As everything that is done from this community is based on perseverance, perseverance of a great work team that God himself has been consolidating, we set ourselves the challenge of bringing a day of joy to these little ones, although the place is a bit remote from our place of residence, we did what we do best, place everything in the hands of the Lord, and as always supporting his work here on earth, we fulfill our objective.
A small incident with a tire was not the excuse to stop what God had already destined for that day, a group of children were waiting anxiously for the arrival of this team that with great enthusiasm wanted to bring faith and hope to the future of Venezuela.
At last we reach the beautiful City of Cantaura after enjoying a beautiful landscape of plain.
Everything began to flow in a wonderful way, it is incredible what God is capable of doing, we go out to bring joy and we are what we receive from these beautiful children, unique in their style, our hearts were ministered in an incredible way , that sometimes we are so radical to be happy, nevertheless we understood what God says: let's be like children.
Also our brothers of @sc-v in Cantaura were waiting for us who had the privilege of making the assembly and the coordination of the event, works of inflatable castles , theaters, painted faces.
The children enjoyed food and sweets, in addition to prizes and donations of shirts, by Vastago foundation.
Brother @emiliocabrera delighted us with some words for the children and their parents, at the same time that he kept them entertained with activities and games for the awards.
The children sent their most sincere greetings to our beloved @Sirknight, and all the people who made their day possible.
Our team of recreational workers also did their part to make these little ones happy. thanks @xioran and @jorgelis23,@giacamila777, Sara.
We do not reach to size, the crisis that in these last days the family is living. Moral erosion is so deep that it undoubtedly marks that the end of time is near. The definition that the family is the basis of society is no longer a reality in many nations. The family constituted by God the Creator, has its members and roles absolutely well defined, and that are: A man, as father and head of it; a woman, as wife and helper of the husband, and the children, as a natural extension of both parents, subject to them. The initial question of how to answer the son or daughter to the question if God exists, is first of all to take him to the Person of Jesus, separating him from religion, whatever it is, the Bible says:
He instructs the child in his way, and even when he is old he will not turn away from him. Proverbs 22: 6
But Jesus, calling them, said: Let the children come to me, and do not stop them; because of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16
The end of all instruction to children, must be for the purpose of bringing it to the feet of Jesus, and the responsibility is for the parents to do so; One of the first words a boy or girl should say after father and mother is Jesus.
This time of so much evil, requires redoubled efforts to protect children; the devil knows that a child without knowledge of the Lord is an ideal source to influence him, and it is in our hands to make a difference.
There have been many people who have collaborated in a special way with this beautiful project, maybe I can not mention them all but most of them. We thank God for being the main protagonist of all this, to our beloved @Sirknight, wonderful man who is working hand in hand with God, to the Apostle @Darlenys01 for his constancy and determination, @pennsif through his project @adollaraday and his team of collaborators (@girlsfoundation, @globocop, @goldendawne, @kryptoe, @lyndsaybowes, @mediahousent, @steevc, @theadmiral0 & witnesses @quochuy, @steemcommunity and @yabapmatt) which have been fundamental pillars.
The wonderful team of @sc-v tireless workers, who are there for every battle: @emiliocabrera, @xiore, @lorennys, @xioran, @taty17, @kenaliz85, @aboardo2000, @laramrm, @marialara, @ricci01, @mildreduh , @kenlys,@giacamila777,@mosdad, @jorgelis23.
Our Cantaura brothers who with great effort achieved this and did their best to make this event a reality: @rypo01, @elpastor, @mamidalia,@oscar20, @rosiconde07, @redimi2, @greesy, @saritza @katty24, @yuyito, @elisonr13, @kimbi09 @kenyerlys @alejandrolg, @enderson49, @merry01.
Definitely, every day I am surprised with als things that our God is able to do beyond our own plans, grateful of him eternally for choosing me to carry out this great project, that more than a job is the work of God on earth , is the project of love, how much joy to see a smile on the face of a child and at the same time that desire to go for more, we are just beginning this way of blessing that the Father has drawn for @sc-v, we will see your glory, beloved father, here in the land of the living, your love is able to take us to do and achieve the most intimate desire of our heart. Thank you @Sirknight, God has crossed our paths to make a mission on earth a reality, thank you for trusting us and for having a sensitive heart before God. Thank you Mr. @pennsif for your collaboration, and trust placed in us. Thanks to my brothers and thanks @steemchurch, blessed community on earth.thanks to foundation Vastago, and also thanks @rypo01 for their effort and dedication.
