Ladies and Gentlemen of the SteemChurch,
'may peace be with you'
on this Tuesday, 16 January 2018.
So many great posts here at SteemChurch. So many!
So many wonderful Steemians here at SteemChurch too.
Each and every evening as the Angels do their rounds this Knight feels the love within our small family growing, and growing.
The posts are becoming better and better and the donations are slowly building church coffers.
Often people write to SirKnight. They say...
'SirKnight, thank you so much for this opportunity. Thank you so much for the love.'
SirKnight does appreciate the appreciation. But know this dear friends - SirKnight does very much appreciate the many original and high quality posts here at #steemchurch and #celestialchallenge.
Now this Knight understands that some might feel... 'if I post more often, SirKnight will love me more'. To this SirKnight would like to reassure - 'I would much prefer our parishioners produce 1 high quality post a day, than 4 or 5 average posts.'
Quality posting will take you far in Steemit! And when others discover the high quality posts of the SteemChurch parishioners - they will support all our work. But one should not forget Colossians 3:23 (NLT) which states:
'Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.'
If there were one thing that SirKnight loves more than seeing SteemChurch parishioners posting ORIGINAL, HIGH QUALITY CONTENT, it is seeing parishioners interacting and providing constructive feedback within the comments of our ORIGINAL, HIGH QUALITY CONTENT.
And through consistent and high quality commenting one man stood out, above all others, like a lighthouse on a moonless night. His name...
Brother @jaff8 - The Pure!
The SteemChurch welcomes our new Apostle and trusts he will continue to guide the Blockchain in the ways of our Lord.
Steemit's greatest ever task, bestowed upon Steemit's largest living legend SIRKNIGHT continues, as he wanders the wide world of Steemit in search of the 12 fabled Apostles of the Blockchain. At this time, but 6 have been revealed unto us.
@tremendospercy - The Valiant!
@gniksivart - The Just!
@tikhub - The Insightful!
@abiye - The Humble!
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual!
@jaff8 - The Pure!
Dead on mate, too many people are trying to knock out post after post daily. Spend time researching, formatting and producing something original that has a quality look. People will reward your efforts more than with 3-4 posts for the sake of posting.
Listen to our galant SirKnight, he knows of what he speaks!
Nice one SK.
I agree your comment dear @tremendospercy thanks for shere dear @sirknight
Amazing revelation
Sir Japheth has been an inspiration to all of us here in Benin
He brought steemit to limelight here and he believe severely in freedom
Congrats to him
SteemChurch.Thanks @owoblow-steemit, I am really amazed with your growth on the platform. Thanks for all the kind words, I appreciate the efforts you put into
Anytime mate
We are still learning from your wealth of knowledge sir
Steemchurch must become the envy of blockchain soon
Wow congrat jaff8
Your good works has been crowned wit success
Thanks to sirknight
We love you
Steemit -Nigeria loves you
Thanks for the compliments @onlinemugu :)
congratulation to everyone..those guys are really doing a great job here on the steemchurch blockchain, the gospel must reach everyone out there and also big thank you to @sirknight for the great work that you have been putting in just to see that steemchurch grow, i indeed enamor them.
congratulation @jaff8 the pure The church is growing, so are the distinguish parishioners. #churchGrowthIsOurGrowth
Well said sir @sirknight......and congratulations brother @jaff8
Hello @baelish, I have been seeing your posts. You are really working on recommendations, nice to have you around. Thanks brother.
The spiritual family is growing.
amazing journey I am having at steemchurchcongratulation @jaff8 you deserve it man and thanks @sirknight ...
Steem Church to the moon! I'm happy to serve :)
Welcome boss
Steemchurch and steemit has no doubt in your abilities.
Fire go!!!!!!
you are welcome apostle@jaff8
god bless you and your family.
upvoted and resteemThis content is more informative and educative about STEEMCHURCH .I hope that you will share this types of lovely all the time and now i am learning more valuable things from your post .Thanks for sharing this significance post .I am waiting for your next content . thanks friend @sirknight
Cheers Brother.Congratulation @jaff8, you are an inspiration. Like the knight said
Thanks @druids, I have been seeing you around as well. Have a blessed day!
sir your work is great and i appreciate your start charity..its my 1st comment and i don't like spam and comment again and…resteemed
@jaff8 has been really steadfast in upholding the vision of steemchurch. Congratulations sir
Thanks @johnesan, I appreciate your kind words.
