in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Our Lord looks fondly upon his SteemChurch and we grow rapidly in his love. We might just be the fastest growing community on the blockchain.

Parishioners of the SteemChurch - Peace be with you.

On this day, 7 May 2018, the SteemChurch, the first ever Church of the Blockchain officially establishes 3 NEW PARISHES.

1. SteemChurch Venezuela

Image of @emiliocabrera

The excitement surrounding 'SteemChurch Venezuela' has been enormous of late and it is now official, SteemChurch Venezuela is its own Parish, being lead by the valiant and beloved Apostle @darlenys01.

Granted to @darlenys01 is the official SteemChurch Venezuela Steem account @sc-v.

SirKnight has agreed to delegate 1,000 SP of his own funds to help speed up the growth of the Parish.

2. SteemChurch Ghana


We raised 500 SP through SteemChurch Bingo and SteemChurch will be delegating a further 500 SP to our new parish in Ghana.

We are told that the good Christian folk of Ghana have some amazing ideas for both the promotion of the Christian faith, and the growth the SteemChurch in their country. To be lead by veteran SteemChurch parishioners @odsam2 and @bigssam.

These two new High Priests of the blockchain will assume control of the official SteemChurch Ghana Steem account - @sc-g.

3. SteemChurch Nigeria


The appointment of a High Priest to lead SteemChurch Nigeria was a difficult one. The executive committee had to consider the great many skills required to run a Church this size. And of course we had a number of committed Parishioners to choose from. In the end there was one name on the lips of all the executive. A woman whose personality and charm has quickly turned her into a well loved and valued member of the Church.

Leading the SteemChurch Nigeria will be High Priestess Adedoyin Odedina (@adedoyinwealth).

SteemChurch Nigeria account. SirKnight has agreed to delegate a further 500SP to this account, so too has the SteemChurch.The High Priestess will be given the keys to @sc-n the official

There are many great projects happening at SteemChurch and each day we grow larger. More importantly however, there are many wonderful people at SteemChurch, with many talents and passions, who love and support one another. Most importantly however, we are Christians celebrating this beautiful world which God has gifted to us, the sacrifice he made for us and the splendor of his creation.

There are 2 pages

Three of the largest growing community on the steemchurch finally have a steemit account.
Thanks SK and Steemchurch.
@adedoyinwealth, i look forward to supporting you in the development of the Nigeria community, Congrats dear.

Thanks Bro for your continuous support.

Great woman. God be with you as you stand as a Deborah in your generation. May your zeal for God grow much that like Lois, may you begat another Eunice and Timothy as giants for the Steemchurch Nigeria @sc-n God bless and empower you.

Great woman. God be with you as you stand as a Deborah in your generation. May your zeal for God grow much that like Lois, may you begat another Eunice and Timothy as giants for the Steemchurch Nigeria @sc-n God bless and empower you.

wow so we have officially the arms of steemchurch in Venezuela, Ghana and Nigeria? This is a fantastic new development of you ask me I'd say steemchurch is really getting more simplified and this way, steemchurch can be able to expand past the realm of steemit out into the world
I think it's a great new dawn, well @adedoyinwealth is more than capable to fit the standards and diligently run the Nigerian account, @darleneys is also capable she has proved that she can be an exemplary leader with amazing qualities.

I think this is a brilliant new dawn, and once again @sirknight has master minded a brilliantly poised new initiatives and the tentacles of steemchurch keeps spreading and spreading.

What emotion we are a growing community, it is incredible what is happening in the blockchain, this comes from God, to bless many! Congratulations Venezuela, Gahan and Nigeria

Indeed i find this interesting..... steemchurch is breaking new grounds and taking new flight
Am blessed to be among this great community.

Am happy to hear this one I know that the almighty God we serve will continue to bless us all as we take his work higher to the next level.
New official three parishes.

new parishes





Am happy to hear this once more the load is very heavy but I know that God will always give us strength

We owe everything to God who put a dream in the heart of a man to bring freedom to the world. Grace to @steemchurch, and @sirknight.My heart of a gentleman. God with you.

Yes Sis.
I am grateful to Sir Knight for taking up the challenge to make the blockchain and the world in general a better place.

