This message is a little complex for some believers, is it good to answer that big question? What does God expect from us?
By reading Micah 6: 8 we can understand what God expects from us:
** Let us practice justice: **
In not all situations it is easy to be fair; nevertheless, the Bible inculcates us to be so even when it seems complex. Sometimes this means setting aside our own comforts and doing the right thing.
That we love mercy:
Being merciful means that we must be willing to forgive and be compassionate to others. This is the way Jesus acts, and therefore, we must also do it
Let us humble ourselves before Him:
To humble ourselves before God is to recognize his greatness and let him act in our lives. When this happens, we can impact others with our example. So let's not neglect our relationship with God, and keep constant communication with Him through prayer and reading the Bible.
"You have been told what is good! You have already been told what the Lord expects of you: practice justice, love mercy, and humble yourself before your God. " - Micah 6: 8
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Great contribution from our beloved steemchurch. Justice, mercy and humility, an essential son in the Christian's life. thank you very much