In this sense we want to raise a prayer for all those people who are sick and send words of encouragement, encouragement and strength, knowing that when science says no, the God of heaven is who has the last word, for all we are going through a disease process, our hope is alive and is called Jesus, our dear Lady Maria, warrior of God, mother of our brother @emiliocabrera, we wish your quick recovery, brother's sister @marcelo182, and also for my , that at the time of writing these lines, there is a lot of pain in my body. To all the people that today suffer a harsh process like my children from the oncologist of Barcelona, there is healing for our lives.

Image courtesy of @rubenmedina182 for sc-v.

We can not talk about Christmas without thinking about holidays, gifts or Christmas decorations. In spite of the situation that crosses Venezuela of extreme poverty and that in turn extend to the length and breadth of the world, when Christmas arrives, optimism and hope take over all of us.
The spirit of Christmas makes us feel closer to our neighbor and makes us flow that childlike spirit that we leave aside for the rest of the year and that we have inside. There is no better way to express it than to gather the whole family to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. On this occasion we gather the children of a community to start the best time of the year.

From the early hours of the morning the children were gathered, waiting for the inauguration of Christmas, they were happy, with the spirit of encouragement that characterizes them, here we can see how God says in his word: we need to be like children to enter the kingdom. They do not hold grudges, they are pure, innocent, they let themselves be carried away by the love of their heart and there is always a smile.

The children made a Christmas tree with recyclable material, just like "Bread From Heaven" I brought them a cupcake for a snack.

"Because a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and the principality on his shoulder; and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace "Isaiah 9: 6
His arrival had already been announced by the prophets (Isaiah 42, 49.50 and 53, Zechariah 6, Zechariah 9: 9-13, Jeremiah 33: 14-18, Hosea 3: 5). He would be called Admirable, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace; The one who would restore the kingdom of God.

He was expected to be born in a womb of choice chosen by men, but was born of an offspring chosen by the Holy Spirit. He was expected to be welcomed by a bed in a palace, but found warmth in a manger. Without knowing it that day, the whole creation praised the greatest of all times, inviting a few chosen ones to rejoice in the presence of the greatest King who had finally arrived. God had promised them that one day their eyes would see the Messiah born and once again the waiting is not disappointed. The world finally rejoices and there is light in the darkness. The enemy trembles and writhes! This is the day on which the One who recovered humanity is born, the One who has descended from His throne to wage the greatest battle:
Jeshua is His name, and it is
The only one with power to
Save the world; Jehovah
He has given His Son Jesus, the
Only begotten to rescue
To His people of darkness.
Oh, Emanuel! The creation longed for your arrival. Humanity has been lost and tied to perversity. Blessed is this day in which Jehovah has had mercy, the living God has delivered the world to His most precious treasure. The greatest pain a father can experience He has been willing to endure it. His love is ineffable, because he was willing to see mocked the only one in which His soul finds contentment.
God has been faithful to His promise, has sent His Son to earth to recover the humanity that had been lost.

This Christmas we should celebrate that one day humanity received the greatest mercy, welcoming the very God incarnated on earth to save our lost souls. Although experts say that Jesus was not born this month, this December let's celebrate His arrival in the world.
Remember that Christmas is the birth of love and hope in a world of darkness, and not the time when we make our prosperity or economic deprivation known. In this time we remember that for the greatest hero we have been rescued. Christmas celebrates that we have received freedom for the arrival of Jeshua / Jesus who is above all names.

In the next few days, we will announce our schedule of activities.As we expressed at the beginning of the message in this month @sc-v, will be carrying out activities representative of the mission as a church and the change we must exercise in humanity, we will celebrate this beautiful year that God has allowed us to travel, on our first anniversary, we invite you to follow our "turn on a light" campaign and bring its light to the world.

As always, our thanks to @sirknight, without you we could not have gotten here, it has been wonderful to share all this year under your guidance and direction.
We love you!
@pennsif, thank you for your unconditional support throughout this journey, thank you for existing and being our friend. Also to your team of collaborators (@cryptocariad, @cryptocurator, @eonwarped, @globocop, @goldendawne, @hopehuggs, @horpey & witnesses @ c0ff33a, @drakos, @quochuy, @someguy123, @steemcreative & @yabapmatt - and also @oracle-d)
To our beloved brothers of @steemchurch, in good times and in bad times they have always been there supporting each other.
Vastago foundation, always supporting us in events, assembly and decoration, @xiore.
Our brothers @christian-trail, because they have helped our community a lot, thanks @wilx and thanks @majes.
Thanks to my brother @rubenmedina182, for his help in these moments when we need to be united, I loved all the logos are beautiful, I hope to use it all in the course of this month.