Oh! Am so happy to see this.
As my brothers grow in the lord, may his eyes of grace never cease to watch over you.
And as you continue to do the work of God, may God meet you all at the point of your needs.
Am so delighted for your great works @sirknight .... Big congratulations @jaff8 @tikhub and so many others .
Ephesians 2:10
Ones again congratulations brothers. I love you all .God help us all. His words lights up our road way. Thanks Odia.
Beautifully presented post.. loved the way you are presenting it before us..Thank you for your wonderful initiative and always carry with you and beautiful facilities .
Thanks for sharing all those very nice STEEMCHURCH STATEMENT.
stay blessedhello my dear friend @sirknight ,, how are you ?
Upvoted // Resteem..
your post is good. in which of quality is different. You have a good idea
what a incrediable post it is! i like it. think that everyone benefited from this post.So thanks
Delightfully displayed post.. adored the way you are showing it before us..Thank you for your superb activity and dependably convey with you and wonderful offices. @sirknight
The Pure. It illustrates his quest for quality and purity.
I quite agree with @omonosa. I've been keeping an eye on him for a while now. And quite a suitable catchphrase — More grace to your works @sirknight.
As I read a post, I saw steechurch as one the tags. That captured my attention. Here I have read more about it. Steemit shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. Amen.
Welcome to the family and the Church apostle @jaff8 - The Pure!
please continue to impact on us
congratulations @jaff8 Thanks @sirknight for your continuous effort
@sirknight ,how do i become one of the parishioners?
great post upvoted and resteemed
Congratulations @jaff8. You have been of great help to many. God bless you.
I'm really not surprised at the pick of the latest apostle @jaff8. The mention of consistent and high quality comments gave him away!
Hello @jaff8. Congratulations. I'm glad you feel happy to serve.
God bless sirknight and bless all the apostle of the steemchurch.Oh wow! This is great! And now we have the 6th apostle. @jaff8 - the pure! Congratulations mate.
thats a great post..
i like this post..
thanks for sharing sir..@sirknight
Cheers!A big congratulations to the new apostle @jaff8, you deserve it. Its nice to see the #steemchurch growing everyday.
Hello @sirknight,
Quality post is indeed important. I can tell you this much that for me i keep working on it every day.
Congrats to the new Apostle @jaff8
Congratx @jaff8- The pure!
Congratulations @jaff8! let 1corinthians chapter 9 be your guild in your journey as an apostle.
Congratulations @jaff8. You have done alot in surpporting the steemchurch. We hope to learn more from you
👪👪👪 This content is more informative and educative about STEEMCHURCH .I hope that you will share this types of lovely all the time and now i am learning more valuable things from your post .Thanks for sharing this significance post .I am waiting for your next content . thanks friend @sirknight👬👬👬👬👬
Congratulations@jaff8 you deserve it!!!
More grace to this new phase.Congratulations brother @jaff8- the pure!
Congrats @jaff8 you deserve it, i love and respect your high quality content... Keep it up boss
Congratulations @jaff8 for being chosen as the 6th apostle and thanks @sirknight for ur effort in finding the apostles is not tgat easy to engage ur self in such task
Great post Buddy :)
this is amazing loving yours posts ..keep it up
Appriciate your great advice @sirknight.
Thank you for this very helpful article hope and wishing all your success.
Good morning, it says the right thing, a good content is to see the great motivation in spiritual growth and realize that we contribute to something good.
Certainly, the comments are made when reading the complete publication, not only to say: "this is great what you have written", we should be able to help all our friends and review their publications in a more extensive way, all the contents deserve attention and Get the value you deserve.
according to what you say cindycam
Congratulations @jaff8 the pure you really deserved it. I feel very happy. thanks to @sirknight
Love seeing and meeting these new apostles from all over the world.
Quality is the most important aspect here on Steemit that is vastly overlooked.
@gniksivart - The Just
absolutly right , good content must always get good upvotes!
Amazing revelation
Community is the most important things for create a good or best family. Nice post dear.Thanks for share
we feel honor when you appreciate our efforts and love, and yes strongly agree that hard work is our recognition,. stay happy @sirknight