in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)


Ladies and Gentlemen of the SteemChurch et al.

'Peace be with you.'

This Knight understands better than most, that a low Steem price can be depressing.  Add to this low levels of account creation and a flattening out of the daily usage, it would be so easy to lose heart and simply give up.  To those feeling this way I would say... 'always look on the bright side.'

This Knight has been through these dips 3 or 4 times now - and each time this Knight did the following:

  1. Bought Steem at relatively low prices.
  2. Worked extra hard to earn larger rewards, which then exchange for larger amounts of Steem.
  3. HODL!

Furthermore, this Knight has noticed that the periods when account creation drops off are generally followed by pretty serious development announcements. Perhaps we will have a Smart Media Token go ahead announcement in the next week or two.   

Or, perhaps the drop off in account creation has something to do with Appbase.  Or, it could be our new posting interface - which is very user friendly thank you.  However, where has the preview pane gone?

The growth of this platform since this Knight began last May has been exponential - and this Knight sees no reason why this will not continue over the next few years. 

So don't give up!  Seize the opportunity!!

To all the beloved parishioners of the SteemChurch... it is time we had a laugh.

In 1979, British comedians Monty Python released a brilliant religious satire about a Jewish man who was born on the same day and right next door to Jesus, and is frequently mistaken for the Messiah.  The film was titled - 'The Life of Brian'

The film's finale song, 'Always look on the bright side of life', never fails to put a smile on this Knight's face.  

Enjoy!  I am certain that Jesus would.

I am... SirKnight!


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If you believe you have nothing to worry about, the price has been so much lower in our time here than it is right now, people should buy the dips and HODL for the future, it’s bright my man.
It’s a rollercoaster ride brother @sirknight @tremendospercy

Never give up. Today on the platform might seem hard, tomorrow might be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be let's keep on promoting the church not for any reward sake rather for the good gospel of christ..thanks @sirkinght


We have the mind of Christ and so we think positively
See better
And everything turns around for our good

Our dear founder, just like you said, look on the bright side and that's what we will do



Agreed thinking positive and promoting positive helps many people .. like this post relaxed me 90%

Having the mind of Christ means being realistic.

When we have the mind of christ, we faith and believe nothing is impossible with God.
Great one @steemchurch.

However as you said, the price of steem got people pretty downcast.Hi there @sirknight,well I can see a whole lot of people giving up, it seems they don't have the spine, to keep working hard,

But it flaunctuates, now is the right time to actually buy steem because it will skyrocket soon, and well the platform will keep growing and so will the steemchurch family as well.

The knight has spoken well.

I watched the video and the post by Ned Scot you made on your recent post sir and I am pretty confident that we are heading somewhere great
Everything will fall back to normal and consequently better

Have a lovely day sir!!!

we all wish the same actually bro lets hope for the best 😊

Certainly, there is hope @ned was positive in the video, I do wish our dear steemit well.

Apostle @sirknight thanks for your motivational words and words of encouragement. We will work very hard to join the crusade of fun,laughter and happiness. Thank you

Certainly brother Sam, we are in for positivity and fun

Seizing the opportunity. great song that you mentioned, 'Always look on the bright side of life'.

Sk i 100% agreed with your 3 points we need to hodl we all are in serious tension but yes price low means buy time and i hope we all get success by your advice

Great post sir , steemchurch is the best place to be, steemchurch is a home. Have a lovely day sir

Peace be unto you too.... We are here to make this plat form a great one not even the price will make us low blessed God and you may as well visit my blog as I will be honor sir @sirknight.... And sir have you stop the #celestialchallenge thanks sir

Glady, will I be part of this great development, tnk you @sirknight for always looking for ways to improve us the parishioners of steemchurch!

I've grown to develop Strong faith and hope in steem, so i believe that it will definitely get better! Quite a funny video 😅

Wounderful post sir...... so good to hear thoes words of encouragement.

