The LORD JESUS compares the wonderful growth of the Kingdom of Heaven to a grain of MUSTARD. The Gospels show us that the apostles of JESUS CHRIST were mostly simple fishermen. The same with his followers, who, although they were composed of all the classes of the society, in their majority, were poor.
The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived, but not in a spectacular way, that is, its presence, although real, may remain unnoticed. This is one of the mysteries or secrets of the Kingdom.
However, on the first day of Pentecost, when we can say that it was what the CHURCH officially inaugurated, there were THREE THOUSAND CONVERSIONS.
(Acts 2:41) "So, those who received his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people joined the church."
What to the human sight was insignificant, has been a Church that, although often persecuted, has never been extinguished, since the Church is the BODY of JESUS CHRIST and, no human government, nor the demonic powers, can prevail against it .