I admire you a lot Sis Darlenys.
I'm Glad Steemchurch brought us together.

I am happy that you are going to be at the forefront of this wonderful project of Steemchruch nigeria, brave and courageous woman with great things will surprise you Jehovah.

God is greatly blessing the #SteemchurchVenezuela project, a beautiful project that our beloved apostle @darlenys01 directs him God blesses you greatly and gives you much more vision and wisdom, but also to tell you that he has the support of God and many others. good people who share the same vision, and through this bring the word of God to each corner, a message of salvation and redemption. the crusade of freedom that the beginning our great leader and mentor @sirknight has expanded to 3 big points #Venezuela #Nigeria and #Ghana and continue to increase, God bless just one of the apostles, priests and priests who head the three parishes.

BLESSINGS, what joy apostol. God is taking control of everything!

We owe everything to God who put a fantasy in the core of a man to convey opportunity to the world. Elegance to @steemchurch, and @sirknight.My heart of a noble man. God with you.

This is incredible news, our family is showing signs of improvement!

It is an incredible benefit to serve Steemchurch and Nigeria all in all.

Much thanks to you Sir Knight for having faith in me.

Much thanks to you Steemchurch.

We should cooperate to make Steemchurch Nigeria🇳🇬 a win!.

wow so we have authoritatively the arms of steemchurch in Venezuela, Ghana and Nigeria? This is a phenomenal new improvement of you ask me I'd say steemchurch is truly getting more rearranged and along these lines, steemchurch can have the capacity to extend past the domain of steemit out into the world

I believe it's an awesome new first light, well @adedoyinwealth is more than fit to fit the guidelines and tenaciously run the Nigerian record, @darleneys is likewise proficient she has demonstrated that she can be an excellent pioneer with stunning characteristics.

I think this is a splendid new day break, and by and by @sirknight has engineered a splendidly balanced new activities and the limbs of steemchurch continues spreading and spreading.

What feeling we are a developing group, it is fantastic what is going on in the blockchain, this originates from God, to favor many! Congrats Venezuela, Gahan and Nigeria

To be sure I discover this interesting..... steemchurch is breaking new grounds and taking new flight

Am honored to be among this awesome group.

felicidades a @ darlenys01 recibiste una buena espada delegada, y agradeciendo a @steemchurch por esa delegación a nuestra amiga darlenys01.

This is great news, our family is getting bigger and better!

thanks for sharing this posts!

Wooooow!!!. Congratulations @adedoyinwealth. You totally deserve it. This is really huge and nice. More to come. Yaaaay!.

Thanks Bro.
I would appreciate your support.
Please join us on Steemchurch discord channel.

See you there!.

Right on it.

Yes that is my lady she is awesome ,she cares and creative .No one is like her ... I love you @adedoyinwealth

Thanks Sis.
You are awesome too.

wow great post thanks for sharing this great post with us all.ialways follow you for more good blog.

Praise be to the Almighty God. I'm so amazed at the things @steemchurch have achieved in a short while. The holy spirit is truly using the steemchurch to His glory. Thank God, I am a Nigerian and I'm proud of the steemchurch in Nigeria. I know in unity we can achieve greater things through Christ that strengthens us.

Kudos to @sitknight and everyone on the team. God in heaven will continue to empower you guys. Shalom

It is a great privilege to serve Steemchurch and Nigeria in general.
Thank you Sir Knight for believing in me.
Thank you Steemchurch.
Let's work together to make Steemchurch Nigeria🇳🇬 a success!.


@adedoyinwealth, I'll personally put in efforts to help you succeed. God bless you.

Your a fantastic hard worker, I was telling a friend of mine that I've never seen such a female who gives all and work hard without tiring,
Your resilience and hardwork has paid off, I celebrate you my dear, I'm your number one admirer

Thanks Bro.
I celebrate you too.

Congratulations my dear

A woman of substance, she's down to earth...and possessing a leadership spirit ...
I have confidence that she will lead us to our promise land......
My wealth@adedoyinwealth is an outstanding woman...

Thanks for your continuos support Sweetie.
I love you.

Congrats AW.

