Ladies and Gentlemen of STEEM,
'Peace be with you.'
As a good Steemian friend (@owoblow-steemit) pointed out today,
was established on the Steem Blockchain on 11 December 2017.
With the vision 'Freedom and liberty in the spirit of Christ', - SteemChurch has provided a platform for many from under-privileged / poorly managed nations to earn STEEM with their talents and labors, thereby enabling these parishioners to improve their lives dramatically.
Having met their own physiological needs, our parishioners in turn have sought to identify problems in their local communities and have begun fixing these.
In a little under six months SteemChurch now has parishes in Venezuela, Nigeria and Ghana. It also has the ambitious FARMS project, with an aim to use the STEEM blockchain to feed the world 'one small farm at a time'.
This Knight looks back at what we have achieved over the past 6 months and is astounded.
It is therefore with much excitement and pleasure, that this Knight announces that we will be taking that next step; we will be launching our very own...
This Knight has been considering this idea for some time now. However, there were just too many unanswered questions. Fortunately today, many of those questions were answered by the @steemitblog team. Thank you.
This will be a major fund raising initiative with the view to expand our current sub-communities, drive development of the FARMS initiatives and expand our presence into new countries - in particular, Argentina, whose people are in dire need of assistance.
The strategy is simple. We raise funds giving us what would effectively be a greater share of the Steem reward pool, albeit through our own token.
This additional Voting Power would be used to focus rewards towards projects which best serve their local communities. It would also be used to support those who were posting in accordance with our mission and core values.
The new tokens could serve as a medium of exchange within the SteemChurch and more importantly, they might serve as a medium of exchange for parishioners within their local communities (subject to local laws of course).
There would be a modest allocation of tokens to the founding members of the SteemChurch, as compensation for your efforts to date and as incentive to push forward with your community initiatives.
Where to from here?
The Whitepaper
SirKnight will take up the challenge of drafting the Whitepaper. And now thanks to @isaacfem he has the letterhead and follow-on he needs.
As for the remainder of the Church. You need to get busy designing flyers to promote our Steem SMT ICO. We also need ideas for our token name, along with token logo designs.
Finally, and most importantly, if SteemChurch has changed your life, reply here and let the blockchain know how. Or put it into a post. Your story might be the one to tug at the heartstrings of a whale and they might set aside some Steem to invest in our amazing community.
This Knight does not know how long before SMTs are officially released - but he reckons we will be ready to go not long after. In the mean time, start setting some Steem aside each reward so you can participate in what could be the greatest SMT on the blockchain.
Church images were downloaded from Pixabay and edited by @isaacfem.
Letterhead image by @isaacfem
Fix a problem, and not try to solve the whole world problem, eventually is not possible.Lesson learnt.
Awesome initiative buddy.
Here are some ideas for a coin name....
GrailCoin or......
Halo or....
Trinity or....
I’m sure there are many great ideas that will be forthcoming.
Great job as ever @sirknight
Beautiful Brother TP. All 4 are going straight the top of my 'possible' list. ; )
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice (Prov. 29:2).
I'm really glad that the church is about to kickoff the smt, its a good start. The knight has given the order we must execute!
The SMT token are really a fantastic prospect and will and will of course be coming very soon,
The prospectives seems great, the aim is quiye going to be revolutionary as well.
I must say the inception of the church has given a whole lot of people purpose, content creating is quite very difficult expecially when they're are no set skills In place as well.
Apart from this is given people a spiritual solace, a place to find comfort
It has also helped people I'm dire need, people with initiatives without funding I remember @abiye's amazing farm initiatives
Steemchurch has changed my life
Of course it was a community where I blended in so quickly, I had people who had the same ambitions and spiritual yearnings as me,
It helped me when I was really I dire need of pressing financial ailing.
I've looked up to @sirknight everyday to wisdom and encouragement, and I've never be disappointed, his unmeasured love for children and putting smiles on people's face is really a blessing.
A true leader you are @sirknight
@Josediccus here, grateful for everything
The SMT token are extremely a fabulous prospect and will and will obviously be coming soon,
The prospectives appears to be awesome, the point is quiye going to be progressive too.
I should state the commencement of the congregation has given a ton of individuals reason, content making is very exceptionally troublesome expecially when they're are no set abilities set up also.
Aside from this is given individuals a profound comfort, a place to discover comfort
It has additionally helped individuals I'm desperate need, individuals with activities without subsidizing I recall @abiye's stunning ranch activities
Steemchurch has changed my life
Obviously it was where I mixed in so rapidly, I had individuals who had an indistinguishable desire and otherworldly desires from me,
It helped me when I was truly I critical need of squeezing money related debilitated.
I've turned upward to @sirknight regular to astuteness and consolation, and I've never be baffled, his unmeasured love for youngsters and putting favors individuals' face is extremely a gift.