Amen thanks Apostle
"If there is a poor person among the people in
Some of the cities of the country that the Lord your God gives you, do not be inhuman or deny your help to those people in need." Deuteronomy 15:7
Sharing with these children was excellent, a wonderful event and a social work in the lives of these children that was incredible. The smiles of these children is due to the beautiful purpose that God had for them. The @sc-v team is thanked for such magnificent work and support. Thank you to the apostle @darlenys01 for giving us all the opportunity to contribute and not only that, but the magnificent feelings that he conveyed through the work we all did. Many thanks to the most generous knight of all... @sirknight, thanks to this work was made possible and those children will never forget what he did for them.
God bless you!
It is amazing everything we have achieved with @steemchurch and @sc-v, it was another victory day, we were able to smile, share with the children, hug a lot of people and see the joy of the Fathers when Apostle Darlenys, and the whole team , he gave a message of faith and hope. As always, thank God, thanks to SirKnight, thanks to Pennsif and all the collaborators of this wonderful event. Beautiful people of Cantaura. God bless you.
a question, brother Emilio was the guy from 8? hehehehe
It was a pleasure to work with this great team to make many children happy. I had the wonderful opportunity to contribute to this activity and play with these children at recreational events.
Giving is better than receiving... says the Bible, and offering to those who do not have enough economic resources for their needs is a great happiness for all of us. Thanks @sc-v, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. Thanks to the best knight of all @sirknight, for giving people in need an opportunity.
God bless you all!
"He who takes pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for his good work." Proverbs 19:17
Contributing to this great social work feels very good. Helping the one who does not have is a good action, because God will reward us for these good deeds. Working together with the @sc-v team to help people is a great gift for me, and making children happy and seeing their smile is a masterful feeling. The Lord put a gift in our hearts to give them to them and make them happy. Thank you very much to all those who made this beautiful social work possible, one day of the child in their life is an immense gift. We thank @sirknight because it was one of the most interfered so that this work could be possible. God bless you.
Hello... Amen... Thanks by opportunity
Waooo ... What an amazing day we spent in SteemChurch venezuela next to these little ones I give Infinite thanks to God for giving me this great opportunity to participate there, Thanks to our leader @SirkNight for always supporting us in helping the most disadvantaged, thanks to @pennsif, for your collaboration. Great job dear Apostol @darlenis01 your commitment and dedication for this work, for your perseverance day, day in this dream in which you have involved us. Vastago Foundation can not miss a good team full of God's blessing.
It is wonderful this work that does with excellence for God, thank you apostol @darlenys01 for your effort, thanks @sirknight for your collaboration. we are happy and hopeful in this good work. God is with us.
Excellent and great, the smile of a child is priceless and bring joy and smiles to several is incredible. truly the fruit of your work, together with your team and the leading collaborators of this reality @darlenys en sc-v is a blessing., I am convinced that God will reward the work of his hands, and every day he will add everything that is necessary according to to his riches in glory
What a beautiful project you have @sc-v, I have no doubt that this is something that God himself is doing through that dream he put in your heart apostle @darlenys01, do not stop trusting that he will give you the requests of your heart, trust that the heavens will be opened above your head, because God honors those who honor him.
Beautiful what you are achieving apostle @darlenys01, your work with children is great, thank you for allowing us to be part of this dream. Thanks to everyone who collaborated, especially @Sirknight for his initiative and good heart to help others.
what a joy to see this come true in a time of so many difficulties, thanks to that great SC-V many children had a day full of joy ..
It was a wonderful day, I really enjoyed the children a lot, I'm proud to be part of this great team.
The facts speak for themselves, you are a warrior of the Lord apostle @darlenys01 goes ahead with this mission of sowing in the future generation the word of God, all the team of @sc-v have done a great job, of excellence. Thank you @sirknight that has made it possible, God come with payment, because whoever gives to the poor gives to God. Great team has put God on the earth.
A great experience, I thank God for allowing me to be part of this wonderful team, full of sensitivity and love for the neighbor, thanks to @Sirknight and @darlenys01 for all the support to bring joy to the little ones, children who showed a smile and a lot of happiness for this special day that I give him @sc-v.
IT IS A BLESSING. Goodness in our community, the love of God is present. I smile and I am happy, not because my life is perfect, but because I appreciate what God has given me, because I value who I have by my side and I thank the Lord every day for it. Because he put these brothers in my life and this wonderful church that is leaving traces in the lives of many people.
A success of our community and for which we must always thank God, a beautiful work that leaves traces in those hearts of the children and families of Cantaura. All heroes of Faith and will.