We proudly rep steemchurch Nigeria.
Really excited about these new steemchurch parishes. God will continue to help us grow daily not only in numbers but in love as well.
God bless @sirknight for his selfless delegation to the cause. Greater reward awaits you.

Dear @steemchurch

Some photo are edit for you
i think you like this


steemjet.png @steemchurch

Your Best Regard @steemchurch

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

The excitement surrounding 'SteemChurch Venezuela' has been enormous of late and it is now official, SteemChurch Venezuela is it's own Parish, being lead by the valiant and beloved Apostle @darlenys01.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Thank you!

wow great post thanks for sharing with us all

thank God, this is from God, these delegations will help many in steemit

Words cannot express our gratitude and love for @sirknight and our first ever blockchain church of the world.For the word of the lord says in Job 22: 28 ;Decree a thing and it shall be established for you, I decree and declare all the blessing of Deu 28 upon the life of our general @sirknight ,apostles and all honorable members of steemchurch. It is an honor to serve under you @sirknight and @steemchurch

Steemchurch Ghana ,Nigerian and Venezuela says Thank you


Wow, congratulation @adedoyinweal,this great woman have done a great work in recent weeks till now, this is a great development to @steemchurch, long live steemchurch, long live @sirknight

And also to steemchurch ghana and venezuela!!!Wow!! Congratulations @adedoyinwealth you have dedicated your time to the progress of steemchurch and have been very committed!! Congrats gal!!

Thanks Sweetie.

Acclaim be to the Almighty God. I'm so flabbergasted at the things @steemchurch have accomplished in a brief time. The blessed soul is really utilizing the steemchurch to His wonderfulness. Express gratitude toward God, I am a Nigerian and I'm pleased with the steemchurch in Nigeria. I know in solidarity we can accomplish more noteworthy things through Christ that fortifies us.

as the song says: "great and wonderful are his work", God is doing something beautiful in Venezuela and the world, and we will tell you his wonders, this work that was born in the heart of our leader @sitknight through @steemcurch every day It is increasing and growing in a fast way.

It impresses me every day @steemchurch and now @sc-v. I congratulate the 3 parishes and the delegated authorities, I know they will do a good job with the help of God.

This is a great one and congratulations to all leaders of the 3 new parishes, especially our Nigeria leader @adedoyinwealth. May God grant you guys the grace to lead us in the right path.

Thanks @fatherfaith. You are an amazing person yourself.

What a beautiful job our leader @sirknight has been doing through @steemchurch, this is great news, and we hope that it will continue to spread worldwide . Congratulations apostol @Darlenys01 for this responsibility that is delegated to you in Venezuela

God is faithful to have cause us the increase and well able to give us greater increase to the glory of his name....

Simply beautiful, I'm fascinated, I like where this is going. Thank God for all these blessings, the visions and the delegated apostles in these 3 parishes. God will do great things. It is already initiating a global change and steemchurch has taken initiative here in steemit

Waow! The church is moving forward on a high speed,
I cant even see the gates of hell not to reason her stopping the church of God..

As for the parishners
The bible said,the heart of a king is in his hand, i pray you to promote the gospel of God judicously..
More grace to you all All thats to @sirknight for promoting the gospel .

God's presence will always be with those who diligently seek him. That's why Steem Church will keep growing. For those who tought about spreading the word of Christ without barriers, God will reward them.

Happy we have steemchurch here in my country Nigeria and congrats to new priestess @adedoyinwealth

This is very nice. Congratulations to @adedoyinwealth. You deserve it and I always see you everywhere on @scb. I didn't know you were performing your admin role. Hahaha. Enjoy it. Well done.

Thank you.
I hope you are on Steemchurch discord channel.

Congratulations to all the priests and kudos to the Steemchurch community for this great step it has take, we are solidly behind every decision you've made.

This is amazing....The gospel has taken new dimension....preaching the gospel to all nooks and crannies of the earth.

Heaven at last May God bless @sirknight! @steemchurch community.