A genuine pioneer you are @sirknight
Incredible activity @sirknight. I value your work for the sustaining of destitute individuals and furthermore you are doing incredible for your Christian people group. Keep it up yet additionally should do philanthropy for each human in this world for Christian's as well as for each group.
Will get caught up with planning flyers for our SMT ICO.
Consequent posts will be dropped containing points of interest of how the Steemchurch has changed not only my life but rather my general surroundings.
This might sound off, but I wish we have more spiritual leaders like you in this world then the world might have been a happier place.
This is a welcome development and I love it! You and your team are amazing. Always thinking of better ways to get things done and for the betterment of everyone.
You have really touched my life @sirknight. I call you a living legend. Kudos and God bless you
Great initiative @sirknight. I appreciate your work for the feeding of poor people and also you are doing great for your Christian community. Keep it up but also must do charity for every human in this world not only for Christian's but also for every community.
Remember me in your prayers, your well wisher @shahidshah
Perfect idea, who knows that ideas can be in two Minds at the same time. I was reading up some stuff about the SMT on and the evolution really gave me a jaw down. Then I thought, why can't this community launch one? Gaining recognition wouldn't be much of a problem since the Steemchurch growth is rapid with high speed.
I was just so excited to see it come true. Another great initiative. I humbly wish for a fast implementation dear Knight
Great news indeed i believe steemchurch can change the world one person at a time.i was in the spirit yesterday when i wrote a post thanking steemchurch for being with me through out my time on steemit an today you asked for testimonies.
Here is my testimony and a gift for you to
Over here from Nigeria, we will save towards the SteemChurch SMT. Thank you SirknightI must say, there is a great move by the Steemchurch, having an SMT which can be used locally. Steemchurch has one way or the other helped me to build my reputation thus helping me grow on steemit. The @scb was a huge success which a lot of lives were touched and appreciate steemchurch for them. Also supporting the less privilege as seen in a post @sc-n and providing means to solve problems through vocational training.
This is some next level thing man.
I am all in to put my efforts into making Steemchurch smart tokens a bomb! I would try my hands on a couple of designs and make a post about it. Hopefully you see it.Awesome initiative @sirknight.
As an Engineer, we're trained to tackle problems and proffer solutions, going at one issue at a time is the ideal way to go.
Its a nice idea and though I don't know the full extent the program goes but it seems noble and I'd like to be a part of it.
Will get busy designing flyers for our SMT ICO.
Subsequent posts will be dropped containing details of how the Steemchurch has changed not just my life but the world around me.
One problem at a time
Thanks for the next great step that will proof to be one of the most life changing approach on steemit
Nice initiative sir
this is very good, everything Sirknight proposes is very good
This is absolutely amazing
Steemchurch SMTs coming through
Well I’ve always known SMTs is gonna be a game changer . This is amazing I must say again Great initiative on this one @sirknight
This is really great, every time I realize that our leader is guided by God, to realize these incredible projects.
I can already imagine how far this will go.
This is one of the biggest news I've ever heard on Steemit. I can't wait. The SteemChurch community is growing indeed, and I must say that this is a great step!
@sirknight thanks a million for this initiative...cheers!
This has waoo me! God bless @sirknight. your ideas and concepts are always at the peak. SteemChurch SMT Token all the way
A token to fix the world, a single problem at a time: the Steemchurch Smart Media Token is a brilliant idea...
Steemchurch has really taught me a lot, particularly that it takes a man (you, me, all of us together) to make a positive difference in our world.
This really shows your unflinching love for the betterment of your world:
kind regards.God bless you @sirknight.
Wow, this is great. I'm happy we have a visionary leader. SMT will change the whole crypto world. Steemchurch is expanding every day
Reading through this, the first name that came to my mind is SCC... (steemchurch token). I just hope it's not taken already in the crypto market. But that's the concept.
I'm so excited that I've started a pencil sketch of fliers. I can't wait to be part of the promotion.
Wisely done @sirknight
You are a genius in this prospectives..
I'm in Support of this Sir..
May God Give you Strenght To Complete this Project, And the Commeted people you Desire...Awww @sirknight you got it all, most people think they can solve many problems at one time but it impossible, a problem is solved at a time..
nice one @sirknight, a smart media coin will be another giant leap for the top for steemchurch and i pray his sufficient grace see it to fulfillment for the uplift of steemchurch and to the glory of his name.
@sirknight this is a good intiative,am so happy that we can promote the gospel here on steemit, @sc-n has been great help to us here in Nigeria with helping the less privilege.
