Proverbs 23:7 King James Version (KJV) "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but this heart is not with thee."
Before continuing this, I will like to appreciate all of you who read, commented and up voted the first part of this series. I am glad it had an impact on you, and this promises to be more of a blessing. Thank You.
Moving on, I will like to ask a question. Have you ever wondered why a persons with physical defects whether blind, deaf, dumb, and crippled are allowed to vote during an election - but lunatics (Mad People) are restricted? The answer is simple, this is because a Man's life is tied to the functionality of his mind (his mental disposition and attitude).
The mind is the power house of man and with it, man can explore all that God has in stock for him. Some persons give excuses, using their situations as a yardstick for mediocrity; but my friend, a man with a sound mind no matter the circumstances he may face, is not disadvantaged - because our greatest advantage is our mind.
I will like to conclude this second part of this series with the story of Helen Adams Keller, who was born on the 27th of June 1880 in Tuscumbia, a small rural town in Alabama USA. Born with full sight and hearing, she fell ill in 1882 from what seemed to be scarlet fever or meningitis. Soon after the illness, she started failing to respond and it became apparent that she had been left both deaf and blind. Regardless of her situation, she was given a teacher named Anne Sullivan who started teaching her to communicate. Though with these defects, Helen knew she has her treasure chest (The Mind). She ended up as a writer of a number of books and essays including THE STORY OF MY LIFE (1903) which became a renowned classical. She also became a political activist and lecturer.
Stories like this inspires me because it shows that despite the circumstances that may surround a person's life, he or she can still end up actualizing his or her potentials and achieve greatness if only they can explore their treasure chest - THE MIND.
No man has an excuse to be a mediocre in life because we have the greatest treasure inside of us.
The difference between people making impact and those who are just going through life without any significance, is their Mind - Set. A lot of people are trying to change the circumstances around them, without first changing their mind - set. Nothing will ever change around us until we consciously change the way we think.
Our present day realities are basically a function of what is happening around us; and as we change our inner realities (mind set) our outer realities will naturally respond.
I trust you've been blessed by this, we'll continue the part 3 of this series few days from now... Pls Dont forget to Like, Comment and Up Vote. The Lord Bless You.
The above statement holds very true. Blessed by this write-up. Keep up the good work.
This series is from my book Breaking Free, I just added some TouchUp