"«One year» seems like yesterday, but this time represents a level of expansion in our lives, where responsibilities increase in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is: the Word of God, the Preaching of the Word of God, the Truth that has made us free. Because the word is the seed that will bring true freedom to lives. Looking at the path traveled, we realize that It is almost impossible to relate one by one the testimonies of the Power of God: united families, healing, liberation, prosperity, learning, friendship,and love has reigned ... so many things that the Lord has done. Hundreds - to be more exact - many people have passed through our Community and thanks to the Preaching of the Word of God, they had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, radically changing their lives. It is a pride to belong to this community, and every day receive news how messages have impacted people's lives, otherwise, it would not make sense to be here.
Thank you @Sirknight, my partner in this dream, for having done so many things this year, many things are coming, my dear brothers, remain firm in love, unanimously, and the blessing of God will reach us. All are fundamental pieces for this divine purpose."

Thank God for the gift of love in Christ and for the great privilege we have to share this love to others. God bless the @sc-v team.
I pray for Lady Maria, @marcelo182's sister and our sister @Darlenys01, that the Lord will heal your hurting bodies - Amen.
Merry Christmas!
Beautiful message @darlenys01, I declare health in your life, in the life of our sisters, thank you for everything you have given us during this time, you are the heart of the church, through your messages I have learned many things, but the most valuable is love, thanks for making @sc-v the successful community that is today, for your work without rest, thanks to our leader @sirknight for his vision, and happiness for @steemchurch.
We will be praying for the health of you, sister, may God give you much health and strength to continue doing the great work that you do in Barcelona ... The enemy does not like God to cover the road and therefore sends stumbling blocks, but in the name of God, will heal their bodies so they can continue with the beautiful project that they have in Barcelona. Blessings.
Thank you, Sister Darlenys! We also pray for your health so that you continue to fulfill with force the mission that God entrusted to you on earth.
Excellent message @darlenys01, happy anniversary for Steemchurch.
Spectacular message @darlenys01, God bless all people who suffer disease, God bless @steemchurch and the children of Venezuela. Merry Christmas start.
This is a wonderful time, happy to support the children through sc-v, divine healing for you darlenys01, for Maria, and for Marcelo's sister, we hope that they will recover soon, and that they will know the God who heals. Thank you for your support in this beautiful work. Steemchurch, the best church.
excellent sister God bless you that wonderful work
What a beautiful way to receive Christmas giving joy to children.
Even in adverse circumstances, God always gives us the opportunity to enlighten someone's life. Happy Christmas start Happy anniversary for @steemchurch.
This is a great job that has done @sc-v during this time, children are the engine of society, thanks darlenys01 for instilling encouragement and encouragement to this community, declaring divine healing on your life and other people who need it. Proud to belong @steemchurch.
congratulations team @sc-v, an excellent job that we recognize today in charge of the apostle @darlenys01.Feliz home Christmas.
Beautiful and moving apostolic message @ darlenys01, to our worthy and glorious steemchurch, we did not expect less from you
Beautiful gratulations to our church, very meaningful words @darlenys01, Christmas is a date of much enthusiasm and mixed feelings, peace and healing to all the sick
Happy anniversary for steemchurch, blessed community on earth. Health for all the sick.
God bless your life @darlenys01, thank you for this beautiful message and a powerful statement at the beginning of this month. Congratulations @steemchurch.
Health over your life my sister Darlenys, in the same way for my other sisters, and my children with cancer from the hospital in Barcelona, the divine healing flood their bodies and their souls. We are happy to belong @steemchurch and to impact lives. Nothing can stop a woman with divine purpose @darlenys01.
We can never take for granted, God always gives us the opportunity to be better every day, happy for these children, and we declare health for our sick brothers. Health and long life for you @darlenys01. Happy year for our beloved church @steemchurch.
Thank you Sister @darlenys01 - for dreaming of a better world for all and then making it happen.
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thanks to you my beloved @sirknight, for supporting me on this path. my partner in this dream, God, our divine connection.
we love you very much, brave heart!

I ask for the healing of the sister of my friend and brother @Marcelo182 that the lord of health and stability to his body and spirit, likewise I ask for the mother of my brother @Emiliocabrera, who by the grace of our Lord will recover and will be successful before this health situation.
The work that @Darlenys01 and @Sc-V is doing is a source of inspiration and motivation for all those people who wish to serve God and apply Christianity in their lives and in their peers, which is love and humility.
thank you, in these moments, the hours are crucial .. is in intensive therapy my sister. Thank you for your prayers.
Sister what a beautiful work. You will always be blessed by God, we will pray for all our brothers who are broken with health. Peace and love be with all of you. @darlenys01