Wow..... This is awesome project.... Firstformost, welcome back an am glade to see you here again. I am so impressed with the good improvement you are sharing with us.
Congratulations to darleneys01 for the new official. And thanks to him for delegating 1,000 sp for the growth. God bless you sir.

steemchurch my God Almighty renew their strength and more wisdom sirs. Thanks you for your kinds. I say a big thanks to @adsam2 and bigssam for the great a idea for promoting the Christan faith and for the growth of

Now to my great country "NIGERIA" That's is my country. I wanna say kudos to high priest and executive committee of Nigeria for the great skills to to run the church, may God grant you wisdom knowledge and understanding to achieve all your aims.
Thanks to Sirknight for the delegation. God bless you sir.
steemchurch. @steemchurch we are good to hear from you. God bless _

God is very noble, he does not abandon his children, it seems excellent, thanks to @steemchurch and apostel @ darlenys01

Three of the largest growing community on the steemchurch finally have a steemit account.
Thanks SK and Steemchurch.
@adedoyinwealth, i look forward to supporting you in the development of the Nigeria community, Congrats dear.

Accolade from @steemchurch to @ sc-v, @ sc-g, @ sc-n


wow so we have authoritatively the arms of steemchurch in Venezuela, Ghana and Nigeria? This is an incredible new improvement of you ask me I'd say steemchurch is truly getting more rearranged and along these lines, steemchurch can have the capacity to extend past the domain of steemit out into the world

I believe it's an incredible new sunrise, well @adedoyinwealth is more than able to fit the measures and steadily run the Nigerian record, @darleneys is likewise proficient she has demonstrated that she can be a commendable pioneer with astonishing characteristics.

I think this is a splendid new first light, and indeed @sirknight has planned a splendidly balanced new activities and the limbs of steemchurch continues spreading and spreading.

I would like to know how I can make as a member of the church of God send offerings so that the church of the lord cresca and also that my posts are seen by other brothers in the world and as a Venezuelan I want the messages of God to reach many hearts

What a thrill to have our own community, I know that the spirit of God will move and is already doing so, to bring freedom and salvation everywhere.

God bless the steemchurh Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and many more!

What an amazing praise report. I look forward to hearing the countless God-stories that come from each of these locations and the encouragement they offer to others wanting to step out and share the Gospel in their country and community.

You deserve it @adedoyinwealth Sometimes I wonder if you sleep at all. Always on and up on discord. Congrats dear.

God bless @steemchurch

Nigeria is a beautiful country.i just like Nigeria flag

This is really amazing and brings me great joy! This initiative and the new Steemchurch farms is the most fantastic thing I have seen since joining Steemit. God loves the world and sent His Son. His love meant action. True love always brings action. True faith always has action. Not just I will pray for you, but I will pray for you and do something tangible too. Faith and Love working together to conquer darkness on the earth. Inasmuch as you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me! You fed me, clothed me, visited me in Prison. Even you shared the Good News of the Gospel with me! Hallelujah! Let the Name of Jesus be lifted up as He draws all men to Himself in Venezuela, Ghana, Nigeria and to the uttermost parts of the earth.
God. Bless Steemchurch Global Outreach!
Daddy William

God is great and wonderful, great news, thank God and the leader of SteemChurch the knight @sirknight, this beloved church growing enormously, God surprises us every day, and this is little for what our God has prepared for us. Peace this with vosostros. Amen.

Congratulations to the apostle @darlenys01 and to all venezuela, God is great and powerful, is manifesting greatly in these nations like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana.

I'm glad to know that steemchurch now have three new official parishes in Venezuela, Ghana, and Nigeria. Honestly, this is a breathtaking development.

Sincerely, steemchurch is fast spreading her tenacles in the steemit blockchain for good.

life to initiatives that are designed to make the steechchurch community a better one for all.
Kind regards.Congrats to amiable @adedoyinwealth for this high calling as High Priestess of the SteemChurch Nigeria, and to apostle @darleneys whose pure passion for the good of others in her sphere has in no way gone cold. More grace to keep the good work. To our leader @sirknight, who has always show intrepidity, creativity, and enthusiasm in giving

What an emotion, God full of blessings these parishes, let us keep growing. Congratulations to the apostles and may God continue to guide them.
And that in our country, Venezuela, God continues to enlighten and fill with blessings our great apostle @ darlenys01, congratulations.

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