"Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth. Breath of life breathed into the nose of man, and man became a living being. " Genesis 2: 7 NTV
We are the "The superior race", for something we have that label is not simply to point out the defects of others, Believe that everything is based on the superficial and the material, we are not here to try to survive, we are here so that everything what surrounds us survive, to take care of every little thing that surrounds us
We are in this world to fight hate and distribute love, to give support to the most needy, to treat everyone in the same way because we are all the same, we are in this world to understand that just as you are important, you are every being that surrounds you, that they also have their purpose, we do not have to walk thinking that we are worth little or we are nothing, on the contrary, we are a special creation, loved by God, specially created to be in communion with Him, and that is in what we must base our daily life, to be in agreement with God, our Heavenly Father, good and forgiving.