if our childrens moved toward us in an unforgiving way take a gander at how we winds up furious so does the Lord. We should figure out how to be modest before the Lord In love.
While you worship, imagine the Holiness of God. Think of His majesty. He is the God who has no beginning, who has no end. He is holy and all-powerful. Worship with this in your mind. Imagine Heaven’s worship.
True worship is fundamentally an experience of the heart, and not a means to anything else. So, it’s important to distinguish between what benefits might motivate us to be regular in worship, and what focus our minds and hearts should pursue in the moment .
If we truly want the power of God's presence in our worship, we must break out of all religious ruts and be willing to sing a new song.
Our true worship moves God.
The easiest way to God heart is to genuinely worship him with everything will in us.
Thanks for sharing this
Worshiping and Praising God is all he ask of Us. for the can't eat the Food we give nor ride the cars we offer to him..
Worship is how we express God's worth to us in our lives.
As Christians. I urge us all to Worship our creator.
Good post @safeydinho
Worship is how we express God's worth to us in our lives. Worship is essential to really create an atmosphere for the word of God to flow and for God to move in our lives corporately and individually.
How do we know that what we are doing is actually worship? To answer these questions, we must seek advice from the Word of God. Worship is how we express God's worth to us in our lives. Worship is essential to really create an atmosphere for the word of God to flow and for God to move in our lives corporately and individually. Worship is being occupied with God. It is also the movement of a soul toward God that has been moved upon by God. Worship is drawing close to a God who has given us everything. True worship is fundamentally an experience of the heart, and not a means to anything else. So, it’s important to distinguish between what benefits might motivate us to be regular in worship, and what focus our minds and hearts should pursue in the moment .
If we truly want the power of God's presence in our worship, we must break out of all religious ruts and be willing to sing a new song.
Worship him the lord in truth and in spirit for he the Lord is perfect for every one who is ready to follow his foot steps and make him the only way.
Sincier worship will guarante us to gain from the living God and the almighty saviour.
Obey him for he is the lord of all creatures he has the power to do all things according to his wish and his power,
Our lives should be directed towards the right part and the ways which will place the saviour .
Things which er do everyday should always be inclined by his words and his sacred direction.
The situation of men are so many but that doesn't mean that God will not attend to all of them one by one.
His eyes are too far to see the unseen , his ear is too large to hear all your complains .
Prayer is the only thing which can save us from all sorts of evil and keep us moving and making Gods presence be with us.
Christ when he came to the earth has given us power and authority to always be with him in prayer .
He gave example of what we should be praying for everyday.
God has given you power to take over everything and do his will with all your power and your might .
Work for God and you will always be assured if his mercies and blessings for he never foresaken his children who have faith in him and are ready to do his will
we should worship Christ and our true and living God ins spirit and in truth because True worship is fundamentally an experience of the heart, and not a means to anything else. So, it’s important to distinguish between what benefits might motivate us to be regular in worship, and what focus our minds and hearts should pursue in the moment .
This is a huge fact :
Thanks for sharing
True worship is fundamentally an experience of the heart, and not a means to anything else. So, it’s important to distinguish between what benefits might motivate us to be regular in worship, and what focus our minds and hearts should pursue in the moment .
We all need to worship God from our heart in spirit and in truth. God bless you.
Decent writeup. On the off chance that there's something false, there's continually something genuine. We need to adore God in ways that he endorses, and maintain a strategic distance from strategies that might be well known yet not affirmed. Our love is really essential and our association with God relies upon that.
God doesn't required anything from us than to love him, even we people if our childrens moved toward us in a brutal way take a gander at how we ends up furious so does the Lord. We should figure out how to be modest before the Lord In revere.
Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @wafrica. Follow @wafrica to get a valuable upvote on your quality post!
True worship is what connects us with the spirit of the Father, in the adoration of the heart we can experience the presence of God covering our being, body and spirit, where God speaks to us and delights us in our love, God looks for the worshipers in spirit and in truth, if today's music, hearts imagine what adoration can do, it breaks the chains and frees the captives. God bless you thank you for sharing
God doesn't required anything from us than to venerate him, even we people if our childrens moved toward us in an unforgiving way take a gander at how we winds up irate so does the Lord. We should figure out how to be unassuming before the Lord In love.
Nice post
God doesn't required anything from us than to worship him, even we humans if our childrens approached us in a harsh manner look at how we becomes angry so does the Lord. We must learn how to be humble before the Lord In worship.