Congratulations to @sc-v for giving a smile to these little ones, who maybe needed a gesture of love and love, I hope they continue doing activities like these. God bless you.
Beautiful work apostol @darlenys01, God goes hand in hand with @steemchurch venezuela, this moves my heart, because God is good and has abundant mercy, happiness in a child is something that has no price, Hallelujah! Glory to God!. Thousands of blessings for this beautiful project.
This is really amazing, Venezuela is really blessed to have a arm of the steemchurch with them. You guys are awesome, may God reward your good works
Wow this is big @sc-v is really blessing the whole communities, making impact and leaving behind the steemchurch awareness, this is fantastic, it's total hardwork and efficiency, this was well done, I applaud everyone behind this successfull project may God bless you all.
A Dollar A Day is very happy to support this great work.
It is a pleasure to collaborate in such a beautiful work, God has sent us to serve others, to express and give love. He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live.
great work Darlenys, Sirknight and the whole community applauds your work and is proud to have leaders of this level, love and blessings ... Many children enjoyed that special day.
Wonderful what SteemChurch Venezuela is doing, is worthy of admiration. As difficult as the situation in the country is, anyone could think that it is impossible to do this, however, with God everything is possible. I congratulate you.
Seeing happy children is very beautiful, thanks to the sc-v initiative to bring happiness to these beautiful children of God.
Excellent work. May God continue to bless you and bring smiles to children who need to be happy. God bless you greatly. I congratulate you @sc-v
Great work you are doing @sc-v. Keep touching lives and preaching freedom. Long live @sc-v Long live @Steemchurch Long live @Sirknight
wow, this can be seen that it was very funny, it is a great effort, where there is unity, there is victory.
This event is a reason to believe that more can the will when with love we seek to bless others. Blessings, boys
A hug to all for such praiseworthy work. Many blessings today and always.
Que labor tan bonita. felicito a ese gran equipo de STEEMCHURCH
en Venezuela estamos haciendo la diferencia en nuestra iglesia con poco hacemos tambien felices a muchos niños con una iniciativa de nuestros pastores de la iglesia ccp centro cristiano puerto la cruz, con el apoyo de los mismos hermanos que aportamos un granito de arena este fin d semana nos toco nuevamente la operacion alegria donde se entragaron mas de 150 platos de sopa a los niños y personas adultas con mas necesidad en nuestro sector y asi lograr poner una sonrisa en el rostro de muchos, quisiera que algun dia unamos fuerzas y poder hacer lo que ustedes a lo grande para muchos mas en nuestro sector, que unamos fuerzas...
Great job @sc-v, how nice when you give a hand to the needy and even more when they are children, the smile of these little ones shows the joy of their hearts for this beautiful gesture. Blessings for all.
Excellent @sc-v, it is worth to admire what they did. God bless you
a day full of excitement, I live with the children in singing, it is a great honor and privilege to serve these children who are the reflection of God where their faces with a big smile reflect the goodness of God, @ sc- v more than a team we are a great family and I am glad to be part of it, # steemchurchVenezuela is building country. as the word of God says
Matthew 19:14
14 But Jesus said: Let the children come to me, and do not stop them; because of such is the kingdom of heaven.
God bless you!!!
Great work, wonderful project, God bless and endow you with great wisdom @sc-v.....
Beautiful moment and admirable work. God bless all the friends of this foundation for doing wonderful act of love, giving smiles of joy to so many children of that community. Congratulations to all friend of @steemChurch
What exceptional, special and wonderful moments shared with those little people so helpless, pure and clean of heart, as are the children, as Jesus said, that children come to me, and that nothing stops them, unique words that express love and blessings that God always covers. I congratulate all those brothers who made these children happy and shared unmatched moments, following the teachings of faith, love, protection, union, brotherhood that God has given us, especially about children.
Hi @sc-v, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @aboard2000 and @greesy don't exist on Steem. Maybe you made some typos ?
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.What a beautiful surprise for children. They deserve it. Seeing the joy in their faces fills my heart with joy. Congratulations steemit church Venezuela. I hope they can reach all the National territory. In the name of God.
Hello... Amen... Thanks by opportunity
Amen there was a lot of effort to achieve this but it was worth it to see so many happy children and enjoying it. Thank you I give to the Lord for allowing us to carry out this beautiful activity
What a wonderful thing to make the little ones of the house, enjoy a different day, that shows us that for God there are no impossible.
Follow God Almighty Father, filling them with strengths, to continue enlarging our country.
Congratulations Emilio! Excellent demonstration of love to the little ones of the house in their day. God reward your actions through the blessing of your life and yours. Keep going
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