This is really great news from the only knight of the steem church, i am anticipating the release of the steemchurch smart tokens in the main time let me get to work to see how i can be of help to this wonderful community
That's a very nice initiative and I'm so happy to be part of this family. Steemchurch is the beginning of a new phase in my life as a student undergraduate trying to finish school. No more do I need to keep busy online looking for means to earn a living. Through the magnanimous and ever generous heart of our leader @sirknight my life is changed forever. I don't want to get too emotional but I can only be grateful. Thank you @sirknight from the deepest of my heart. May God replenish you abundantly. Long live #steemchurch and may God bless us all.
Wow, your ideas can never run dey @sirknight. Another step towards actualising the numerous dreams of the Steemchurch Community. Chasing various things without resolving one doesn't help, pursuing one and fixing it is what makes progress. You've rightly picked your words.
I already have an idea on the name and logo, I can't wait to present it to you!!!!!
Go crypto!!!!!
How do i become part of this @sirknight, i write Christian contents for my prayer group, The Take Over Generation. I dont know how you can be of help, would really love to be part of this, thanks
I pray for mass adoption of this vision, the more soldiers the easy it become to cover ground, take up territories and defeat enemies.
God bless you more and more sir.
the benefit my friends has really benefited from steemchurch cannot be overemphasize, they has really transform the life of my friends from grass to grace making them a champion in there field and toching life of an individual and making them financially independent. kudos to the brain behind steemchurch. may God bless you all with wisdom from above to make you all an highflyers in your destiny. i love you all most expecially sirknight more grace
I have to read this highlighted part again and again.
Trying to solve all the problems would make you less impactful.
For @SirKnight dream to make more impact, we need to come round him to make his vision a global one.
We have find a worthy leader in @SirKnight we need more of the passionate followers like him in order to make the vision global.
Are you in OR our?
I am in, completely in.
This is great! So many wonderful new SMT's coming out soon. Can't pass up the steemchurch token! @ironshield
It is a great news. Sincerely steemcurch is growing by leaps and bounds. Personally, I thank God for steemit and especially steemchurch, since the situation in our country (Venezuela) is drastic, where inflation is one of the largest in the world, and thanks to Steemit / steemchurch we have been able to have income extras to buy food and important expenses in our home. They have been a great blessing.
What a great step in another dimension, we shall do our best, participate actively and give it all the supports it demands. God bless you @sirknight, the man with a large heart.
This is too good to be true.
Wow... Our own token. This is amazing.
First the farm, and not this. I see the world order restructuring back to the things that matter to the one that rules the world God through our faith.
I am totally in on this. And I must say, this one Knight, is a revolutionary visioneer.
When I joined steemit. I wondered why everyone was talking outside Christ. Most if the posts I saw were either cryptos and a few guys who dared to write about daily fellowship received low recognition.
But steemchurch gave us All a place to stand boldly.
You know I've been wondering how to affect lives and imprint Christ to the nation's. And these steemit platform offers me that opportunity. Now, meeting like minds like you, steemchurch farm initiative and other ongoing projects. I finally found my place.
Let's do more. Let's shake the world and turn the focus back to where it should be. Jesus!
A life at a time till we reach the world.
I was hoping you would do this! I know you are trying to improve the world. I think SMTs will be a tool to help light that spark.
thanks for new information! good luck
kudos to you sirknight for putting smiles in the face of less priviledge and your community,this is a great development implemented by a great leader. may God bless you with what money cannot buy and make you outstanding in your doings. i celebrate you
Wowwwww... I have been waiting for this. SMT tins for Steemchurch ... Wooww
Now I guess you'll be employing writers for the project.
May God bless you and grant you success and happiness in your life... (Ameen)Very nice and informative post @sirknight...
Really steemchurch SMT, this is overwhelming
Well this is it, the future is here This is an amazing initiative @sirknight .
Wow, steemchurch on a charity initiative, this is amazing @sirknight. My Country Nigeria is in dire need of the steemchurch, thanks for this amazing initiative. You’re truly the only knight we’ve got on steemit .
Blessings for this community of Steemchurch and our leader @sirknight for promoting and helping those who need it most, God is in control of everything and I know that this platform will continue to bless many more people.
This post just answered some of my questions. Howbeit, I would appreciate if more light can be thrown on the part that talked about posting in accordance with the mission and core values. Please I need to be clear on this things @Sirknight
Hello my brother @sirknight that I succeed and what a blessing to see how this community is growing and what is missing, what is sown well your harvest is a great blessing
Thanks to our dear leader @ siriright for so much joy to see how this platform helped our progimo continue to be part of this wonderful work and may God continue to bless you friend and brother in Christ
Hello friend @sirknight I bless to see how this beautiful platform continues to grow and will continue to bless the needy
Great to get notification from you a @sirknight debt of gratitude is in order for sharing
@sirknight this is an applaudable intiative,I'm very excited to be part of the steemchurch community. @sc-g has been of immense help to ghanainas on the steem platform. God richly bless you