Written Sermon on the lightning that burnt down a 150-year-old church
Hello, My name is Sarah Kelvin, Deaconess of the EOC
Its the 30/10/2018
I will be talking about the old Baptist church that was burned to the ground by our Lord with Lightning.
The 150-year-old church in Wakefield, Mass. was engulfed in flames on Tuesday after being struck by lightning during a storm.
This storm along with many others are from Lord RayEl the returned Christ, the Lord of Storms.
It took hours and more than 100 firefighters to tame the flames destroying the Church. The Landmark is The oldest and first Baptist church to be built in 1872 and the only thing that survived it was a Painting of Yeshua that remains untouched as 150-year-old church burns to the ground.
It is not the first time the Lord has done this to the churches. During the first year of chastisements in 2011 he hit the Bible belt of America, then exactly the same path the following year. The devastation left many churches smashed to the ground but the only thing untouched is the Bible or a statue of the Christ. And we have witnessed this time and time again.
Our Lord clearly said the church age is over and leave the dead churches behind to follow him directly and to not listen to hollow men.
Your preachers have failed in teaching the proper ways of Our Lord and they twisted the scriptures to make you feel Good and to take your money. They clearly do not care about you or your salvation.
Testament of levi 5/12/17
12 And after their punishment shall have come from the Lord, the priesthood shall fail.
13 Then shall the Lord raise up a new priest.
14 And to him all the words of the Lord shall be revealed; and he shall execute a righteous judgement upon the earth for a multitude of days.
15 And his star shall arise in heaven as of a king.
16 Lighting up the light of knowledge as the sun the day, and he shall be magnified in the world.
17 He shall shine forth as the sun on the earth, and shall remove all darkness from under heaven, and there shall be peace in all the earth.
Quotes the Imperial Regent of the Lord
The church was STRUCK BY LIGHTNING... Not hard to figure out who was behind it. 😇
Our Lord was very clear about this being the end of the church age, and that no one should be in churches that are not in direct communion with Him!
If they do not proclaim the Holy Name of Lord RayEl as the Christ, then they are apostate!!!!
International Congregation of Lord RayEl
It always seems so bizarre what happens to some of these churches...thanks for the information.