As I can contribute significantly to the healthy development of this great and blessed community, I am interested in being more than an ordinary member, as a pastor I believe that there is much that can be achieved from this plane.

with time sir, things will go accordingly and become normal.
We are the @steemchurch and we are totally unstoppable by anything even if it comes with a disguise. @sirknight I appreciate your info sir

It is a welcome development @sirknight and we cant wait to embrace it!! Thank you!

I love the theme, looking at the bright side, life is not always about the negatives!

Hello @sirknight,well I can see a mess of individuals surrendering, it appears they don't have the spine, to continue buckling down,

However as you stated, the cost of steem got individuals truly discouraged.

In any case, it flaunctuates, now is the opportune time to really purchase steem on the grounds that it will soar soon, and well the stage will continue developing thus will the steemchurch family too.

The knight has talked well.

Yes very true can really be depressing but seeing the big picture and making the best out of it is the way to Go
And also taking a trip to MUSIC WONDERLAND
Tank you sir this encouragement

great movie and job dear lovely friend @sirknight. thanks ror shering. i all time like, support and love your post. but very miss you dear.

keep it up

Certaingly,I'll join the crusade for fun and laughter and see that the word of God is propagated... Nice one! @sirknight

I really enjoyed the write up while reading thanks @sirknight

The Low steem Prices can really be a turn off and can cause panic selling for some Users. But ill admonish everyone to do as sirKnight advises and buy more Steem and hodl!
Thanks allThanks @Sirknight


And i am prayer.thanks and thankyou @sirknight. @sirknight your posts is very beautiful in steemit and i like your posts and.My pakistani community names are here: @shahabshah,@cryptospecio. I appreciate to you @sirknight.And I am very thankful to you sir.]

Thank you so much for tjis word of encouragement i have depressing since the fall of steem

Steemchurch has come to stay.
@sirknight may God give you grace to run it till the end.

@SirKnight, i do hope you enjoyed the Blank Panther :)

Am not giving up on steeming. Am seizing the opportunity in the mighty name of Jesus. Thanks @sirknight for the encouragement in such a trying time as this. Am HODL.

God bless you so much!

wondarful movie and very well post..
i love this post....thank you for share....

dear lovely friend @sirknight. i just #Resteem and #Upvote

Really Just Wonderful video :):):)


woww..beautiful movie my dear friend @sirknight... i all time like, support and love your post. but very miss you dear.

Yeah we have face this problems now a days steem price is goes down, but i believe to high up soon I think this is the right time to buy steem I want to buy steem power but dont know how?

Great post are awesome.upvote and resteem done.

So enjoy that you enjoy Monty Python. He is a very irreverent kind of guy that would upset many Christians. But if we learn to laugh at ourselves we will never run out of material! :-)

You are doing a great thing here @sirknight and I'm grateful to be able to be a part of it. Thank you. With high or low Steem prices...

Expecting an all time high maybe in the next few weeks.
Sounds like i'm speaking faith here.

thank you @sirknight for your words of encouragement, those who love God all things help you well.

I posted that video to Facebook on Good Friday once. It was an easy way to find out which of my friends had a sense of humor.

@Sirknight,Thanks for that edifying post. I see myself becoming a whale even when I have $0.03 for a post after 7days. God bless you.

Excellent, that's right, it's the position that the children of God must have before difficulties. Look forward and move forward, as Jesus did.

excellent recommendation, God will do! We just have to know how to wait in their times! While to work hard!

Lovely post, I am still waiting when bright time will came in my life, I very disappointed here because daily in celestialchallenge i am giving post but nobody Upvote who will be come in my life to bring brightness and stability but i think its impossible. the joy and happiness only for Knight.

Never give up.

Great post as always. Looking forward to the days of constant exciting news again. I don't think it's just Steem that's leveling off because even cryptoers on Twitter have noticed a great decline in activity. Maybe it's the calm before the storm (or rocket!)

Even though the price of steem seems like it ain't ever gonna come up... We have been admonished to stay calm and focused... That I'll definitely do... And here's a rendition just to help you through the trying times.. No matter the situation give thanks to God

well done sirknight!

Ofcourse we should learn to always see the brighter side of life. Steem has potential.

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